Vandrey, Warrior of the Light

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This page is a Diary of a Crawler, the journal of an individual character. This page probably contains spoilers.

To the reader, beware. This is an in-detail view of an adventurer questing for the Orb of Zot. It is very, very, very long but gives detailed hints on what you would face should you choose to follow in his steps. If you do NOT want your dungeon crawl experience to be *spoiled* turn away now.

If you want to read the story, or are curious about this diary, be my guest and read on!

Note: If my grammar and sentence usage annoys you, forgive me but English is not my first language.

Warning: This Diary may be outdated. On many parts.

*Version 0.7.2

The Beginning

Legends say that time rules over all, the Gods play with mortals as toys and destiny controls the fates of every living being.

Yet there are objects, as rumor foretells, that contain the power to sway the Gods to mortal cause, to change your destiny into your own, to impact the very fabric of time itself changing everything into whatever will the wielder has...Even powerful enough to be contained in a realm rarely seen by mortal eyes, told only through legend and lore which was often forgotten and told as a tale in taverns for money or a cheap audience. To which was replied by laughter.

Yet there were those that did believe in the ancient lore. Foolish or crazy enough, they could be called "Adventurers" as a whole, hoping to gain those objects of power for their own use. To what effect, you may ask? It is not known.

As easily said than done, it was obvious that those objects were guarded. Heavily guarded. Yet even for all its power, it had to obey the laws of the physical world as its vault was kept deep inside the Living Earth, where the light of day has not been seen for millenia, where nightmares dwell.

This is my story about my quest for the Orb. It was not easy, but it was worth it.

So where to start hmm?...Well, it all began with an elf and a cave.


It was dark and dank, a cave it truly was. The cartographer that sold me this map was not kidding, I had to trek over lone hills and arid deserts to get to this place. And for what? For the loss of all my gold, my life savings and now my map. As I have no other choice but to get deeper in or starve up here, I'd choose the latter. I wandered the dark cavern for days, trusting my torch to keep me safe, until I heard a distinct thump.

It was as a boot colliding with wood. Yes, wood, in a dark cave in nowhere. Curious, I bent down and felt the floor with my hand, it was wood and it felt calming to the touch. Was I becoming crazy? Maybe I was just rubbing my own boots in my delusion, having survived on my rations and cave-water for days. But no, the feel of a metal handle proved me wrong. It was a door.

I pried it open slowly, not knowing what to expect and threw my torch in. I was covered by darkness. Berating myself on the level of stupidity I had reached, I had no choice again but to go down the door and retrieve my light source. No sooner had I placed both my feet on the floor did I feel a certain nostalgic feeling, like I was here before, like in my dreams of adventure chasing after something yet waking up before knowing what that something was.

Well, armed with my trusted bow and the only book I dared to study, I surveyed my surroundings.

Strangely it seemed like the Orb wanted to be found, seeing all these passageways and torches outlining the hallways with their eerie glow. I ignored mine as I picked up one of those lining the walls, so it seemed I was not mad or delusional but I really had found the dungeons of the Orb!

After a few steps I heard a certain squeak, expecting a cave rat I turned in its general direction. I was shocked to see a giant rat, two giant rats even! I notched an arrow and shot at them all the while saying to myself: “Calm down, you are chasing after an Orb that could change your life; maybe even the world… What would you expect here, Giant Rainbow-ish Butterflies?!”.

After collecting my arrows and cutting the meat, for what would one do without a source of food, I moved on and was surprised to see a bundle of arrows all neatly stacked in the next room! Only thing was that it was guarded by a hobgoblin and its lesser kin, twas easy ending them before collecting the loot. I wonder if others have gone along the same path only to find a gruesome end at the hands of weaklings.

Moving on, completing my map and finding armor and weapons and equipping them(leather armor and the like) reminds me of the stories of old, about heroes who were people of no apparent value taking up arms and smiting the common foe all the while getting famous in the process. It never crossed my mind about what they would eat for food once they finished their rations…

Welcome to the Dungeon!

After passing about 2 flights of stairs in which none of the earlier enemies posed a significant threat, I fought a snake, it bit the dust quick but only after poisoning my leg with its bite. Poison is poison, good thing it doesn’t last. After milking the dead snake for its venom I could now poison my weapons.

“Ha! Now I know where I am. In the Pony King’s palace!!”

