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Time is measurement of intervals in which actions take place. In Crawl, time has multiple definitions:

  • Action Time: Every action ingame is measured in aut, or arbitrary units of time. Certain actions may be faster or slower relative to each other; you could perform 2 fast actions in the span of one slow one. This is what the "Time" counter in the status screen is using.
  • Turns: Every command uses up 1 turn, no matter if it was fast or slow (keybinds like autoexplore are macros that input multiple commands at once). This is used for a few mechanics (namely stealth), is the main component in determining high scores, and the focus of a turn count speedrun.
  • Clock Time: How long, in minutes, a game has been running. This is recorded ingame and used for realtime speedruns, but turns will not pass no matter how much the player waits.
  • System Time: The real life time of day, according to the computer/server you're playing on. This is used for a singular cosmetic player title for Meteorae, and is obviously used for various discussions relating to the outside world.