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This page is a Diary of a Crawler, the journal of an individual character. This page probably contains spoilers.

A minor wizard sets out

My mother wanted the best future for me, so she sent me to the Academy. It was a place of knowledge and many a art user would call that scholar building their home. One night, I equip my trusty knife I sto... err... found in some local tavern. I then set off to this dungeon beneath the king's castle. Heard some rumor of great prize or such. I could never keep my curiosity in check.

Upon entering, I found another knife! This is quite something. Weapons lying about to be taken. Sure not the same like in the cities. But I wonder... Why would a knife be by the entrance of this forsaken dungeon? I dare not think upon that question. As I push on, I come upon some unknown potions and scrolls. Then I run into a monsters! A giant newt! Damn! Never seen a newt so BIG! Took a few magic darts to down that beast. What have I gotten myself into? I begin to wonder how long I'll be down here, so I carve any edible meat from the corpse. As I turn the corner, I find myself face to face with a goblin. His eyes were flickering here and there and he had more saliva in his beard then in his mouth. And I felt only any magical power for two or three castings of magic dart. I casted like no tomorrow and jumped around his blade. Phew! He's dead instead of me. I should backup a bit and rest to regain some magical strength. The potion that I see in the distance isn't worth the chance if I cannot use any spells.

After resting, I go on to find a few objects. They seem to belong to another goblin. Happily, I'm far thus permitting me to shoot some magic darts from safety. I pick up his little horde. Somehow, I feel more competent with my magic darts. Maybe my teacher was correct about my studies being useless. Oh well, too late now that I've killed him with my knife. As I advance, I notice stairs going down. I hesitantly go down; I'm just too curious for my own good. I snap up a scroll and some gold. After killing a kobold and a rat (Damn they're huge in here!), I notice another set of stairs going back up. But as I walk to them, I notice a sleeping snake. Feeling low on magical power, I decide to retreat up the previous stairs. The colors on the snake's scales sure don't match those in the academy.

I come upon an armor made of rings. These would fetch a decent price in the city, but lugging it around sure would be a nuisance. And I sure don't want to wear that thing! And not too far off, I find 56 small pieces of gold. Dang! This is worth more than the armor I left on the ground. Five months of rent left on the ground. Look! sixty-four over there! Oh the riches! What more will I find around here?

At one point, I come upon a kobold who withstood my magic darts. They're obviously stronger than those usually seen in the sewers. I start run towards the stairs I had found. Happily this enemy isn't faster than me. I will definitely need to become better at doing damage if I wish to survive here. As I descended the stairs, I fell on the floor from sheer exhaustion. I had been hit and the marks sure aren't pretty. I lay there. And to my shock, my wounds began to heal. What would have taken months was anew within minutes! What magic courses through these walls to heal a person so quickly? I got up and looked towards where I saw that snake. I don't like leaving unknown foes about. I quietly angle myself for the best shot at it. I cast magic darts at it. Again and again. Ack! it's so fast! I cast twice again. Feeling a lack of magic powers, and with such a dangerous foe thrusting it's fangs at me, I quickly stab a few times. And I hit! The snake thrashed for a few more moments without thought. It was dead. Good thing too. It's fangs were obviously poisonous. Who knows how long I'd survive if bitten. As I go about cutting the meat from the corpse, I notice patches of green scale covering my arms. This was very unexpected. Did the snake's presence cause this? Are these forgotten halls changing me just like it's healing magic? I cannot say. At least I feel much more prepared to find more riches in this cursed place. And find them I will! I decide to take the other set of stairs back up. Maybe I can catch that damn kobold off guard.

I find a shield. It's unique looks and markings leave no doubt that's it's dwarvish. Such fine craftsmanship. I ponder if I should use it, but decide against. I do not feel adequate yet with my spells and fear to miscast at the wrong moment. Nonetheless, I pick it up. Maybe I'll change ideas later. As I proceed towards the kobold as best as possible (I think it's in that direction), I see more stairs going down. I'm just too curious for my own good! I quickly go down. And find myself face to face with a bat. I swing my knife in it's direction and as it tries to evade me, it skewers itself upon my knife. I begin to wonder if there's truly a God of Luck out there. I snatch up some scroll on the ground and return up. There's the kobold! I shoot two magic darts and watch it drop to the floor. It was still wounded from before. It seems that not everyone receives equal healing around here and I sure don't mind! My stomach begins to grumble. Drat! The meat I cut up earlier has gone bad. I do have some dry food, but I prefer the taste of fresh meat still dripping with blood. And who knows when I'll need the dry food. As I continue, I find a ring. I hold it up. It shines like pure steel. Yet I hesitate to try it. Back at the academy, we loved playing pranks with rings. Nothing funnier than giving a ring of cursed intelligence to someone just before a written exam. Now's certainly not the time for some stupid curse. Downwards we go.

Whoa! That looks like a goblin, but much beefier. And less dribble running down it's beard. But I need to get past him. I cast six magic darts at him while he's running towards me. He manages to hit me on the shoulder just as I cast a seventh dart at him. Although he's now dead, I knew from the pain in my shoulder that these new foes aren't to be taken for granted. While resting, I ended up eating some orange that I had found. I sure don't want to be so hungry that I cannot concentrate on casting my spells. But I still need food. I advance a bit and notice a goblin on the ground sleeping. I cast magic dart at it, but I miscast. I pull back a bit and rest. That's when I notice a dart trap just besides me. Yikes! Just one more step and I would have been hit. It looks flimsy (probably that sleeping goblin's trap), but I decide to stay more alert to eventual traps. I bet they can really ruin the day. I pull out my spell book and learn two new spells. I believe in putting the odds in my favor. I get back up and circle around a few walls to get a better angle at the goblin. As I got the goblin into my vision, it shouted. When did it wake up? And why did it shout? Are there others in the vicinity? I better take him down fast. I wait a few seconds, but do not hear any more goblins. My stomach starts to get the better of me and I start ripping the goblin apart to eat it. Yuck! I felt sick. My desperation to quiet my stomach had affected my thinking and just now I tried to eat a creature not meant for my digestive system. What have I become? I'm now some green scaled human who tries to eat anything. There's no way I'm returning to the city in this state. I now know down is my only path. Happily, I was able to eat some rat a few minutes later. Now that's more to my liking!