I laughed to myself, musing on that strange idea while looking at my new surroundings. The walls were made of metal and stone with flowing fountains gushing with clear freshwater scattered in my vicinity yet a few meters away I see plants and trees, fungi and weeds. Up till now I’ve been worrying about survival and my ammunition for my bow, but seeing my relative safety I noticed my book under all the collected scrolls and potions, still in its case currently collecting dust for I don’t know what. After browsing the book and learning some spells, I felt confident that I could get through this part alive.

…Killing another goblin in my way I turned the corner to see a huge pinkish boulder in my way along with a giant club right next to it. Shock came over me upon realizing that it was an ogre, beings of immense strength with the power to smash whole houses with their arms alone. Luckily this one was resting and I was far away from it and its reach. Casting Swiftness, I hoped for the best as I nocked an arrow, aimed and… *THUNK*…Ahh it looks like it hit the club…and woke the Ogre. It screamed with rage as it charged at me. Loosing arrow after arrow I was panicking about a CQB with a foe such as this. Luckily one of my arrows found its mark, hitting the head of the ogre. I sighed with relief as it fell. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall I suppose…and the more meat I can get!” I thought as my stomach grumbled; so much for being the victor…

Some more rooms and some more enemies, why do they mostly always come armed with swords and daggers? But at least I found a nice ring, not wearing it now though; I don’t want something worse happening with all this unexplained twisting of reality. Thinking back, I guess I might need a sword or a long sword. I don’t want to get in the ogre situation again. A few rooms Iater I come upon some discarded chain mail, it seems that someone abandoned it but that can’t be, runes are etched all along the frontal area and on the shoulder padding. So I decide to test it out; having no scrolls I just put it on and hope for the best, it turns out to fit me well and I feel more protected in it than regular mail armor (noted that additional armor has a + to it). I then stumble upon a peculiar triangular amulet, seeing as I have no particular means of knowing what it is other than the glowing eye in the middle, I put it on. Suddenly I felt all my energy drained from me and I look down and see the eye glowing. A voice then speaks in my head “As long as you have the power and will, nothing will harm you.” Sounds like a guardian amulet or something like that. I then move on, pondering on the things I’ve seen.

…Another map complete and I travel down the stairs. Come to think of it, someone must have gone through a LOT of work chiseling out the hallways, putting those doors, carving the details, *spawning* those creatures and arming the intelligent ones. Too bad for the past unlucky adventurers who came down here; only to end up littering the floor with their armor, weapons, dignity and innards…

Sometime later I hear guttural voices coming from the adjacent room, sounding like orcs praying or shouting their war cries. I hate orcs… Kicking the door open and nocking my arrow for a shot, I was surprised to see about 4 orcs along with a robed orc.. wizard? If there is one thing I’ve learned, spells hurt much more than weapons on more than one level, but somehow it seems like orcs aren’t that tough after a few shots. As I looked as to why they were chanting, I saw an altar covered with scratch marks. An altar with a sword and shield dedicated to the god-warlord Okawaru. After dedicating myself to this unknown god, time to enjoy the loot! Finding a strange longsword, along with scrolls, gold and wands, I take it with me. As I pick it up I hoped that it wasn’t one of those “touch me and you can’t let go” types and wielded it. *BZZZT* Ahhh my hand! The sword shone with a black aura, strangely with blue lines dancing along its blood-stained surface. It was cursed and I couldn’t throw it or stop my hand from holding it. Good thing I have another hand! Now which one of those scrolls would help…

About some time later after losing a scroll of detect curse, teleportation, blink and curse weapon (again?) I found an encyclopedia page! It looks like even scholars went in search of the Orb and kicked the bucket. My new Longsword is now uncursed and it seems like it would be pretty useful from now on judging by the keenness of the blade along with blue sparks dancing around it, makes my hair stand on edge just holding it. Remembering my hunting days, I went on in search of spears or javelins to go along with my new sword. After identifying all the potions, scrolls, the ring and finding some nice rations along with seven beautifully discarded javelins, I press on all the while thinking about how many people died here in these dark rooms, hope I won’t add to their number given my close call with death.

