Greko: Spriggan of Trog

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This page is a Diary of a Crawler, the journal of an individual character. This page probably contains spoilers.

Greko the Spriggan was getting Tired of getting Beat up by a small band of Goblins and Orc's. It seemed like they had nothing else to do but Tie him down and force him to eat terrible things like Newt. One Day Grecko had had enough of this, so he picked up the heaviest thing he could Lift. (Twas barley a Twig) and decided to do something about it.


Trog was bored today. As amusing as it was, Trog was getting a Little bit tired of watching his Trolls bash in the Brains of Cute little Animals. Trog needed Something new. SUDDENLY TROG HAD A BRILLIANT IDEA!

TROG: What if Cute Animal bashed in Troll Brain?

Trog then Scoured the Land for the Angriest little thing he could find, and it didn't take him that long stumble upon Greko.

TROG: Hello. You are Angry.

Greko: What was that!

TROG: My name Trog! You want to Kill?

Greko: Um.. I don't kn-


Greko gasped in amazement as he was filled with a Strength that he had Never Known Before! The World Burned a deep crimson red and he was Blined with an uncontrolable rage! Greko Lofted his Twig high into the air as he Charged at the band of Goblins and Orcs that had been terrorizing him (They followed him everywhere) The Goblins just laughed as it was amusing that something so small was so angry and mad. That is until Greko Smacked someones head Clean off with a glorified Stick. Then they decided that running might work a little bit better. Trog Roared with Delight! This was much better than a Troll! The band of Goblins and Orcs ran into a nearby cave, and Greko Chased after them Screaming like a banshee.

TROG: Kill them all!

Greko: All of them?

TROG: Yes thats what I said

Suddenly two rats and a Distressingly Large Cockroach leaped out at Greko. Greko just smashed them into a bloody pulp with his stick. Greko hated it when things jumped out at him. That when he noticed that this cave didn't look to much like a cave, as there where several doors everywhere, and Greko could not figure out why anybody would want to be putting doors in caves in the first place. Dwarfs... Go figure.

TROG: Are you going to eat that?

Greko: Eat what? The Mice?

TROG: Yes, you eat. You Tiny.

Greko: But I don't eat Meat.

TROG: HAW HAW No wonder you so Tiny!

Greko: Yes... That is why I am so Sm-

TROG: Can Trog Have?

Greko: Actu-


The battered remains of the small mammals are consumed in a roaring column of flames!

-Trog is pleased with you-

Greko than began to explore the Cave, or whatever this smelly place was, roaming the tunnels and Killing any members of the band of Goblins that he could find. Trog continually took the bodies of the Victims, and this somewhat concerned Greko, as he was having a hard time figuring out what one could do with so many Bodies. Greko then Found a Dagger just lying on the ground, Greko Dropped his twig and picked up the knife when he heard an all-too-familiar call.

TROG: What are you doing?

Greko: I Like this one better.

TROG: No you don't. Stick is better.

Greko: ...This make more Blood?


Greko then examined the knife a bit Further, and a smile spread across his Face. It was a very elegant Dagger of Eleven origins. And not only that but it seemed to be coated with a foul substance. Poison. Greko eagerly ran down the next Hall to test out his powerful new weapon, but was instead cornered by a disgusting blob of grey barf. Hacking and slashing he somehow managed to destroy the Vile creature, but alas he was not able to observe the effects of his weapon but instead felt more confidant and powerful than before.

*XL2 and +3+1 Eleven Dagger of Venom*

Greko then continued down the hall and it seemed like that Nasty Blob thing was actually guarding a shield. Unfortunately it was roughly about the same size as Greko and he could barley even lift the thing. Greko decided that it was best not to use it in combat no matter how much Trog insisted. After that Greko was able to fully observe the powerful effects of the Poison on his knife. Greko would Prick his foes with the blade several times then Run off to watch as they struggled to stand up and finally fall to the ground never again to stand up. Occasionally Greko would have mercy on them and cut them open a second mouth as they struggled for breath.

Greko then found what appeared to be a crudely made ring made out of Silver. Trog began gibbering with excitement, so Greko put the thing on and he felt his muscles grow and expand.

*+3 ring of Strength *

TROG: Hey Tiny!

Greko: I have a Name you know.


Greko: Well, alright. What do you want?


***Greko Enters DUNGEON: LV2***

Greko Wandered down some stairs and was immediately set upon by a small group of goblins and kobolds, but he did not recognize any of them. Greko charged through the Barrage of Darts and rocks and plunged his dagger deep into the torso of each and every one of the fools who Dared to attack him. Greko's Vison blurred red for a brief second as his rage built up. He was not going to be pushed around by anybody else ever again. The Columns of Flame soon starting popping up around him as Trog collected the bodies.

Greko the noticed a strange cache of breads and meats and then realized that the Kobolds he just murdered might have been simply protecting their food. Well... might as well not let it just go to waste.

*+3 Bread Rations*

Greko then turned around and saw the remaining members of the gang of Former bullies. It did not take Greko long to give them a taste of their own medicine. Greko was a little disappointed in how little effort it took as he knew he was capable of so much more.

TROG: Hey Tiny! Strength, Intelligence, or Dexterity.

Greko: What? Oh um...Dexterity?

TROG: WHAAT!?! BUT YOU SO TINY! Strength is better for you!

Greko: Dexterity makes me to Stab More?

TROG: Huh?

Greko: More Stabbing means more blood.

TROG: Well... OK!