In a room, I see two rats, an enormous cockroach and a goblin. The goblin shouts and I immediately run backwards. I hope the goblin was the only one to notice me. Fighting multiple enemies is bad. Very bad! After a few minutes a tactical fighting, I manage to take them all out. Only some gecko that I hadn't seen managed to hurt me. They sure bite hard. I found another snake, but it went down much faster this time. I guess practice makes perfect. Humm... maybe I should practice throw flames on the next monsters. I bet having a stronger spell would be good later on. Ah! There's a kobold. Gusto Flam Diera! As the flames hit the kobold, it dropped to the ground. Yep, this is definitely a stronger spell. As I continued, I found some dwarven gloves. Just for fun, I try them on. Cursed! That's the only bad effect, but nevertheless, highly annoying. Maybe if I return to the Academy, I'll try this new prank.

Okay... I seem to become hungrier much quicker now that I'm using a more powerful spell. I will need to fill to my food supplies. At least I have some dry meat I can quickly munch on until I find something edible. Now that this level of this dungeon is cleared (I think), I think I'll check out these scrolls I found. I wonder what they say. YBYEXY GYAJUHO! Whoa! The ring I had found earlier is now known to me. A ring of see invisible! How such a simple scroll can shoot such knowledge into my brain is beyond comprehension. And such a powerful ring! I've never seen such at the Academy. Where did all of these amazing objects come from? Was there a civilization in ancient times that was so much more advanced? Or maybe they still exist, still hiding below. I guess I'll need to continue to find out more. Sigh! Because the curse on my gloves, I cannot wear the ring. Maybe one of these scrolls can help. Not that one. Teleportation and removing a curse sure aren't the same. That scroll was a little closer. I now know what is cursed. But the gloves are still stuck. Just great! Now my robe is stuck to me. And now so is my sabre that I found only a few minutes ago! Why would people create so many scrolls just to curse? Okay, let's try another. If this one curses again, I'm leaving this dungeon. For good. Yes! A scroll of remove curse. There certainly is a God of Luck somewhere out there! Just for fun, I read the last scroll. I find myself pointing at one of my items, except nothing happens. I hope that wasn't some nasty unseen curse. Something in my backpack piqued my curiosity. I have seven of the same potion, while all the others are only single. Humm... oily purple. Looks like ancient wine. It must be wine. Oh, how I sure would like some alcoholic drink just about now. Gulp! Bleh! Not wine. But I do feel better. I might as well carry these along.

Yikes! A poisonous dart shot past me. Damn Kobold! Gusto Flam Diera! Poison sure seems cheap around here. I guess I'll need to find some protection against it. Now that's cool! After finding another ring, I used the scroll of identify on it and learned what two of my potions were at the same time. Mighty ancient scrolls! I wonder what a ring that protects against cold is doing here. I've yet to see any snow or ice around here. In fact, it's hotter in here than outside. Maybe I'll wear it just in case. And what's this scroll? Looks like the same wording as one of those curse scrolls. I'm better off without it. In fact, let's get rid of these glowing daggers. What a waste of backpack space! Considering one of the scrolls made my sabre glow, I think I'll use that instead. Downwards I go!

Do not disturb the dead

What's that in the distance? It looks hazy. Oh my God! It's a ghost! I've heard rumors that such creatures are fallen heroes and they're more powerful in death than in life. I'm gonna keep my distance. Instead, let's open this door. Wait! I know that guy! It's Terence! Hey Terence! Whoa! Please put your weapon down. Damn, guess he lost all civil thought. Sigh! Another old friend that I must kill. I wonder what he was doing down here. As I climbed down some stairs, I noticed a peculiar sight: a floating eyeball. And there were gnolls around it. After killing my friend, I wasn't in the mood for killing. So I ran back up. And for some strange reason, my instincts had a part in that. That eyeball looked so harmless. Why do I feel so frightened? As I ran for another set of stairs, I passed by a unique looking goblin all dressed in blue. He was sleeping, so I casted a few flames at him. The flames hit the wall on either side of him. He did not wake up. I decided to not tempt fate and backed up to rest a bit. I came at him again and vanquished him. Good thing I rested too! Ouch! An ant bit me. I feel poisoned. We ended up fighting quite a bit, sword and flame. I came out the winner. But for how long? I can feel my life slowly draining. I remembered the potion I had tried earlier and took a whiff. Low and behold! The poison's gone! Mighty fine potion to keep around.

I took another set of stairs to go down and carefully killed the rabble surrounding the eye. As the eye started to come into my vicinity without noticing me, I used the last of my magic power to take it down. I felt much better. Sometimes not knowing the danger of such a foe is better than the hard way. After defeating that threat, I truly felt healthy. I somehow felt capable of easily withstanding poison, even eating it. That moment of euphoria came to an abrupt halt as a centaur came up the stairs. I casted everything at him. I then assaulted him with the nonexistent weapon proficiencies of mine. After many minutes, and a couple of powerful heal wounds potions, I manage to take him down. Damn this place is dangerous! I must never be off guard. My thoughts drift again to my newly acquired resistance to poison. The eye wasn't poisonous. Why does this happen after killing it? What's happening to me? Is this place truly changing me? Or does this have to do with the creature that raped my mother during the Great War? Then again, with all of these strange creatures I've been eating... As they say, you are what you eat. Is it really true? Oh never mind! I'll surely be ambushed here if I don't move. Enough on that matter!