The Monsters

Two more flights of stairs down, must be about 6 or 5 floors or so from my start and still only torches light up the way. Anyway up until now the only challenging enemies I’ve faced were ogres and orc priests, how I hate being smitten. Ammo running low again but at least I’ve got a nice sword and buckler with spears to back me up. Sometime later I come upon a golden encrusted stairway, must find out where it leads to. At the end of the stairway I find myself feeling at ease, like in a sanctuary yet it looks like a temple of some sort, filled with many different altars. A Pantherium? Maybe not but it would be nice to change my religion to someone I can relate to, Okawaru seems too aggressive and reckless for me. So then I shift to the Shining One, a deity which little of the commonfolk on the surface know, only portrayed in the oldest books that I’ve read while at the academy. A flash of pure white light appears as I dedicate myself to The Shining One along with a loud horrific voice yelling in my head, cursing me for abandoning it. Nothing I ever faced would compare to this, I felt like I would die on the spot for this conversion. But then I remembered that Gods can’t kill you outright…but the thought that I’ve angered a god put me on alert, I should be more careful now should I face his wrath. On the good side, I feel safer with the Shining One, the stories that I’ve read about those in league with him swimming in my head as I leave the temple.

Back upstairs and resting to heal my wounds I check around a bit and find a shop. “Of all places to meet a merchant, I meet him in this place.” It looks like the Orb brings a wide variety of folk down here. Browsing the wares and getting a new sword is nice but after identifying it, it looks like a waste of money (+1, +3 longsword) so I throw it away, nothing now can compare to my current weapon.

A few hours later and I feel more proficient with my blade after slicing some orcs and imps, also I feel like I’m attracting my new God’s attention with my demon slaying. As I turn a corner I see a strange looking frog, the upper portion is real but with a prince’s crown in between its black eyes yet the lower half looks translucent, like it was not of this world. As I was thinking of how to end it, it turns its slimy head in my direction and *POOF* it disappears. Quickly holding up a javelin to throw, I approach the spot to where it was. *Croak*…”Great”…Something then tackles my shield arm while crushing it under its weight. Finding myself wounded hard I run back, quaffing a health and speed potion on the way expecting it to chase me but then it disappears in a puff. Now only a long corridor is between me and that blasted frog. With a poof of scarlet, the frog appears at the long end. I throw a javelin and it hits the frog, thus poisoning it. Then a calm voice berates me in my head telling me to not use poisons and other *cowardly* ways of dealing with enemies. I then drop my javelins and wield my sword, all the while quaffing another potion of might preparing for the worst and charge… As I return to my senses, I see my hands covered in blood, all red. I was expecting some sort of animal blood but looking at the corpse lain before me. It was human and bearing the royal insignia of old. Another tale of a prince turned frog, and I ended it.

“Slaying demons is pretty fun, I could do this all day!” I said in my mind as I cleaved the last imp in sight, then a sudden light appeared. It was coming from all around me, looks like I was blessed by my new God by killing demons, I guess I’ll stay loyal to him, demons are deadly at the start but who knows what I’ll be facing on much deeper in the Earth. Besides, this halo looks like it illuminates all my surroundings, better to see and to die than to die in the dark as they say.

  • Erolcha* the one which I shouldn’t have charged at. Picking off her ogres were easy with the darts and spears I found earlier; to think that I could slay her with my sword was crazy. I did anyway but not with a loss of a potion of rage and a close call with death. (When your enemy is bigger and meaner than you, try hitting it at range or with wands and spells). Curse that club, brought me to my knees before I was forced to slash at…its vulnerable part thus ending her. Not having enough time to write in my diary, as the number of monsters were rapidly increasing before I could even lift my quill, I’ll just skip over some events until I am safe to write again. Who knows who will find this diary if I die down here, I hope it has enough detail though.

A few more floors down and I’m happy with how I’m surviving, training spells along the way from a discarded book. Belonged to a wizard I guess. As I explored in this floor I felt like I should be more cautious here, call it intuition but I almost felt like I was seeing myself dying to something. But none of that dream thing now, must concentrate on the task at hand...

Almost done with my map of this floor, marking a mine tunnel along the way, I suddenly get slapped in the face. Helmets are good for that protection but that really hurt. I looked around to see who hit me; nothing. I then recalled my premonition earlier and fled the area. Something was there but it wasn’t a ghost, or was it? All the ghosts I’ve seen shown themselves for a real battle, this new enemy just wanted to kill me straight off. An assassin didn’t match since assassins don’t slap their enemies to death too. *WHAP* I get hit at the base of my neck, I then run to a narrow corridor, drink a potion of cure wounds and shoot along the hallway in the direction I came. Only one arrow hit its mark and it seemed to me that the enemy was floating, I then draw my sword all the while drinking a potion of might. A silhouette presented itself when it approached at short range, maybe the halo does have its benefits?...  


