Current projects/upload images/

From CrawlWiki
Revision as of 02:13, 9 January 2013 by CommanderC (talk | contribs)
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my $username = "USERNAME";
my $password = "PASSWORD";

# Set the pause in seconds after each upload
my $pause = 60;

# List the wiki PHP scripts where you have the username/password pair
my $api_url = '';
my $upload_url = '';

#Then run the script on the command line using
# $ perl dirname
# where dirname/ is the name of a directory containing the files to
# be uploaded

use strict;
use warnings;
use MediaWiki::API;
use File::Spec;
use IO::Dir;

my $dir = $ARGV[0] or die "Syntax: perl dirname\n";
my $d = IO::Dir->new($dir);
die unless defined $d;
my @files = grep {m/\.png/ && ! m/-melee/} $d->read();
undef $d;

my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new( {
    api_url => $api_url,
    upload_url => $upload_url,
    on_error => \&on_error
  } );  

sub on_error {
  print "Error code: " . $mw->{error}->{code} . "\n";
  print $mw->{error}->{stacktrace}."\n";

my $r = $mw->login( { lgname => $username, lgpassword => $password } );
die unless defined($r);

for (@files) {
        sleep $pause;
        my $f = File::Spec->join($dir, $_);
        my $page = $_;
        print "Uploading $f to the wiki.\n";

        my $r = $mw->edit( {
                action   => 'upload',
                filename => $page,
                file     => [$f]
        } );
        die unless defined($r);