*XLV3 +1 Dexterity*

Greko was unsure of what he should do now. Greko felt like just sitting down in some corner somewhere, but something told him that Trog wouldn't appreciate that very much. Greko thought it was best to stay on Trog's good side as he did not want to explode into a giant ball of flames. Greko knew that he would come to regret this but he decided to ask Trog for his advice.

Greko: Hello, Trog?


Greko: I'm good, but I don't know what to do now.


Greko: What is-

TROG: Get Ball for TROG!

Greko: What Ball?

TROG: TROG make bet with Okawaru! First one who get Ball, WIN!

Greko: Ok I'll get your Ball, where is it?

TROG: At bottom of Cave.

Greko then delved further down into the Depths of this very strange cave. The Walls seemed to smooth out a bit and the Misplaced doors started to make a little bit more sense. Greko began to wonder what this mystical ball was and how far away it was. Well only one way to find out. Then another thought slowly creeped its way into Grekos mind. How come Trog couldn't just get the Ball himself?


Greko quickly stumbled upon a small cache of potions and scroll. Being a spriggan he was naturally drawn to them and immediately stuffed as many as he could into his robe. What a happy Spriggan was He! As they say, "He who dies with the most Potions/Scrolls, Wins!" Suddenly a giant orange Blob rounded the corner, a Giant mite! How did one of those things get so big! Greko always had thought that Mites were Microscopic. While Greko was tring to figure out what on earth could cause such a dramatic change in such a small creature It latched itself onto Grekos Face and started pumping him full of Poison! Oh the Cruel Irony! Luckily the mite still wasn't big enough to do any real damage and Greko was able to simply walk it off With a puzzled look on his face wondering what on earth had just happened.

Greko continued to explore this Area of the dungeon finding small piles of gold, and Some more Potions and Scrolls. He was set upon by various creatures, but nothing he hadn't seen already. But one did have to wonder where they all where coming from. Greko also found an ugly Yellow robe but it was Ugly so Greko just left it on the floor, Greko also found another Ring but after putting it on it he didn't really notice anything Different. Then Greko found a strange wand, and Greko thought that miht come in handy so he Picked it up and Headed even further down into the cave.


Greko rounds a corner and comes across yet another ugly yellow robe. Greko throws the robe on the floor in disgust. Greko then looks up to see a Lone Orc so he decides to Blast it with his wand. Greko Whips out his wand and points it at the Orc!


A Giant Bolt of Lightning fills the corridor ahead Incinerating everything in it's path, and the Orc is no More. However, some of the Orcs buddies jump into the Hall hall after hearing a very strange and painful noise. One of them is wearing a Nice green robs, so Greko just decides to Blast them again. Greko lifts up his wand yet again!


The Orc in the green robe Starts to move in slow motion, so Greko decides to try it out again. Then the Green orc seemed to be completely rejuvinated. Greko didn't really know what was going on right now so he just started stabbing them. and then they died and Greko went over to loot the robe, but All he could find was some chainmail. Greko Cursed at the wand and threw it at the wall, and it blasted a hole through the wall and Exploded, Greko was thoroughly confused, but decided to move onwards anyways.

Greko found a snake but he killed it. then he found a Rather large Battleax but he ignored it. Then he found a scorpian and it started to kill him.So Greko ran away and began to try out some of his potions. He was feeling More Agile, Mighty, and Invisible before he got to the Potion of healing. After that Greko cut the scorpion to Ribbons. However after Greko felt that effects of the potions he drank were still with him after they had worn off.


Greko was happily skipping down one of the Tunnels when he spotted a bookshop. How strange he thought. But he had no time to wonder how or why as Two elves Jumped out at him, and started to strike some weird Poses and began to yell out some Strange incantation.

Duvessa: Prepare for trouble!

Dowan: Make it double!

Duvessa: To protect this Dungeon from Devastation!

Dowan: To unite all Monsters within this fortress!

Duvessa: To denounce the evils of Death and Destruction!

Dowan: To extend our Knowledge Beyond the stars above!

Duvessa: DUVESSA!

Dowan: DOWAN!

Duvessa: Team Instapwn, blinking around at the speed of light!

Dowan: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Greko: Thats Right! Prepare to Die!

Greko then ducked around a corner and quaffed another Agility and Might potion, He only had one Agility potion left. Greko was sure that he would be able to find more after he dealt with these two hooligans. So he Charged at them but Duvessa blasted him with a wand, and a chill was sent down through grekos body. He had been slowed. Luckily he still had time to maneuver himself into a corridor as he used a rat as a meat shield (for some reason Elves do not want to kill rats) to wait out the Slowing.

That is until Dowan decided to blink right next to Greko.

Greko needed some Help with this or else he would be Dead in a matter of moments. Greko called upon Trog for some kind of help. and Greko felt his wounds start to heal at an accelerated rate! Greko thinks this might be enough to get him through this ordeal for now. Greko then Gives Dowan his full attention and soon Cuts him to ribbons. Aparently Dowan isn't that good with a blade.

Duvessa was still stuck behind the Rat as she witnessed the Swift death of Dowan and was sent into a deep rage. However she still couldn't quite bring herself to harm the Rat. Greko was not really interested in waiting until she calmed down so he killed it for her. The battle was intense and Both sides gave it their all. In the end Greko let his guard down and then was struck down.


(Yeah I was kinda an Idiot right there, However i did wait until i was unslowed to kill the rat. I could have killed her as i was to Kiting her but I was trying to get more poison in her after she started feeling better when i really should not have. At any rate I hope it was an enjoyable story)