List of spells/parse-spl-data

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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# parse-spl-data, by
# Copyright (C) 2011.  No rights reserved.
# You may use, distribute, modify, study, fold, spindle, or mutilate this
# software as you see fit, but know that there is NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS
# OR IMPLIED (to the extent permitted by law).
# The latest version of this program may be found at:

use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);

our $VERSION = "0.1.0";

# Input directory.
my $indir = "./";

# Map from letter, school, flag, book name, or level to list of spells.
my %by_letter = ();
my %by_school = ();
my %by_flag = ();
my %by_book = ();
my %by_level = ();

# Map from ID or name to spell
my %by_id = ();
my %by_name = ();

# Map from spell name to list of book names.
my %book_spells = ();

# Descriptions of spell flags
my %flag_descs = (
The spell is not helpful, but you will not receive a "Really target yourself?"
prompt.  You may still receive "That beam is likely to hit you." for
"[[#Dir or target|dir or target]]" spells such as Mephitic Cloud.
	AREA => <<"EOF",
The spell harms an area.  Pacified fleeing monsters will not use emergency
spells with this flag.
	BATTLE => <<"EOF",
The spell is a non-[[Conjuration]] spell disliked by [[Elyvilon]].  There is no
piety penalty for using such spells, but a randart spellbook containing one of
these spells will never have Elyvilon's name on it.
	CHAOTIC => <<"EOF",
The spell is hated by [[Zin]], who will impose penance on any player casting
it, and reward killing monsters who can cast it.
The spell is hated by [[Fedhas Madash]], who will impose penance on any player
casting it.
	DIR => <<"EOF",
The spell requires choosing a direction (and not a target).
The spell requires choosing a direction or target, and is stopped by
interposing creatures.
	ESCAPE => <<"EOF",
The spell helps you get out of trouble.  Xom considers such spells boring, and
will not gift spellbooks containing them.  Furthermore, the spell is an option
when control-clicking yourself in tiles mode.
	GRID => <<"EOF",
The spell targets a grid square, disregarding any creatures in the way.  This
is a form of smite targeting that does not require a target.
	HASTY => <<"EOF",
The spell is hated by [[Cheibriados]], who will impose penance on any player
casting it.
	HELPFUL => <<"EOF",
The spell helps you or the target; if targeted, the targeting commands
cycle through friendlies rather than hostiles.  Xom considers such spells
boring, and will not gift spellbooks containing them.
	NEUTRAL => <<"EOF",
The spell is neither harmful nor helpful; if targeted, the targeting
commands cycle through all creatures, not just hostiles.  Xom considers
such spells boring, and will not gift spellbooks containing them.
	NONE => <<"EOF",
The spell has no special flags.  Such spells are always untargeted.
	NOT_SELF => <<"EOF",
The spell may not target you or your square.
The spell helps you recover from ill effects.  Xom considers such spells
boring, and will not gift spellbooks containing them.  Furthermore, the spell
is an option when control-clicking yourself in tiles mode.
	TARGET => <<"EOF",
The spell targets a creature, disregarding any other creatures in the way.
This is a form of smite targeting that requires a target creature.
	TARG_OBJ => <<"EOF",
The spell targets an object, disregarding any other creatures in the way.
This is a form of smite targeting that requires a target object.
	UNCLEAN => <<"EOF",
The spell is hated by [[Zin]], who will impose penance on any player casting
it, and reward killing monsters who can cast it.
	UNHOLY => <<"EOF",
The spell is a non-necromantic unholy spell.  It is hated by [[good]] gods
([[Elyvilon]], [[The Shining One]], and [[Zin]]), who will impose penance on
any player casting it.

sub crawl_version {
	# Look for util/release_ver first
	if (open VERSION, "<", "${indir}util/release_ver") {
		my $ver = <VERSION>;
		chomp $ver;
		close VERSION;
		return $ver;
	# TODO: maybe try running git
	return "<unknown>";

# Translate a range into something friendlier for display.  -1 (no range)
# becomes the empty string, while "LOS_RADIUS" becomes just LOS.
# TORNADO_RADIUS becomes 5 (its value), but maybe we should use "Tornado"
# instead.
sub xlate_range {
	my $range = shift;
	return "LOS" if $range eq "LOS_RADIUS";
	return 6 if $range eq "TORNADO_RADIUS";
	return "" if $range eq "-1";
	return $range;