Further on, I see a gelatinous blob flowing on the floor. It was approaching a pile of gold. Hey! I want that gold! Gusto Flam Diera! You like that you stupid piece of jelly! Gusto Flam Diera! Die! I'm the one who gets the gold! Same to you stupid orc! Gusto Flam Diera! Sigh! I'm very hungry again. Humm! That scorpion looks delicious. Oh drat! I destroyed it a bit too much. I guess I'll pop this choko in my mouth. Very bland food. I'll be damned! It's a spell book in that corner. Unfortunately most of the spells are the same as in mine. I'll still carry it along in case I wish to dabble in summoning. Before continuing down, I tried another scroll. Poof! There was a fiery explosion. My face and hands were terribly burnt. That will teach me for being too curious!

As I continued onward, I noticed a weird looking shop. Just as I was about to get close, I noticed a group of orcs. One of them had a purple robe and the eyes of someone both dangerous and skilled in the arts. I thought it best to lure it's underlings away and kill them one by one. I'm glad I did because, unknown to me at the time, there was an ogre and necrophage with the wizard. I fought the necrophage as I ran towards the stairs and managed to get away from the ogre. But to my horror, my skin began to rot away. I was stunned. What devilish magic is this? Fearing the worst, I quickly grab the oily purple potion and quaffed it. I was so glad that the potion heals even the most abominable of states. I still didn't feel at the tip of my health, so I drank another one. That's better! I was very weary of the dead. They're obviously a nightmare here, unlike those that exist in the graveyard. Maybe it's best if I destroyed the ghost I saw earlier. I sure wouldn't want it to haunt me at the worst moment. Thus, I headed back up to attack my fears. I carefully approached it and cast a whole bunch of magic darts at it. It went down so fast. I started laughing and laughing. Why was I afraid of the dead hero? Or should I say "dead zero". Obviously that person wasn't anywhere strong enough to enter this dungeon. He deserved his fate. Just for the moment, I blinked a few times. Funny, funny, funny! And I'm sure getting the hang of this blink spell. To top it off, I no longer feel hungry when I cast my spells. This bodes well.

The Realm of Orcs

As I went down, I had to face the ogre. To my surprise, it died quite quickly, as did the orc wizard. Wizard my arse! All it could do is blink and die. There was another ogre. I just blinked around it while burning it. Dangerous business blinking; You never know if you'll blink where the ogre's weapon is swinging. I then went shopping. Potion of degeneration? of cure mutation? What kinda potions do these folks buy around here? I sure don't want to find out their fetishes. Oh wait! I'm just too curious! So I buy them with a few healing potions. On second thought, I really really do not wish to know about this degeneration potion, so I leave it on the floor. Maybe it's best that way.

On the way down, I notice some fungus. I hadn't done any exercises for the day, so I decided to use the fungus as a punching bag. I felt better with my fists after that. I also took that time to clean my backpack. I don't need all of these blades. As I proceeded, I came across a wand. I didn't know what it was, but when I held it and focused on the wall, energy leapt out from the wand to the wall. To think that they leave such powerful artifacts lying out in the open! There's obviously enough weaponry and artificts down here to lay waste to the city above. As I proceeded, I met orc warriors(huge weapons and wearing very heavy armor), an athlete named Edmund who kept throwing spears at me (he tasted good), killer bees, wargs, Blork the orc, hippogriffs, imps. I saw an orc fortress, but I kept away from it. I didn't feel confident enough to take on all those orcs and wargs. Nevertheless, I found myself in a non-stop fight with them as I searched for a way down. And I had to flee from some of the orc warriors because I could barely put a dent into them. I'll come back later.

I came across a very nice staff: fire resistance, evasion and effective against orcs (just what I needed then). I proudly wielded it then and there. A truly nice treasure, even for a king. After some reflection, I decided to clear the fortress of the orcs now that I had the weapon to do so. Orc knights! Far to strong! I whipped my wand of draining out and weakened it. Finished it off with fire. Another knight came about. Same procedure. Those knights are so nasty looking with their plate mail and two handed glowing weapons. As a wizard, it's in my best interest to stay afar. A third knight reeled around the corner. The wand was empty. So I used all of my magical power, but I could only put a few scratches on him. I need more powerful spells. I stayed on the same level, ever killing and staying away from the knight. Came across a mummy. I had no time for it, so I summoned so lowly animals to deal with it.

There, in the distance, I saw a door unlike any others I've seen. And the monsters kept away from them. Needing some time to rest, I headed that way and entered the door. What I found was beyond my wildest imagination. It was a temple that did not exist in this world, yet it was the size of the castle. The gray walls were layered in runes with nature growing in explicit patterns. It felt so very peaceful in this domain. The altars to the gods had unique designs and were well tended. You could feel a powerful purpose behind each altar. In one room, three of them I shied away, for I felt unwanted by them. The blood in me felt attracted to Makhleb's altar, but his whispers in my head offered incentive. As I checked each altar, I was suddenly drawn to Vehumet's altar. I felt aligned with his philosophy. I stepped up to his alter and prayed to him. "Well well, if it isn't Banei! Although you do not know it, one day, you'll turn away from me. Nevertheless, while you wear my banner, you shall bring me great pleasure. Let us join together! And on a side note: Your father lies on your path. Beware!". I was frightened. I never knew my father. I never knew anything about him except that's he's evil. How did he end up down here? Why is Vehumet warning me? Happily, the warmth in the temple eased my tensions and left this holy place to continue onwards.

