Wand of mindburst

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Version 0.26: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Wand
Name Wand of disintegration
Icon Wand of mindburst.png
A magical device which disrupts the physical structure of a target creature, dealing heavy damage and bypassing armour.

The most obvious use for a wand of disintegration is to deal a significant chunk of untyped damage to a single monster. This effect cannot be dodged or blocked, but it does have to overcome the target's willpower. This effect is significantly harder to resist than most other will-related wand effects, making it useful against a large variety of early- and mid-game opponents. A monster killed in this manner will explode, spraying blood splatters around the area without leaving a corpse (dragons are immune to this effect, and may or may not leave a corpse as normal). Followers of Gozag Ym Sagoz will receive a spray of single gold coins on several nearby tiles instead of a shower of blood.

A wand of disintegration can be particularly effective at taking out low-HD, high-threat monsters such as boggarts and Sonja. It is also extremely effective at killing low-level players. If an early opponent happens to have one on hand, you'll likely want to escape immediately; multiple zaps of a wand of disintegration can very quickly become lethal.


Acid / Light / QuicksilverIceblast / Roots / WarpingCharming / Paralysis