# Wiki-format a list of spell schools, linking to the corresponding
# magic skill.
sub format_schools {
	join "/", map {
		my $school = ucfirst(lc $_);

		# Convert school names to skill names for linking
		my $skill = $school;
		if ($school =~ /^(Poison|Air|Fire|Ice|Earth)$/) {
			$skill = "$school Magic";
		} elsif ($school !~ /[ys]$/) {
			# "Necromancy" isn't pluralised as a skill,
			# and "Hexes" and "Charms" are already
			# pluralized as a magic school.  The others
			# are singular as a school, plural as a skill.
			$skill = "${school}s";

		$skill eq $school ? "[[$school]]" : "[[$skill|$school]]";
	} @_;

sub ucfirst_array {
    my $items = join ",", map {
        my $name = ucfirst(lc $_);
    } @_;
    "{ $items }";

# Add a spell if it exists
sub maybe_add_spell($) {
	my $spell = shift;
	return undef unless $spell->{name};

	# Ignore spells that do not occur in any book
	return "" unless scalar @{$spell->{books}};
	# ..and NO_SPELL, which "occurs" in books but not really.
	return "" if $spell->{id} eq "NO_SPELL";

	# Sanity checks: abort if we encounter one of these, as it means
	# something funny is up with our book-parsing.

	# Spells that belong to certain monster-only schools.
	for my $school (@{$spell->{schools}}) {
		die "SPTYP_NONE for $spell->{name}" if $school eq "NONE";
	# Spells that don't belong to a school at all, even SPTYP_NONE.
	die "No school for $spell->{name}" unless scalar @{$spell->{schools}};

	# Monster and testing spells.
	for my $flag (@{$spell->{flags}}) {
		die "Monster spell $spell->{name}" if $flag eq "MONSTER";
		die "Testing spell $spell->{name}" if $flag eq "TESTING";

	# It's worth keeping.
	$by_id{$spell->{id}} = $spell;
	$by_name{$spell->{name}} = $spell;
	push @{$by_level{$spell->{level}}}, $spell;

	my $let = uc(substr $spell->{name}, 0, 1);
	push @{$by_letter{$let}}, $spell;

	for my $school (@{$spell->{schools}}) {
		push @{$by_school{$school}}, $spell;
	for my $flag (@{$spell->{flags}}) {
		push @{$by_flag{$flag}}, $spell;
	return 1;

# Sorting functions
sub sort_by_name {
	$a->{name} cmp $b->{name}

sub sort_by_level {
	$a->{level} <=> $b->{level} or sort_by_name

sub sort_by_school {
	# A Schwartzian transform would be more efficient, but we have
	# few enough spells that it's not necessary.
	join("/", @{$a->{schools}}) cmp join("/", @{$b->{schools}})
		or sort_by_name

### MAIN

my $sortkey = "alpha";
my $sortfn = \&sort_by_name;
my $module = "default";
	"a|alphabetic" => sub { $sortkey = "alpha"; $sortfn = \&sort_by_name },
	"b|book" => sub { $sortkey = "book"; $sortfn = undef },
	"f|flag" => sub { $sortkey = "flag"; $sortfn = \&sort_by_level },
	"l|level" => sub { $sortkey = "level"; $sortfn = \&sort_by_school },
	"s|school" => sub { $sortkey = "school"; $sortfn = \&sort_by_level },
        "m|module-book" => sub { $module = "book"; },
        "k|module-spell" => sub { $module = "spell"; },
	"h|help" => sub {
		print <<"EOF";
Usage: $0 [options] [directory]

Produce a wiki table of DCSS spells.  The specified directory should contain
spl-data.h an book-data.h.  If omitted, the current directory is used.

Options include:
  -a, --alphabetic    Arrange alphabetically (default).
  -b, --book          Arrange by book, then level.
  -f, --flag          Arrange by flag, then level.
  -l, --level         Arrange by level, then schools.
  -m, --module-book   Generate a Lua table of spellbooks.
  -k, --module-spell  Generate a Lua table of spells.
  -s, --school        Arrange by school, then level.
  -h, --help          Display this help.