As I exited the temple, I suddenly felt jumpy. I can teleport whenever it pleases me. What's with this dungeon? Why do I continue to change? Maybe it's best that I find my father. He may know. But for now, I must move. Two more orc knights follow me. Down I go. I now understand why there was an orc fortress. Their mines were near. Maybe I can weaken them a bit if I remove their workers. Let's head down into them. All I found were fighters, warriors, ogres, priests and wizards. I did not find a single slave, worker or miner. And they had a huge army! Were they about to attack the city? Attack the elves? Or was it for another purpose? I decided to go ask the elves. As I entered their halls, I was immediately assaulted. I left faster than a hare fleeing from rabid dogs. Since when were elves so violent? What's going on here? So I head off back to the main dungeon to find the answers.

I see a passage with plants around it, but I continue downwards. I found a book of cold spells. I decided to learn them to widen my spell knowledge and gain more powerful attacks. I truly wish harm upon those dastard orc knights. Also found a shop with magical jewelery. I bought two pieces: an amulet to eat like a pig and the other gives fire resistance and increased magical power. With all the wizards down here throwing the arts my way, resistance is always a good thing. And what do you know! I just fought a centaur that had a wand of fire. Guess who's burning now? Bwahahaha! Argh! A vampire summoner... Just what I need. These creatures are in the books of lore. A thing of nastiness. By using the various stairs and luring him into water, I was able to burn him with both flame and the steam from the flames. There was a loser on this floor named Michael. Didn't take long to take him out. And he tasted good.

So much buzzing

I ran into a group of killer bees. I wondered why there were so many when I noticed the entrance to their hive. What harm is there in taking a little peak? Yikes! There are so many of them! They surrounded me in no time and I was losing health fast! blink! ozocubu's armor! I ran into a corner and melee'd them to death. Phew! This is harder than I thought. After clearing first area of the hive, I decided to leave my valuables there. These killer bees should be good at guarding them. I continued deep into bee territory. At one point, Vehumet decided to gift me a spellbook. A book of fire conjurations. I quickly started to learn it. I need more power! At the bottom of the hive, there was a horde of killer bees protecting the queen and their food. Off to the side, there was a wall behind water where I heard some noise. I did not find an entrance and could not get past the water, so I just cleared out the hive of all food and left. And then Vehumet gifted another book. Seems he liked how quickly I destroyed the hive. In fact, I'm quite surprised at how easy it was to cleared out this hole. Too bad I've only eaten bees for the past few days. Humm... I wonder if I should check that place with all the plants, or clear the orc fortress? I decided to take a peek in that lair.

As I entered the lair, I ran across a buckler. Seeing how it's smaller than the shield I've been hording, I decided to try it. It didn't seem to hamper my spell casting and staff too much. I ran across a swamp, but I didn't feel like getting mud on my newly enchanted boots. Vehumet began to rain books atop of my head. I can't believe a God could be so happy. Taking a peek into the lair turned into a full fledged cartographers job as I prodded every corner, down to the very deepest. I then decided that it was now or never for the orc fortress. And I'm glad I waited. The spells I now have hit the knights hard and I can now dispatch them with ease. I then delivered hell to the snake people. With the exception of some tough snakes, this place was a cinch. At the bottom, I found a Serpentine Rune of Zot. After several minutes of prodding this rune, I leave it at my stash. Maybe it'll be useful for something.

In the swamp, I saw what looked like dragons. I was in awe... at least until I destroyed the first one. I hate this place. The bottom was full of hydras, dragons and other annoyances. And to top it off, I open a flask and released an Efreet. Bloody annoying and all. Kept blocking my path with it's lingering flames. Was sure glad to send it into danger and watch it die. And what do I get for all of this trouble? A decaying rune. I came in here looking for treasure and all I get is some useless rune. Sigh! Let's look elsewhere. Remembering the noises behind the wall in the hive, I head out there. After digging, I find a wall of solid wax. Not to be discouraged, I cast bolt of fire. Sure enough, the wax melts. There were some yellow wasps behind there. Nothing I cannot handle. I find a bit of gold, a spell book I already had and an unknown book. As I read it, it exploded in my face. Why do I get to find all of the dangerous items?

Not long after, I find myself in some sort of vaults. This is it! Treasure must be here. Yikes! skeleton warriors hit hard. I carefully advance in this place. I had to wade through some nasty new surprises. Bogarts summoning large armies around me. Fast and hard hitting blades in the Hall of Blades. Yaktaurs were sometimes getting through my defenses and their arrows hurt like hell. After acquiring some kind of power to summon demons to aid me, I started to truly wonder about myself. Does this have to do with my father? Before going down further in these vaults, maybe I should try and track down my father. I doubt the treasures in this place will suddenly move. Further in the dungeon, I felt pulled towards a gateway. It was very compelling. So I entered. And found myself facing Geryon. I trembled in fear and scampered through the portal. There was no doubt it was Geryon. Who else in folklore is known to have three heads and wings? And he is also depicted in one of the murals, albeit a little distorted. I dared not challenge him. I'm but a mere human, although my recent mutations make me wonder how much of my humanity I have left. I continued to plunge down into the dungeon.

Always new challenges

Orange crystal statue. I entered a room and suddenly felt weakened. I began to cast my mightiest spells at that statue, but it was hardly hurt from each bolt. I, on the other hand, nearly fell to the floor multiple times. It wasn't my body: it was my head. I felt like in a vortex, trying to keep my sanity. At one point, my spells felt foreign, although I've casted them a million times by now. And sometimes I completely forgot what I was doing there. If I did not have an impressive array of potions at that time, it would have been my undoing. I now wish I had some wands on me. I'm sure one of them would have stopped this statue. Maybe I look through my stash to better prepare myself. Hurrying downwards, I see many portals. Only the ones blocked by Geryon, the keeper of Hell, called out to me. But I wanted to get to the bottom. And I did. There were three ramps with an impassable haze over them. On the side, I could barely make out a message: Three Runes needed to pass. Damn! I had left them at my makeshift camp. Actually, I need one more. I guess I'll need to search for another rune.

