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This page is a Diary of a Crawler, the journal of an individual character. This page probably contains spoilers.

This is the journal of Kale, a demonspawn fighter.

My brother was the first to hear of the orb. He insisted it was what we needed to return our house to its former prominence, that the Blackthorns could once again sit at the helm of Largos. It was folly, I told him. No one returned from the depths of that place, and after the death of father, it was his duty to lead House Blackthorn. He would not listen, and now has not returned. Even as I stand taking my last look at the sun, I can feel the opening, waiting to swallow me down. Okawaru protect me.



As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I took stock of my surroundings. Rough hewn walls and a passage to the west. I took it until it opened into an open area, where I saw a kobold. Unfortunately, he saw me as well, and his shout drew another of his kind and a hob towards me. I retreated down the corridor and slew them easily, only taking a small wound. I advanced, Killing a small snake near a fountain, which I sipped from cautiously.I continued to explore, killing those I came across with ease.A strange ooze gave me pause, but it too fell to my blade.The last thing I found before my decent was a shining altar to Zin. I stared hard at it for a moment, then turned for the stairs. I know how the "good gods" feel about my kind.

Not much to tell. No groupings or any real threats. Hit level 2, picked up two scrolls.


The second level of the dungeon started with me getting pelted with darts. I charged the god-cursed kobold and slew him and the hob egging him on. Behind them was a spear with strange runes on it. I tried it upon the next goblin I came across, and slew him in two hits. I think I'll keep the spear. A little farther on was a runed gold ring. I slipped it on, but nothing happened. Perhaps I'll learn what it does as I go. I slew yet another dart-chucker and his pet roach, and decided to take a moment to eat and rest. After, I rounded the corner and was startled to see a human standing before me. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I called out, but he made no answer. His intent was made clear by his expression and the way he started swinging his flail, so battle was joined. Alas, it was not long before I was forced to flee. As soon as I advanced, he waved a strange wand and I found myself unable to move! he struck me with the flail twice before I regained mobility and turned to flee.Despite him throwing a club and several rocks, I was able to lose him and escape upstairs to rest. I returned to level two, determined to slay my attacker. Surely if he could still paralyze me, he would have to keep me from fleeing, and none are my equal in a fair fight.He was not far from the stairs, and though it was a hard fight, I prevailed.I felt a surge of strength as he fell, and tasted something foul in the back of my throat.Though it takes effort, I find myself able to spit a thick, toxic substance. A gift of my mother's heritage, no doubt. I used this to kill the next snake I saw, in retribution for poisoning me. I walked a bit further and grabbed a purple potion, quaffing it in hopes of curing myself. Though it healed my wounds, I still felt the poison till it ran it's course.I slew creature after creature, untill another snake came into view. It fought fiercely, and though I slew it I found myself weak and poisoned once more. I quaffed a potion, and sprouted claws from my toes!I fear this may make me clumsy.. The next potion contained my salvation, though. I felt the poison flushed, and sat to rest. I resumed looking for my brother, but didn't make it far before a kobold ran at me. I slew him, and then saw what he'd been running from. It was a worm, red and hideous. I closed the distance and struck, wounding it, only to have him strike back, hard. I ignored my wound and attacked again, believing it no match for me. It's next hit proved me wrong, and I fell.Drako, brother..Forgive me.

Terrance with a wand of paralysis..I was just lucky it was low on charges. I hit level 3 on killing him, and gained the ability to spit poison and meld into the shadows. I can't believe both snakes caused such issues, the first I survived because of a heal wounds, the second time I used a potion of mutation(sharp toenails,magic resist, clumsy) then healing. I'm embarrassed I fell to a worm on d2, but like Kale said, I ignored the damage. Shoulda ran, but it was a friggin worm, ya know?