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Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Scroll
Name Scroll of revelation
Icon Scroll of revelation.png
A scroll that reveals the reader's surroundings. The layout of the current floor is fully mapped, and everything within a moderate radius, including both visible and invisible monsters, is momentarily shown.

Reading a scroll of revelation causes two effects:

  • Reveals the entire map of the current level. This includes all walls, stairs, portals, shops, and traps.
  • Allows the caster to see through walls, see through opaque clouds, and reveal invisible monsters for exactly 1 turn. (It wears off the moment you do another action.)

This scroll cannot be used in the Abyss.


You can use the scroll of revelation for either the map reveal or the wall reveal. The map reveal helps in the long-term

The wall-reveal is useful when:

  • You are damaged, and cannot retreat to a safe location. Using revelation will let you know if monsters are nearby, and how much time a monster needs to walk to you. If a monster is far away, for instance, you can drink a potion of ambrosia. This is most useful when you are teleported, shafted, or are tackling hectic floors like Vaults:5. If you have the option of going upstairs, do that instead of reading this scroll.
  • You are forced to retreat to an unknown area and want to know what's next.

The map-reveal effect is useful when:

If you have spare scrolls, they can be used for:

  • On Dungeon: 4-7, if you haven't found a god yet, you may want to use these scrolls in order to search for the Temple.
  • If you plan on ninja'ing a rune, using revelation can help find the rune vault.
  • If you have spare scrolls by the time you reach Zot, you might as well use them.


  • Prior to 0.31, these scrolls were known as scrolls of magic mapping. They only revealed the floor's layout; they didn't let you see through walls or invisibility for 1 turn.
  • Prior to 0.25, scrolls of magic mapping did not reveal traps.
  • Prior to 0.10, this scroll would not detect secret doors, although these doors were removed in 0.12.
AcquirementAmnesiaButterfliesBlinkingBrand weaponEnchant armourEnchant weaponFearFogIdentifyImmolationNoisePoisonRevelationSilenceSummoningTeleportationTormentVulnerability