Maybe Geryon has a rune. If he's so powerful and feared in legends, he must have one. Carefully, I enter a portal to Hell. And I fought like there was no tomorrow. He followed me out of Hell; That's how great his hatred for me was. We kept fighting: His mighty hits and summoned beasts against my very best spells. It was close. Too close. But I vanquished him. Oh yes I did! When they learn of this at the Academy, they'll be changing those paintings. The great Banei with my sword high in the air and Geryon head under my foot. But enough of that. I was after him for his rune. But I could not find one! I searched and re-searched through his clothing. None to be had. But I did find a silver horn. Not knowing it's purpose, I lifted it up to my mouth and blew. It created a hideous howling noise and from out of nowhere, a beast leaped towards me. I the remembered that he was the gatekeeper and maybe his horn had something to do with that.

So I re-entered Hell. There, I blew on the horn. This time, there was a mournful sound that was produced. Four great doors appeared around me. One for each Hell. I should have been thrilled by the discovery, but my eyes riveted towards the door of Gehenna. The compulsion felt like a drum in my heart. I forced my eyes in the other direction and returned to the dungeon. I somehow knew my father was somewhere behind those doors. And I now knew the truth about myself: I'm a demonspawn. And what my mother meant about my father being a demon wasn't just figurative. It was very literal. The fact that I now sense demons at the edge of my mind, ready to come forth to aid me, adds to the evidence. In the past, I might have gone totally insane with such knowledge, but now, with so much blood spilled by my hands in this dungeon, my mind is very focused. I will clear out the elves, retrieve whatever treasures to be had in the vaults, and then I will face my father. Nothing noble or from the heart. Just another loose end of knowledge I wish to finish and file away in my mind. And I'll continue to bring destruction to the rest of the inhabitants of this pitiful dungeon. And then from here, all cities shall feel my carnage. I am Banei the Destroyer. This path lays ahead of me and it pleases me to no end. File:Banei Hell.jpg

File:Banei Stash.jpg

Tying up the ends

I return to camp and then proceed to the elven halls. The place was very boring. Not a single challenge. I did at least find some very useful equipment at the bottom, including a very sharp katana. When I returned to camp, I used a bunch of scrolls to temper the blade further. There is nothing it cannot slice henceforth. I then went to the last floor of the vaults. Maybe I'll find other great equipment, or better yet, riches beyond those of a king! But there was a nasty surprise at the bottom. I was surrounded by vault guards. They obviously knew I was coming. But I had a surprise up my sleeves. I read a scroll of torment, then I proceeded to rip them apart with fireballs. They'll learn to keep away from me. But I sure wish I had some nastier spell to take them all out at once. Oh well!

Taking a few steps to look around, I was assaulted by a very nasty army: many stone giants hurling large rocks at me. And while I concentrated on those giants, an ancient lich sneaked up on me and slowly took my life away. I was a fool! I suddenly ran for the stairs. Again a fool! There's a reason I carry scrolls of blinking! There and then, I fell to the ground. My blood quickly fled my body and my spirit was left there to ponder my greatest successes and biggest sins. In this lonely moment, I learned humility and defeat. Before I be taken by this devilish dungeon, I wish this story helps you, little dreamer, for I know that one day you'll come to release me.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.4.3 (crawl-ref) character file.

425389 Banei the Devastator (level 24, -2/119 HPs)
             Began as a Demonspawn Wizard on Sept 28, 2008.
             Was the Champion of Vehumet.
             Killed from afar by an ancient lich (27 damage)
             ... with an iron bolt
             ... on Level 8 of the Vaults on Sept 30, 2008.
             The game lasted 17:12:41 (158217 turns).

Banei the Devastator (Demonspawn Wizard)          Turns: 158217, Time: 17:12:42

HP  -2/119       AC 24     Str 16      Exp: 24/861871 (0), need: 60728
MP   1/52        EV 17     Int 25      God: Vehumet ******
Gold 5641        SH  5     Dex 17      Spells: 17 memorised,  5 levels left

Res.Fire  : + + +   See Invis. : .   a - +5,+3 scimitar "Stybusiygh"
Res.Cold  : + . .   Warding    : +   u - +3 elf robe (R-fire)
Life Prot.: + + .   Conserve   : .   c - +2 elf buckler
Res.Poison: +       Res.Corr.  : .   O - +2 visored helmet
Res.Elec. : .       Clarity    : .   r - +2 elf cloak
                                     p - +2 pair of dwarf gloves
Sust.Abil.: .       Rnd.Telep. : .   s - +2 pair of boots
Res.Mut.  : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   F - amulet of Demons
Res.Slow  : .       Levitation : .   R - ring "Boteceaw"
Gourmand  : +       Ctrl.Flight: .   E - ring of life protection

@: incredibly resistant to magic, very stealthy
A: poison resistance, teleport at will 2, summon demons, raise dead, AC +3, Dex
a: Summon Demon, Raise Dead, Teleportation, Renounce Religion, Release Delayed
Fireball, Evoke Berserk Rage, Evoke Sense Surroundings

You were on level 8 of the Vaults.
You worshipped Vehumet.
Vehumet was exalted by your worship.
You were very full.

You visited 11 branches of the dungeon, and saw 73 of its levels.