A few moments later I see myself in the same position in my premonition, clutching a bruised arm yet still alive. The dead creature, whatever it was, now lies slain. Yet I felt like I was going to meet my maker soon. Out of healing potions and out of energy, my guardian amulet didn’t look like it would save me, then out of the dark a dart whizzed past me, another kobold… It was quick to dispatch it yet I felt bad, as in real bad like from the snake bite earlier but ten times as bad…I limped over to a corner and awaited my death, all the while praying to The Shining One for safety…Darkness then came over me… Somehow, death didn’t feel so bad. I must be dreaming so I pinched myself, it hurt proving that I was still alive, barely alive from that deadly poison. Maybe now I understand why my God hates the use of poison, I never imagined that dying to it would be a slow and painful death.

The Lair and the Mines

Resting and healing, which was all I needed. Down some more floors and I find a strange scroll lying on the ground just waiting to be read. After identifying it, I recognized it as a scroll of aquirement! I must be blessed to have such a scroll in my hands. It’s just like in the stories where you wish for something and it appears at your feet. Too bad this is random since I’m just reading a scroll. I hope I know what I’m doing (due to the nature of this scroll, I wished for a weapon and a bow appeared before me, it turned out to be a huge blessing that time).

Now happy with my new weapon, I notice barking and howling in the distance, sounding like dogs or wolves. Coming nearer, I see a giant troll in their midst surrounded by pools of water and a moss covered stairway leading down. Casting swiftness, I put my new gift to the test. My arrows flew with great speed that many of the hounds surrounding the troll died instantly. The troll was another story, had to use hit and run tactics to end it along with the use of my wands. Speaking about wands, I was happy to find a store for them a few rooms later after getting that strange troll, wands are good for many uses for a non-spellcaster as I just witnessed. Going back to that stairway I notice glowing silhouettes in the water, as I approach I see the water churn like there was something big underneath that noticed my presence. Switching to my sword made it much easier, zapping those sharks and fish. Now what lies down that stairway hmm?

The Lair of Beasts - Nothing else but an underground forest complete with fungi and plant flora. The air was warm, tropically warm and the plants were very lively and peaceful. It was great seeing natural beauty again after a long while, although enlarged to scary proportions. Clearing out the place was simple enough and it also provided use as a stash for the extra items and rings I’ve been collecting. Turning back, I know that it will be safe to leave items here since no beast can carry, much less know how to wield and use any of them.

While travelling back up to that mine shaft I saw earlier, a different flash of light strikes and dazzles me. A familiar voice shouts, echoing in my head “I’m BACK Mortal!”. As my eyes regain focus from the flash, I see an Orc and naga warrior and..By the GODS, a TITAN! Recalling from what I studied back at the academy, it is a being that was once a god, now an elder giant but retaining most of its terrifying powers. I quickly quaffed a potion of invisibility but then I noticed my aura, “Great..”. Casting swiftness I ran for the shaft entrance. Giant bolts of lightning streaking past me, I was just lucky to be faster and outran them but was struck at the back, it packed a great punch exhausting my energies. My amulet saved me from physical pain again.

“Gold, the halls are filled with GOLD!” I shouted as I saw the lumps of gold everywhere, on the floor, on the walls even gold veins sprouting out like tree branches. Even that Orc warrior was sitting on a lump of gold like it was a chair. Wait…orcs? As my eyes looked up from the gold the orc was sitting on, I was surprised to see it glaring back at me, along with the many other orcs by his side, the warrior then tilted his head in my direction indicating an attack. The battle was fierce and I once had to drink a potion of rage just to stem the tide, aiming for those damned priests first, smiting me every which way. “Smite me will you?! Taste my blade!” I shouted as the last priest fell. No wonder Elves hate Orcs…

Hours later, I finish counting my gold after looting two whole floors of the mines. It was filled with orcs though but by bow and blade they fell easily enough. I even tried out my fire spells on them which I learned in a discarded book, “Mmm cooked meat for once” I thought.

