Wand of digging

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Type Wand
Name Wand of digging
Icon Wand of digging.png
A magical device which drills tunnels through unworked rock.

A wand of digging will remove rock walls in a straight line in the direction zapped. It affects only rock walls, whether normal, transparent or translucent. It will have no effect on non-rock walls; e.g., stone walls, metal walls, crystal walls, beeswax, statues, "unnaturally hard" walls, etc. If used successfully, it will be identified, either by its visible effect or the grinding noise it makes. If it does not hit a rock wall, there is no effect, and the wand is not identified; however the lack of any effect is also a way for the player to identify this wand.

A wand of digging is quite useful for digging passages into otherwise inaccessible areas, to escape incoming enemies, or to create corridors so as to fight only one enemy at a time when faced with a group. Equally, it can be used to broaden existing corridors to increase access to a monster (say, by a summoner aiding his horde).

The level 4 Transmutations/Earth Magic spell Dig has a similar effect.