Spells of the same schools and level are sorted by name.  With the --book,
--school, and --flag option, spells may appear multiple times.
		exit 0;

if (@ARGV) {
	$indir = shift @ARGV;
	$indir .= "/" unless $indir eq "" or $indir =~ m!/$!;

$DATE = gmtime;
$CRAWL_VERSION = crawl_version;
($PROGNAME = $0) =~ s!.*/!!;

# Name of current book.
my $book = "bug" ;
open BOOKS, "${indir}book-data.h"
	or die "could not open ${indir}book-data.h: $!";
while (<BOOKS>) {
	# Skip conditional sections.  Really we need to look at
	# the condition, but that requires the C preprocessor and
	# I'd rather avoid that.
	next if /^#if/../^#endif/;

	# Kind of hackish --- quit at the first rod
	last if m!// Rod!;

	if (m!^{\s*// (.*)!) {
		# Get the spell name from the comment.
		$book = $1;
		# Disambiguation for Conjuration
		my $extra = "";

		# Remove parenthesized bits
		$book =~ s/\s+\([^)]*\)//g;

		# Remove extra description
		if ($book =~ s/ - (.*)//) {
			# But remember it for Conjuration
			if ($1 =~ /Fire and Earth/) {
				$extra = " (fire+earth)";
			} elsif ($1 =~ /Air and Ice/) {
				$extra = " (ice+air)";

		# Remove roman numeral counter
		$book =~ s/\s+[IVX]+$//;

		# Replace "Tome of" with "Book of" (special case for Dragon)
		$book =~ s/^Tome of/Book of/;

		# And special-case Minor Magic.
		$book =~ s/^Minor/Book of Minor/;

		# Append disambiguation
		$book .= $extra;
	} else {
		while (/SPELL_(\w+)/g) {
			push @{$book_spells{$1}}, $book;
			push @{$by_book{$book}}, $1;
close BOOKS;

# Current spell.  Members are
#   {name}    : Spell name
#   {id}      : SPELL_* identifier (without the SPELL_)
#   {schools} : List of SPTYP_* constants (without the SPTYP_)
#   {flags}   : List of SPFLAG_* constants (without the SPFLAG_)
#   {books}   : List of book names.
#   {level}   : Level
#   {cap}     : Power cap
#   {minrange}: Minimum range, or "LOS" or ""
#   {maxrange}: Maximum range, or "LOS" or ""
#   {noisy}   : Noise modifier
#   {data}    : List of extra data; converted to {level}-{noise} at the end
#               of the spell block.
my $spell = {};
open SPELLS, "${indir}spl-data.h"
	or die "could not open ${indir}spl-data.h: $!";
while (<SPELLS>) {
	if (/^{/) {
		$spell = {};
	} elsif (/^}/) {
		# Unpack data
		my (
			$sch, $flag, $lev, $cap, $minr, $maxr, $nm, @rest
		) = @{$spell->{data}};

		# Parse out schools and flags
		$spell->{schools} = [
			map { s/SPTYP_//; $_ } split /\s*\|\s*/, $sch
		$spell->{flags} = [
			map { s/SPFLAG_//; $_ } split /\s*\|\s*/, $flag

		# Include the rest of the data
		$spell->{level} = $lev;
		$spell->{cap} = $cap;
		$spell->{minrange} = xlate_range $minr;
		$spell->{maxrange} = xlate_range $maxr;
		$spell->{noisy} = $nm;

	} elsif (/^\s*SPELL_(\w+),\s+"([^"]*)",/) {
		$spell->{id} = $1;
		$spell->{name} = $2;
		if (exists $book_spells{$1}) {
			$spell->{books} = [ @{$book_spells{$1}} ];
		} else {
			$spell->{books} = [];
	} else {
		# Strip comments first.
		# Get comma-delimited sections
		while (/\s*([^,]+)(,|$)/g) {
			if (substr($1, 0, 1) eq "|") {
				# Continuation line; really we should check
				# whether the previous line ended with a
				# comma, but this is probably good enough.
				$spell->{data}[-1] .= $1
			} else {
				push @{$spell->{data}}, $1;

close SPELLS;

for my $k (keys %by_book) {
	# Convert the list of spell ids to a list of spells, but
	# remove those that aren't in %by_id because maybe_add_spell
	# skipped them.
	my @spells =  map { $by_id{$_} || () } @{$by_book{$k}};
	if (@spells) {
		$by_book{$k} = \@spells;
	} else {
		# Remove the book if it has no spells.
		delete $by_book{$k};