After heading down the stairs something strange caught my eye, a bestial minotaur ghost. Weird seeing those creatures here, looks like even gold lures them out of their labyrinths. Most of my blows went through it as were my arrows, the ghost laughed eerily as it parried my slash and gored me with its horns, I had to resort to my wands. Finishing it up, I was left exhausted but thanks again to my amulet and evasion skills, I was mostly unscathed. Nothing else worth mentioning except the fact that it was filled with orcs as always, noticed a sorcerer and a few knights. Nothing I could handle; then I hear a different war cry echoing like it was coming from two directions at once. No, two heads at once. I turned around to see a horde of two-headed ogres charging at me. Many fell to my arrows and their shafts were protruding out of their bodies but they kept on coming. Running over their dead comrades, consumed by the blood lust. In the melee I was badly hurt and wounded yet able to evade their slow attacks, an ogre hits hard but one with two heads? Their blows were more accurate and I nearly died whilst finishing off the last one. Deadly things they were and all I got was a few coins of gold as loot.

The Deep Elves

Who would guess, straight from an orcish mining tunnel I stumble upon a stairway decorated in runic elven writing, it looked ancient judging by what I know, then it hit me. These were no ordinary elves that you see above ground, this was written by elves who were here long ago. Elves who long ago fled the overworld to live in darkness underground to cultivate their magical powers, I didn’t know that some of them fled in the direction of the Orb to gain power here.

To go in here means meeting my long separated brethren but sadly, their seclusion might lead to hostility with all things, including me, which also means that I cannot eat any of the meat they leave behind for that would be cannibalism.

First off, my way was barred by a cloud of frost. It didn’t hurt much but it broke many of my potions, then I thought “You can lob those potions right? The cold won’t have enough time to freeze it”. The good thoughts always come too late, but better late than never. A few steps later I saw and fought my first elven enemies, a small pack of them. It was just like the mines but worse, they had summoners. My devotion to the Shining One was great and it made it easier to shoot at those mages before anything bad happened, the great thing was that I was using their own ammo against them provided by their own soldiers. Their soldiers and fighters were trained well in bow and blade, but I was better.

A few more floors down, some more arrows, a *nice* mutation, a wonderful cloak looted from a labyrinth and after looting my dead brethren, I was blessed to find a nice artifact and a blessed sword. Identifying it later, both were long swords yet the blessed one was elven made blessed with the Holy Brand. It was strange, seeing one of those held by a deep elven knight.

~My Guardian Angel~

Five floors down and I’m stronger than ever, many strange things happened but I’m still alive. There was little resistance in the first couple of rooms until I noticed an orc corpse among the dead, strange seeing them with elves. More rooms later and my curiosity is satisfied. I spied a great orc among his brethren, wearing deep green plated armor and ordering out commands which the orcs obeyed without question. I lured the outlying orcs away and easily made short work of them but upon returning, saw that the great orc was charging at me along with a sorcerer and priest. Knowing that if even the orc priests follow this great orc, then it must be an adept in both fighting and invocation. After ending the lives of its companions I approached it in the melee with my new sword and shield. Took some scratches but it fared in my favor. It was fierce and I feared for my life once more, but one quick slash at the small opening in the armor exposing its neck and the battle was over, I then rested and checked around the corner for any enemies…

What I saw was a ghost that looked like an elf hunter and Norris..who was once a renowned preacher, mage and fighter above ground, he vanished long ago searching for the same thing I am now. I panicked for my life; I wasn’t in any shape to fight both a ghost and Norris. I prayed to the Shining One for aid and heard his calming voice in my head. “Your angel will guide you now; you shall not fall this day.” Arming my bow, me and the angel both charged in, the angel took care of the ghost in two strikes and then it was down to us. Norris smote me drawing me close to death and then charged at me, all the while yelling *colorful* suggestions for me to do. The Angel intervened putting its body between me and him and struck him with its flaming sword. A bright flash of light followed, shielding my eyes from the flash I saw that Norris was being taken care of (he was blinded) and in a few short seconds, the battle was over. I tried to thank my angel but couldn’t find the words in my mouth so I prayed again to the Shining One for thanks, who then granted my angel with added time in the world. So I got up and opened the door to the next room and found Aizul, a sleepy serpent guardian of a treasure horde (and to think mythology was a lie, HA!) I tried running away but then felt more lightheaded with every step, I was falling asleep while walking, the last thing I saw before my eyelids shut was a white figure flying fast in Aizul’s direction then it faded to black. A few moments later I awoke to see my angel, standing right by my side as if waiting for me to awaken. As I gazed around the room I saw nothing but the corpse of Aizul and some other deep elf priest who came in at the wrong time. When I turned back to where my angel was, it disappeared in a flash of light. Saying a small prayer, I mapped the place and travelled down the stairs.