Hand weapons
 a - the +5,+3 scimitar "Stybusiygh" (weapon)
   (You bought it in a shop on level 27 of the Dungeon)   
   It affects your AC (+4).
   It affects your strength (+3).
   It affects your intelligence (+2).
   It protects you from fire.
   It protects you from cold.
 b - a +9,+8 katana of slicing
 c - a +2 elven buckler (worn)
 p - a +2 pair of dwarven gloves (worn)
 r - a +2 elven cloak (worn)
 s - a +2 pair of boots (worn)
 u - a +3 elven robe of fire resistance (worn)
 O - a +2 visored helmet (worn)
Magical devices
 m - a wand of disintegration (16)
 o - a wand of invisibility (6)
 d - 2 bread rations
 e - a scroll of torment
 v - 2 scrolls of detect curse
 x - a scroll of blinking
 I - 3 scrolls of remove curse
 n - an uncursed amulet of clarity
 z - an uncursed amulet of controlled flight
 A - an uncursed ring of magical power
 B - the ring of Riblethro
   (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
   [ring of life protection]
   It protects you from poison.
   It enhances your eyesight.
   It lets you teleport.
   It speeds your metabolism. 
 E - a ring of life protection (left hand)
 F - the amulet of Demons (around neck)
   (You found it on level 23 of the Dungeon)   
   [amulet of the gourmand]
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (-3).
   It protects you from negative energy.
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
   It lets you go berserk.
   It lets you sense your surroundings.
 H - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 Q - the ring "Heojeuh"
   (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
   [ring of see invisible]
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It protects you from poison.
 R - the ring "Boteceaw" (right hand)
   (You bought it in a shop on level 8 of the Dungeon)   
   [ring of magical power]
   It protects you from fire.
 S - an uncursed amulet of resist mutation
 f - 5 potions of healing
 l - 2 potions of resistance
 q - 2 potions of restore abilities
 t - 3 potions of heal wounds
 C - 2 potions of speed

 You had 0 experience left.

 + Level 2 Fighting
 - Level 1 Short Blades
 + Level 1 Long Blades
 - Level 3 Staves
 + Level 10 Dodging
 - Level 6 Stealth
 + Level 3 Shields
 + Level 2 Traps & Doors
 + Level 1 Unarmed Combat
 + Level 19 Spellcasting
 - Level 21 Conjurations
 + Level 3 Enchantments
 + Level 1 Summonings
 + Level 3 Translocations
 + Level 2 Transmigration
 + Level 5 Divinations
 + Level 16 Fire Magic
 + Level 4 Ice Magic
 + Level 4 Earth Magic

You had 5 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power          Success   Level
a - Iskenderun's Mystic   Conj           ########       Perfect     4
b - Bolt of Fire          Fire/Conj      ########..     Excellent   6
c - Blink                 Tloc           N/A            Excellent   2
d - Ice Bolt              Ice/Conj       #######.       Excellent   4
e - Fireball              Fire/Conj      ########..     Excellent   6
f - Selective Amnesia     Ench           N/A            Great       4
g - Delayed Fireball      Fire/Conj      N/A            Excellent   7
h - Ozocubu's Armour      Ice/Ench       ######....     Excellent   3
i - Repel Missiles        Air/Ench       #####.....     Excellent   2
j - Magic Mapping         Erth/Divn      ######         Excellent   4
k - Regeneration          Ench/Necr      #####.....     Excellent   3
l - Throw Frost           Ice/Conj       ######         Excellent   2
m - Stone Arrow           Erth/Conj      ######         Excellent   3
n - Detect Creatures      Divn           ######.        Excellent   2
o - Dig                   Erth/Tmgr      ######....     Great       4
p - Levitation            Air/Ench       #####....      Excellent   2
q - Dispel Undead         Necr           ####....       Good        4

Overview of the Dungeon

Temple: D:7       Orc   : D:9       Elf   : Orc:3     Lair  : D:9    
Swamp : Lair:3    Slime : Lair:8    Snake : Lair:7    Hive  : D:11   
Vault : D:14      Blade : Vault:5   Crypt : Vault:3   Dis   : Hell   
Geh   : Hell      Coc   : Hell      Tar   : Hell      Zot   : D:27   

Kikubaaqudgha: D:15
Yredelemnul: Snake:1
Elyvilon: Snake:4

D:6: !  D:8: =  D:11: (  D:13: *  D:16: %  D:17: *  D:18: *  D:20: *  D:22: *
D:27: (  Elf:1: (  Elf:3: ?(*  Elf:5: ?(++  Lair:1: *  Lair:5: !  Lair:6: [
Swamp:1: (  Vault:1: !  Vault:4: (

Hell: D:21 D:22 D:23 D:24 D:25 D:26 D:27
Abyss: D:21 D:22 D:25 D:27
Pan: D:23 D:24

                    Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You are mostly covered in green scales (AC + 3).
Your system is immune to poisons.
You are good at teleporting at will.
You can summon demons to your aid.
You can raise the dead to walk for you.
You are agile (Dex +2).

Message History

The Shadow Fiend hits you but doesn't do any damage.
The Shadow Fiend hits you!
You partially resist.
You feel drained.
The ancient lich touches you but doesn't do any damage.
The ancient lich casts a spell.
The iron bolt hits you!

   C  u             T 
    h u 
  c  uu  . . 
   ....CC.#.....#. . 
   ......u#....#.#. . 
       .###....#.#o  o 
          #....#.#  o 
          #....#.#  oo 

You could see an orc, an ugly thing, a Shadow Fiend, three stone giants, a bumblebee, and an ancient lich.

