ARCHIVED Kuniqs mibe guide

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kuniqs' MiBe 0.18 guide for dummies

Q: Why Minotaur?

A: Great beginner aptitudes. Bonus hp. Horns kill things quickly.

Q: Why Berserker?

A: Berserk, duh. Under berserk, you can kill pretty much everything early game.

Q: What should I train?

A: Fighting (for bonus melee accuracy, damage & (most important) maxHP), Axes (they synergize with berserk), Armour (more AC), Dodging (more EV, even in heavy armour).

Q: What should I train later?

A: Nothing. You can forget about the skill training thing now.

Q: What attribute I should choose every 3 levels?

A: 3,6,9 levels - Strength. 12, 15, 18 - Dexterity. Rest - Strength.

Q: Why not Dexterity early?

A: Because more strength is better for heavy armour than dexterity. You will not get much bonus EV if your Dodging skill is not high.

Q: What are 'optimal' stats for MiBe?

A: 26 strength AT MOST (in gold dragon/crystal armour), at least 15 dexterity, at least 6 intelligence (to protect from stat drain).

Q: What should I wear/use?

A: Wear the heaviest body armour you find. Early game wear plate armour. Wear every cloak, gloves and boots you find. Wield the most damaging axe you find. The most common is a battleaxe.

Q: This hand axe has electrocution! Should I use it?

A: Before Trog gives you something, it ought to be good.

Q: This guy is killing me! How do I defeat him?

A: Go berserk. If he's still killing you, use Brothers in Arms before you go berserk next time you see him.

Q: This guy is confusing/paralyzing/banishing me to the abyss! How do I avoid that?

A: Use Trog's Hand. It makes you more resistant to those things.

Q: Brothers in Arms? Trog's Hand?

A: Press 'a', then '?'. Trog's Hand increases your magic resistance and regenerates your HP. Brothers in Arms summons a temporary, but very powerfull ally to fight for you. Both very useful.

Q: What do I do?

A: You autoexplore the level and once you (almost) fully explored it, go down. Your goal early is to find the Lair and Orcish Mines. Don't go below level 10, unless you STILL had not found any of the two.

Q: What about the Mines?

A: There are 3 things to do there: find a nice armour, a nice battleaxe, and the shops on second level. Buy whatever you want. Your priorities in shopping are: amulet of regeneration, rings of slaying, rings of evasion, rings of protection from fire/cold. If you find an random artifact with some cool resists stacked on, consider buying it.

Q: Lair?

A: This is the 'easy' part of the game. 8 levels of easy to kill monsters. Except hydras.

Q: Hydras are impossible!

A: Find an axe of flaming. Or a scimitar of flaming. Or a great mace. Equip, go berserk, hack/bash it to death. Ev. zap it from afar with wands. Lightning wands are good.

Q: Death yaks kick my ass!

A: Find a cozy corridor and fight them 1 at a time.

Q: What should I look out after in Lair?

A: Hydras, Death yaks, Drakes (slowing cold breath), Dragons (even worse fire/ice breath), Catoblepas (don't stand in their clouds...), Blink frogs (don't berserk fighting them if you don't have to), Komodo dragons (they hit very hard).

Q: Anything cool in the Lair?

A: Vault on the bottom, 8th floor. There's usually some neat treasure there, along with lots of dangerous monsters. I suggest skip it, it's not necessary, treasure is not game-breaking and it's easy to die there if you're winded after 'zerking, for example.

Q: Anything scary in the Mines?

A: Orc knights (tough & strong), Orc warlords (super knights), Orc sorcerors (paralyze, painful magic & summons nasty demons), Orc priest (he can always kill you if you're low on hp), Orc high priest (same, but summons those horrifying demons on top of that).

Q: Strategy for dealing with the Mines vault?

A: Take it easy. You can dig a killhole if you have the disintegration wand. Orc knights, warriors & warlords have very low MR, so use your enslaving, confusing, paralyzing and polymorphing wands here. If you see lots of demons, run upstairs and wait them out for 100 turns or so.

Q: Killhole?

A: There's like a zillion articles here about it. Learn to use search.

Q: People on Tavern say GDR (guaranteed damage reduction) does not matter...

A: It does. GDR is tied to heavy armours, and heavy armours have lots of AC naturally. GDR is most useful when your AC is high. GDR DOES matter and there's a big difference between 30 AC | 0% GDR and 30 AC | 39% GDR. You stay alive much longer.

Q: What about Shields?

A: I think it's better to train Axes up to 26 (for executioner's axes) than to train Shields to 25 and use some piddly broad axe. Trog is going to give you 2h axes most of the time anyway.

Q: I starve in Labyrinths!

A: Don't panic! First, you should gravitate towards 'higher quality' walls. Minotaur hangs out around metal walls. Keep in mind you can dig through the weakest rock walls. If you're totally stumped, teleport - it will land you in a random spot, usually in a good place.

Q: Volcanoes/Ice caves are impossible!

A: Never go there without at least rF+/rC++. rF++/rC++ is recommended. Not going there at all is prudent, as the risk/reward ration of these places is unfavourable for you most of the time.