The seventh floor, as I step down from the stairwell I noticed the walls were heavily runed and the air was filled with magic, telling me that the presence of mages was enormous here. Some rooms later I see a strange purple glimmering portal. “Enter at own risk” was inscribed on the edges. Not one to leave an area unexplored I stepped through. My first impression was that I was stuck in a tomb, the crumbly walls were musty with dirt and yellowing with age and the floor was covered with a blanket of dust. I could hear demonic laughter beyond the walls. Finding a secret door, I drew my holy sword and prepared for the worst. The images I saw were horrifying, skeletons and demons of all shape and size including a very surprised necromancer. A fierce battle once again took place yet by every demon felled, I regained power and it was over sooner than you would think. Finding only two rings of cold protection and a new pair of boots, I leave this crumbly tomb to its fate having cleared it of the evil within. Turning a corner I saw a multitude of deep elves, most were not like the ones I encountered earlier. Many were draped in violet, green and black, none of which saw me yet. Looked like the next magic convention to me so I gathered my wits and left, headed back for the Lair.

The Dungeon Swamp

My first steps down from the Lair of Beasts into this new area and I get this chilly feeling, looking around me brings me back to a story that I heard when I was young. About the heated air yet there was mist, mist so thick that I felt like cutting it with my blade; and in every patch of water there were unseen horrors waiting to get you, the trees looked like horrors shrouded in this mist, like they were once people transformed against their will... Yup, I’m in a swamp…

Luckily for me, I had the help of The Shining One. Praying to him for aid, I take a deep breath and explored the area ignoring my fear of what lies hidden. Then something struck me, I see shadows moving in the waters and in the mist yet they glow like ghosts, did the aura that my God gave me affect them even through all that? It looks like it did and I don’t want to know why. That aura gave me the advantage of surprise, well it actually told me where they were but nonetheless, it made killing the dangerous denizens of this place much easier.

Passing down three floors, the monsters here compared to the ones above are just as frail but they prove experts at retreating from my blade. Sad thing is, some of my arrows were lost in the muck of that swamp even if they were heavily enchanted. Caught my first glimpse of how the Orb changes things around here, big ugly things and hydras. Learned quickly to take the hydras out with arrows since using my blade gave me a headache, if you know what I mean. It looks like a long way until the end here and yet I’m still not sure if this is the right path to the Orb, hope I can find some reference guide or book out there that’ll tell me about it. Stepped in a Zot trap once, found out its powers are just as deadly as the blade trap and sometimes even more. Down the stairs I go.

Meet the Kraken

The land grows darker, the mist thickens and I see shadows in the mist not illuminated by my aura, I think I’m getting a hang to all this! All packed up after visiting my stash and prepared for anything. Sadly, eating the last batch of food didn’t help much, hard to guess that they could mutate me. Found some reference books on the orb, encased by dry mud and protected from the elements that way.

From what I gather, the Orb is protected by some sort of “barrier” blocking three portals that needs to be bypassed by the runes, not any common rune like those you find inscribed on armor and weapons but runes of Zot, originally a giant tablet but broken into pieces and placed in the very depths of this place to protect the Orb from malicious powers. I wonder what the Orb looks like (other than an obvious sphere)...

A few more steps into the murky waters and I see many silhouettes in the distance, the mist and in the waters. Thank the Shining One for this blessed aura. To keep it short, all I fought with was packs of eels, Giant insects and Huge Frogs and a crazed crusader named Rupert, dueling to the death, he was no match for me (partly because there were swamp drakes about next to deep water). “Nothing that I couldn’t handle at my current state”, well that was what I thought until I saw stone walls through the thick mist surrounding me. “A stone structure in a swamp…How cliché” . Then the air around me became cold, deathly cold; which is saying a lot considering the tropical heat I was feeling seconds ago. I put on my ring of ice and worked my way through mud and crept close to what seemed the entrance. Seeing strange shapes made of ice I positioned myself for a fight using the terrain as an advantage. It wasn’t long until they noticed me, I wielded my blade of wrath and charged them, the blade slicing through ice and dispersing it into clouds of freezing vapors, even if they were hydra simulacra they fell just as easy before my sword and the Shining One’s might. One by one they fell, using the terrain to my advantage and trapping them in a narrow corridor. Every simulacrum killed empowered me to continue and press on.