Vanquished Creatures
-- Removed by author to shorten the page --

Grand Total: 3675 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place   | Note
     0 | D:1     | Banei, the Demonspawn Wizard, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1     | Reached XP level 1. HP: 8/8 MP: 5/5
   698 | D:2     | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in green scales (AC + 1).
   698 | D:2     | Gained mutation: You are mostly covered in green scales (AC + 3).
   698 | D:2     | Reached XP level 2. HP: 13/14 MP: 1/7
  1489 | D:2     | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
  1855 | D:2     | Reached XP level 3. HP: 20/21 MP: 5/9
  3019 | D:3     | Reached XP level 4. HP: 16/26 MP: 1/11
  4144 | D:3     | Reached XP level 5. HP: 30/30 MP: 13/14
  4465 | D:5     | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  4675 | D:4     | Noticed Terence
  4678 | D:4     | Defeated Terence
  5119 | D:4     | Noticed Ijyb
  5155 | D:4     | Defeated Ijyb
  5988 | D:5     | Gained mutation: Your system is immune to poisons.
  5988 | D:5     | Reached XP level 6. HP: 35/36 MP: 3/17
  7367 | D:5     | Reached XP level 7. HP: 31/40 MP: 3/18
  7535 | D:4     | Defeated Hour's ghost
  8088 | D:6     | Learned a level 3 spell: Mephitic Cloud
  8897 | D:6     | Gained mutation: You are agile (Dex +1).
  9029 | D:7     | Reached XP level 8. HP: 45/45 MP: 2/21
  9253 | D:7     | Noticed Edmund
  9413 | D:7     | Defeated Edmund
 10555 | D:8     | Noticed Blork the orc
 10569 | D:8     | Defeated Blork the orc
 10831 | D:8     | Reached XP level 9. HP: 49/49 MP: 17/23
 12475 | D:7     | Noticed an orc knight
 12478 | D:7     | Noticed an orc knight
 13160 | D:7     | Noticed an orc knight
 13804 | D:8     | Got a polished quarterstaff
 15076 | D:7     | Noticed an orc knight
 15084 | D:7     | Defeated an orc knight
 15151 | D:7     | Defeated an orc knight
 15743 | D:7     | Noticed a slime creature
 15751 | D:7     | Defeated a slime creature
 16173 | Temple  | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
 16373 | Temple  | Became a worshipper of Vehumet
 16526 | D:7     | Gained mutation: You can teleport at will.
 16526 | D:7     | Gained mutation: You are good at teleporting at will.
 16526 | D:7     | Reached XP level 10. HP: 50/56 MP: 18/27
 16909 | D:10    | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 16991 | D:10    | Noticed Erolcha
 17821 | Orc:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 17940 | Orc:2   | Acquired Vehumet's first power
 18180 | Orc:2   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 18184 | Orc:2   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 18925 | Orc:2   | Acquired Vehumet's second power
 20300 | Orc:2   | Identified the +4,+0 quarterstaff of Caycyghi (You took it off a wight on level 8 of the Dungeon)
 20604 | Orc:3   | Acquired Vehumet's third power
 20793 | Elf:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
 21482 | D:10    | Got a bloodstained animal skin
 21489 | D:10    | Identified the cursed -2 animal skin of Coulal (You found it on level 10 of the Dungeon)
 22456 | D:11    | Reached XP level 11. HP: 56/64 MP: 8/28
 23127 | D:10    | Defeated Erolcha
 23235 | D:10    | Learned a level 4 spell: Selective Amnesia
 23441 | D:8     | Identified the ring "Boteceaw" (You bought it in a shop on level 8 of the Dungeon)
 26430 | D:11    | Noticed Michael
 26458 | D:11    | Defeated Michael
 26721 | Hive:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Hive
 30240 | Hive:2  | Reached XP level 12. HP: 59/68 MP: 31/31
 30519 | Hive:3  | Got a smoking leather armour
 32079 | Hive:4  | Entered Level 4 of the Hive
 32840 | Hive:3  | Received a gift from Vehumet
 36721 | Hive:4  | Received a gift from Vehumet
 36789 | Hive:1  | Learned a level 6 spell: Fireball
 37651 | Lair:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 41346 | Lair:3  | Received a gift from Vehumet
 41687 | Swamp:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
 42966 | Lair:6  | Reached XP level 13. HP: 73/74 MP: 32/32
 46029 | Lair:6  | Gained mutation: You are agile (Dex +2).
 46700 | Lair:7  | Received a gift from Vehumet
 50103 | Lair:8  | Received a gift from Vehumet
 51303 | Lair:9  | Reached XP level 14. HP: 67/79 MP: 34/34
 51554 | Lair:10 | Entered Level 10 of the Lair of Beasts
 52403 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit
 52833 | D:7     | Defeated an orc knight
 52996 | D:7     | Defeated an orc knight
 54337 | Snake:1 | Noticed Harold
 54346 | Snake:1 | Defeated Harold
 55441 | Snake:2 | Noticed Erica
 55448 | Snake:2 | Defeated Erica
 56228 | Snake:2 | Received a gift from Vehumet
 60049 | Snake:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Snake Pit
 60706 | Snake:5 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 72/85 MP: 35/35
 63861 | Snake:5 | Got a serpentine rune of Zot
 65374 | Swamp:1 | Got a warped scimitar
 67054 | Swamp:2 | Identified the +9,+2 scimitar of Vireon (You bought it in a shop on level 1 of the Swamp)
 69897 | Swamp:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Swamp
 69939 | Swamp:4 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 88/88 MP: 37/37
 72437 | Swamp:5 | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 73828 | D:12    | Noticed Urug
 73835 | D:12    | Defeated Urug
 74668 | D:13    | Defeated ArchBane's ghost
 75172 | D:12    | Noticed Donald
 75175 | D:12    | Defeated Donald
 75299 | D:12    | Got a shimmering wizard hat
 75303 | D:12    | Identified the +0 wizard hat of Surprise (You found it on level 12 of the Dungeon)
 76019 | D:15    | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 76554 | D:14    | Noticed a guardian naga
 76558 | D:14    | Defeated a guardian naga
 76723 | D:14    | Learned a level 7 spell: Delayed Fireball
 79114 | Vault:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 80179 | Vault:2 | Defeated Karn's ghost
 80630 | Vault:1 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 93/93 MP: 32/38
