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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple; #get()

my %spells;
my $wins = 0;
my $with_spells = 0;

sub main {
	my @lines;
        print "- Downloading all-players.html.\n";
        my $tournament_players = get("");
        die unless defined $tournament_players;
        @lines = split /\n/, $tournament_players;
        my $players_section = 0;
	foreach my $line (@lines) {
		if ($line =~ m#<tr><th></th><th>Player#) { $players_section = 1; next;}
		if ($line =~ m#</table>#) { $players_section = 0; next;}
                if ($players_section) {
                        my @num = ($line =~ m#<td class=\"numeric\">([^<]+)<\/td>#g);
                        if ($#num) {
                                my $won = int($num[2]);
                                if ($won > 0 && $line =~ m#href="([^"]+)"#) {
                                        my $player_url = $1;
                                        print "  |\n";
                                        print "  |- Downloading $player_url\n";
                                        my $player_profile = get($player_url);
                                        die unless defined $player_profile;

	# All the information is in %spells
	print "Winners : $wins\n";
	print "With spells : $with_spells\n";
	my $no_spells = $wins - $with_spells;
	print "Without spells : $no_spells\n";
	my @k = sort { $spells{$a} <=> $spells{$b} } keys %spells;
	for (reverse @k) {
		print "$_ : $spells{$_}\n";

sub handle_profile {
	my $profile = shift;
	my @lines = split /\n/, $profile;
	my $wins_section = 0;
	foreach my $line (@lines) {
		if ($line =~ m#<h3>Wins</h3>#) { $wins_section = 1; next;}
		if ($line =~ m#</table>#) { $wins_section = 0; next;}
		if ($wins_section) {
			if ($line =~ /href="([^"]+)"/) {
				my $morgue = $1;
				print "  |  |\n";
				print "  |  |- Downloading $morgue\n";
				my $morgue_content = get($morgue);
				die unless defined $morgue_content;

sub handle_morgue {
	my $morgue = shift;
	my @lines = split /\n/, $morgue;
	my ($spell_section, $blank_line, $prev_blank_line) = (0, 0 ,0);
	foreach (@lines) {
		$prev_blank_line = $blank_line;
		$blank_line = length == 0 ? 1 : 0;
		$spell_section = 0 if ($prev_blank_line && $blank_line);

		if ($spell_section) {
			next if not /-/;
			my $spell_name = substr($_, 4, 26 - 4);
			if (not defined($spells{$spell_name})) {
				$spells{$spell_name} = 0;
		} elsif (/You knew the following spells:/) {
			$spell_section = 1;
		} else {
