Magical Suppression
While under this effect, all of your magical items are reduced to their mundane counterparts. Magical staves act as nonmagical lengths of wood; magical swords act as nonmagical (but sharp!) hunks of metal; magical armors act as nonmagical strips of leather and hide.
Suppression blocks all worn and wielded magical item properties (resists, brands, etc.), as well as the evocation of magical items. The base properties of weapons and armor (dam, AC, etc.) are unaffected. Effects that occur when items are equipped/unequipped (vampirism, distortion) happen as usual.
A player will receive the green status text "Suppress" when afflicted.
List of Related Monsters
Moth of Suppression - Functionally similar to a Silent Spectre except emanating an aura of suppression rather than an aura of silence.