 88317 | Vault:5 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 97/98 MP: 39/39
 91614 | Vault:6 | Noticed Francis
 91623 | Vault:6 | Defeated Francis
 92648 | Vault:6 | Noticed an earth elemental
 93052 | Vault:6 | Noticed a deep elf priest
 93052 | Vault:6 | Defeated a deep elf priest
 93731 | Vault:6 | Noticed a deep elf mage
 93731 | Vault:6 | Defeated a deep elf mage
 93758 | Vault:6 | Noticed a deep elf conjurer
 93760 | Vault:6 | Defeated a deep elf conjurer
 94222 | Vault:6 | Defeated an earth elemental
 94233 | Vault:6 | Noticed a deep elf mage
 94233 | Vault:6 | Defeated a deep elf mage
 96901 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: You can summon demons to your aid.
 96901 | Vault:7 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 102/102 MP: 40/40
 97171 | Vault:7 | Noticed a deep elf summoner
 97171 | Vault:7 | Defeated a deep elf summoner
 98558 | Blade   | Entered the Hall of Blades
100962 | D:16    | Noticed Snorg
100965 | D:16    | Defeated Snorg
101185 | D:15    | Noticed Josephine
101186 | D:15    | Defeated Josephine
102232 | D:16    | Noticed Jozef
102235 | D:16    | Defeated Jozef
104002 | D:17    | Gained mutation: You can raise the dead to walk for you.
104002 | D:17    | Reached XP level 20. HP: 89/107 MP: 41/41
105867 | D:18    | Noticed Maud
105868 | D:18    | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
106005 | D:18    | Defeated Maud
106156 | D:18    | Got a steaming steel amulet
106886 | D:18    | Noticed a dwarven morningstar
106888 | D:18    | Defeated a dwarven morningstar
107022 | D:18    | Noticed a long sword
107022 | D:18    | Defeated a long sword
107036 | D:18    | Noticed a runed orcish glaive
107036 | D:18    | Defeated a runed orcish glaive
109305 | Hive:1  | Identified the amulet of Criceor (You found it on level 18 of the Dungeon)
110015 | D:18    | Lost mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
111146 | D:20    | Entered Level 20 of the Dungeon
115040 | D:21    | Reached XP level 21. HP: 95/111 MP: 36/42
116343 | Hell    | Entered The Vestibule of Hell
116344 | Hell    | Noticed Geryon
116346 | Hell    | Noticed a pulsating lump
116346 | Hell    | Defeated a pulsating lump
117458 | D:22    | Noticed a deep elf mage
117459 | D:22    | Defeated a deep elf mage
117501 | D:22    | Noticed a deep elf summoner
117501 | D:22    | Defeated a deep elf summoner
118274 | D:22    | Noticed a deep elf summoner
118275 | D:22    | Defeated a deep elf summoner
120878 | D:23    | Noticed Frances
120885 | D:23    | Defeated Frances
121587 | D:23    | Noticed Margery
121591 | D:23    | Defeated Margery
122611 | D:23    | Noticed a guardian naga
122616 | D:23    | Defeated a guardian naga
122693 | D:23    | Got a pitted platinum amulet
123081 | Hive:1  | Identified the amulet of Demons (You found it on level 23 of the Dungeon)
124783 | D:25    | Entered Level 25 of the Dungeon
125892 | D:25    | Noticed a deep elf conjurer
125892 | D:25    | Defeated a deep elf conjurer
127276 | D:26    | Reached XP level 22. HP: 114/114 MP: 43/43
128300 | D:27    | Entered Level 27 of the Dungeon
130272 | D:26    | Got an ichor-stained whip
130273 | D:26    | Identified the +6,+2 whip "Ykelepra" (You found it on level 26 of the Dungeon)
130300 | D:26    | Noticed a guardian naga
130301 | D:26    | A guardian naga changed form
130903 | D:27    | Got a transparent lajatang
130904 | D:27    | Identified the +12,+0 lajatang of Ascent (You found it on level 27 of the Dungeon)
132246 | D:27    | Got an iridescent scimitar
132247 | D:27    | Identified the +5,+3 scimitar "Stybusiygh" (You bought it in a shop on level 27 of the Dungeon)
132282 | D:27    | Got an iridescent battleaxe
132283 | D:27    | Identified the cursed -3,-3 battleaxe "Thretaeng" (You bought it in a shop on level 27 of the Dungeon)
133511 | D:27    | Defeated Geryon
135275 | Hell    | Reached XP level 23. HP: 111/117 MP: 23/44
137992 | Orc:4   | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
153056 | Elf:7   | Entered Level 7 of the Elven Halls
154891 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
154891 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
154903 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
154977 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
154977 | Elf:7   | Reached XP level 24. HP: 119/119 MP: 45/45
155169 | Elf:7   | Got a fine ring mail
155183 | Elf:7   | Identified the +3 ring mail "Frank" (You took it off a deep elf death mage on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
155236 | Elf:7   | Got a vibrating amber ring
155358 | Elf:7   | Got a fine long sword
155360 | Elf:7   | Got an ancient scale mail
155369 | Elf:7   | Identified the ring of Riblethro (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
155380 | Elf:7   | Identified the +1 scale mail of Patience (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
155406 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
155412 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
155480 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
155482 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
155670 | Elf:7   | Got a smoking war axe
155670 | Elf:7   | Got a steaming trident
155701 | Elf:7   | Got a heavily runed steel ring
155728 | Elf:7   | Identified the ring "Heojeuh" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
157208 | Vault:8 | Entered Level 8 of the Vaults
158209 | Vault:8 | Noticed an ancient lich
158217 | Vault:8 | Killed from afar by an ancient lich

Author's Notes

After reading other people's adventures, I thought it would be cool to write one up. But I sure didn't expect to get so far before dying. Maybe I had somehow breathed new life into this character. I even took bad actions just for the sake of the story. It's unfortunate that the tale ended abruptly, but that's the fate of most heroes. I hope you all enjoyed the adventure.

--Banei 19:37, 30 September 2008 (MDT)


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