Fighting in the water is bad for a land creature like me, anyway after lobbing my potions out of the area of cold, I come upon a water filled room; and there to greet me (other than the simulacrum and the ice dragons) was a happy AZURE JELLY. Perfect… Lucky for me, it was stranded on an isle behind a copse of trees and it hadn’t noticed me. Luring the dragons and the simulacra and ending them was easy, then by a whim I used my wand of polymorph other on the jelly thinking “nothing is worse than this, right?” (I exhausted my wands of fireball and had few charges left in my wand of fire). *ZAP* I saw in slow motion, the jelly transforming before my eyes. Its smooth body warping and twisting, soon even the bluish color was changing to a flesh like tint. As I gazed in horror as the now transformed jelly opened its two giant eyes and roared. It became the Kraken.

Averting my gaze, lest I be too horrified to continue the fight I see a rune on the far end of the bank. Using my wand of fire I kept on shooting in the kraken’s general direction all the while making my way to the rune, on my 7th or 8th cast I hear a roar of pain behind me, I turn around and all I see is a thick wall of mist. It looks like it either died by my hits or choked on the heated steam, well its dead anyway. As I grasp the rune in my hand, power engulfs me and I feel one step closer to my goal.

The Snake Pit

“Ahh, nothing better than the tropical heat in your face after getting a nice rune.” I said as I returned to the Lair, One more floor down and I see more snakes than any other beast. “Must be breeding season” I mused as I dispatched them. Sometime later I come upon a room filled with snakes, from the common garden snake to a black mamba. I sure am thankful for that *mutation* potion and that poison resistance. Making short work of them all I proceeded down the stairs.

“The Naga, a diety taking the form of a snake or snakemen as they are commonly known.” This is what came to mind upon seeing one of them, the upper portion a human yet the lower part looked like a giant serpentine tail melded right below the abdomen. They didn’t last against my sharpshooting though, maybe when this is all over (if I still live) I’d write a book about all this and maybe publish it one day.

“Face my WRATH Mortal!!” said the horrific voice as I shot the last naga in sight. A mist rose up then four figures surrounded me, an orc knight, a Cyclops, a fire giant and that dreaded titan again. How many times shall you haunt me? Thankfully, the orc was blocking the titan’s line of sight so it didn’t throw any bolts at me nor do anything at all but chase me. I fled up the stairs and waited it out, “I told you I’m sorry but you didn’t have to TRY to kill me…” I thought to that voice in particular. Other than a few burnt scrolls and my energy exhausted, I’m still alive. Back in the pit, nothing of any mention other than having repeated attacks from Okawaru, why can’t he be happy with his other worshippers and why did he not hit me while I was in a misty, muddy swamp? No Titans though but the attacks mostly always had a fire giant. My Poor Scrolls…

Later down the road, I find another book to read. “Wow, it seems that Giant Butterflies ARE real” I said as I memorized the spells knowing that I will need some spells to cast in emergencies. Along a narrow corridor I encounter another scroll of acquirement. And now I have a new helmet replacing the old one!

Deeper and deeper I go, I notice that the breeds of snakes get more poisonous or stronger as I go deeper, not much to say for the naga but when I see some strong mage or greater naga warrior creature then I’m close to the end, based on experience of creatures guarding runes.

“Circe, a minor goddess of magic. Known as an herbalist but more widely known for her ability to turn men and animals into monsters.” I guess I’ve read too much history back at the academy for this. When I stepped foot on the next floor I heard a pig squeal, and right next to it was someone going along those lines, but by the name of Kirke. Too bad mythology and folklore isn’t as real as it ought to be, on the bright side she broke through my energy barrier and slowed me, I almost felt like turning into one of her *pets* but the Shining One intervened. It was well noted that she isn’t good in melee and when I struck the final blow, all the hogs nearby changed back into people! Who were then killed and/or crushed by the surrounding anacondas and very ugly things…poor souls forever trapped as hogs then released only to be killed, but at least they died human. After giving them a decent burial, I chanced upon some wizened old demonologist and he wasn’t happy to see me. A few shots and he fell but not before summoning a red devil. That fell too, giving me a confidence boost, but to underestimate anything may as well be my doom, I still remember the ogre incident…

