Dominate Undead

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
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Attempts to forcibly change the allegiance of all nearby undead which are not already loyal to the caster.

Adventurers, being famously headstrong, cannot be fully controlled by this spell. They will instead lash out randomly for the duration of its effect, attacking nearby friend and foe alike before regaining their wits.

This spell can be broken prematurely by the death of its caster.

Dominate Undead is a monster-only hex spell that affects all hostile undead in the caster's line of sight. It has a chance to turn all unfriendly undead monsters into allies. If the player is affected, they will be vexed for 3-5 turns instead.

The spell has no effect on non-undead.

The following enemies cast Dominate Undead:


  • In 0.33, this spell will be added to the game.