# Print data
if ($module eq "default") {

print <<"EOF";
==Spells== <!-- We *must* have a heading before the table, or the TOC will end up inside the table! -->

<!-- Automatically generated by $PROGNAME $VERSION
     from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version $CRAWL_VERSION
     on $DATE
{| class="prettytable"
! colspan=2 |Range

my %by_key;
if ($sortkey eq "alpha") {
	%by_key = %by_letter
} elsif ($sortkey eq "book") {
	%by_key = %by_book
} elsif ($sortkey eq "level") {
	%by_key = %by_level
} elsif ($sortkey eq "school") {
	%by_key = %by_school
} elsif ($sortkey eq "flag") {
	%by_key = %by_flag

# TODO: allow sorting by other criteria
for my $key (sort keys %by_key) {
	my @spells = @{$by_key{$key}};
	@spells = sort $sortfn @spells if $sortfn;

	print "|----\n! colspan=9 style=\"text-align:left\"|\n====";

	# Format and link the key appropriately
	if ($sortkey eq "book") {
		print "[[$key]]";
	} elsif ($sortkey eq "school")  {
		print format_schools $key;
	} elsif ($sortkey eq "level") {
		print "level $key";
	} elsif ($sortkey eq "flag") {
		my $fl = ucfirst lc $key;
		$fl =~ s/_/ /g;
		print $fl;
	} else {
		print $key;
	print "====\n";
	if ($sortkey eq "flag") {
		my $desc = $flag_descs{$key};
		if ($desc) {
			$desc =~ s/\n/ /g;
			print "|----\n| colspan=9|$desc\n";
	for my $spell (@spells) {
		# Format schools and flags
		my $schools = format_schools @{$spell->{schools}};

		my $flags = join ", ", map {
			s/_/ /g; lc $_
		} @{$spell->{flags}}, ($spell->{noisy} ? "noise $spell->{noisy}" : ());
		my $books = join "<br>", map { "[[$_]]" } @{$spell->{books}};

		print <<"EOF";

print <<"EOF";


if ($module eq "book") {
    print <<"EOF";
     Table of spellbooks

local m = {}

    my @letters = qw(a b c d e f g);
    my $i = 0;
    for my $key (sort keys %by_book) {
        print "m[\"$key\"] = {\n";
        my @spells = @{$by_book{$key}};
        $i = 0;
        for my $spell (@spells) {
            my $schools = format_schools @{$spell->{schools}};
            print "  {\n";
            print "    [\"letter\"] = \"$letters[$i++]\", \n";
            print "    [\"name\"] = \"$spell->{name}\", \n";
	    my $lc_name = lc($spell->{name});
            print "    [\"image\"] = \"[[File:${lc_name}.png]]\", \n";
            print "    [\"level\"] = \"$spell->{level}\", \n";
            print "    [\"schools\"] = \"$schools\", \n";
            print "  },\n";
        print "}\n"
    print "return m\n";

if ($module eq "spell") {
# Table of spells
    print <<"EOF";
     Table of spells

local m = {}

    for my $key (sort keys %by_letter) {
        my @spells = @{$by_letter{$key}};
        @spells = sort $sortfn @spells if $sortfn;
        for my $spell (@spells) {
            my $schools = ucfirst_array @{$spell->{schools}};
            my $flags = ucfirst_array @{$spell->{flags}};
            $flags =~ s/_/ /g;
            $flags =~ s/Mr check/MR check/; # special case
            $flags =~ s/^{ \"None\" }$/nil/; # special case
            my $books = join ",", map { "\"$_\"" } @{$spell->{books}};
            my $range;
            if ($spell->{minrange} eq "") {
                $range = "nil";
            } elsif ($spell->{minrange} eq "LOS") {
                $range = "\"LOS\"";
            } elsif ($spell->{minrange} eq $spell->{maxrange}) {
                $range = $spell->{minrange};
            } else {
                $range = "{$spell->{minrange}, $spell->{maxrange}}";
            print "m[\"$spell->{name}\"] = {\n";
            print "    [\"schools\"] = $schools, \n";
            print "    [\"flags\"] = $flags, \n";
            print "    [\"books\"] = { $books }, \n";
            print "    [\"level\"] = $spell->{level}, \n";
            print "    [\"cap\"] = $spell->{cap}, \n";
            print "    [\"range\"] = $range, \n";
            print "    [\"noise\"] = $spell->{noisy}, \n";
    print "return m\n";