Phantom Blitz

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
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Weaves and fires a phantom copy of the caster with great force. Such phantoms have the same martial and mystic prowess as the caster, and an impromptu night parade of illusions may overwhelm the caster's victims.

Phantom Blitz is a monster-only spell that a fires single-target projectile. The projectile deals noticeable damage and summons a copy of the caster where the projectile stops. The summon cap for the spell is only 2, but each of the clones have their own summon cap for the spell, which will be memorably terrifying if let out of control.

The following enemies cast Phantom Blitz:

Tips & Tricks


  • In 0.33, this spell will added into the game.