...Stealth plus a shining halo doesn’t mix, as I crept down the stairs I was instantly attacked by naga warriors and mages. Only thing was, they didn’t aim for me at all, like I was unnoticed, so I shouted at them; bad idea. Keeping the warriors at bay with my sword and shooting the mages was quite a task but I felt that something was up, only now had I seen that many naga around, this must be it. More hallways filled with naga, I’m glad that they were all narrow or else I’d be surrounded. Then came the big surprise, a giant room with walls of stone filling the center, like a giant open inward spiral. Good for me for the place was partly narrow, great for a one on one, only those mages I’d have to watch out for. A few steps in and I get my first sight of a greater naga. Deathly red and more poisonous I’d bet. *THOK* my first greater naga down by a long shot, slow but deadly the rest of them slither to my position, I then get poisoned despite my *mutation* against it. If it wasn’t for the narrow hallway I’d be dead, poison spewing all over me. Somehow I was teleported before they struck me down but now I’m barely alive, the poison is out though so that’s nice. The place is crawling with naga, I retreated upstairs for a breather before heading back down…”Ahh that’s right, I should’ve actually used my spells then.” I said while slapping my face. That could’ve killed me. As I step down, now with full life and energy I return to the room where I almost died and summon them giant butterflies altogether with swiftness…One greater naga down, another follows but now I’m nearly dead again (cursed poison bolts) and to make matters worse… “I HAVE YOU NOW!!” yells the horrific voice, a brilliant flash comes and standing right next to me is a fire giant with 3 orc knights. I summoned my colorful friends and hacked away at them, it was time I’d face Okawaru (his wrath I mean, I can’t face a god!).

A few moments later and its all over, I live, wounded but alive. With nothing else to stop me, I trudge to the rune. Only a warrior and mage stood in my way, ended it quickly. I then hear a familiar *swoosh*. The shape of a greater naga entered my peripheral vision, and it just hasted itself. With little hope for survival I shot arrow after arrow into it, it breathed poison at me and I deflected it back at it. Now the fight was fair. One on one, he was poisoned, I was dying…*BAM* I get hit in the head by the pommel of his sword sending me reeling and coughing blood. Not wanting to die in my current position, I then thrust my blade through his blind spot, as his blood gushed forth he looked into my eyes and nodded before falling on the ground, dead. “Was that a sign of recognition?” I wonder. Limping over to the rune, I take it in my hands and feel the power ebb in me. Two down now, I’m going to get that Orb and…Well, I’ll think of something later on if I survive.

The Vaults

Back out of the Lair of Beasts and now I’m ready to take on the worl-.. dungeon! Took a while to adjust to the cold, musty air unlike the warmth encountered in the Lair. Compared to the latest enemies I’ve faced, it looks like the next two floors are easy pickings, even the two-headed ogres were no match for me, although their mage seemed very supportive, hasting others before itself. Well anyway, I noticed a giant portion of this certain floor was covered with wax, beeswax that is. Inside I had to fight off giant bees and its queen (come to think of it, is everything that is small in the normal world enlarged down here?). Took some of their giant honey and rare royal jelly too, everything tastes better when its ten times as big! Weird though, the many floors of this place are always connected by stairs no matter what is growing around them, someone must have gone a great deal to create this place. Apart from that I notice something looking like an altar, with a hole to the abyss on it with no end in sight and out of that hole tumbles a glowing rod, “I’m taking no gifts from an unknown god.” I quietly say to myself. Along the way I notice a giant stone structure with glass along the walls, as I peer inside I find myself staring, into a giant eye (of devastation)…Back to the waxy safer part, I take down the waxy steps, careful not to fall and risk being stung by angry bees.

Waxy walls oozing with droplets of sweet honey, this is going to be relaxing compared to most of the other parts I’ve been at. On the other hand, I can hardly hear myself think, too much buzzing in here. I couldn’t write any of this earlier since I was too busy keeping the bees away from stinging me, mostly everywhere I went I couldn’t find enough honey to keep but I was always welcomed by those bees. As I said, it was relaxing compared to anything else since most of them were too slow in stinging me, I weaved around all their stingers and introduced them to my blade. A way down and I’m welcomed to the sight of a giant honeycomb, complete with the welcoming party. After finishing them off with the dance of blades I happily take as much as I can from the hive, leaving the larvae to grow. On a side passage, I find two helpful books, the book of Annihilation and of Clouds. Now that it’s all and done (other than the regular ambush by Okawaru no less, almost killing me if I didn’t possess a scroll of blinking, blessed things they are.), I end my vacation.

Back from my vacation and it seems I’m not missed, upon leaving the Hive I try the stone structure again, giant eyes of devastation…Of all body parts they should be eyes shooting giant rays of death at me. Completing the first outer layer (and getting my blood splattered along the way) I then rest a bit, even my guardian amulet didn’t protect me against them. Should I press on, or should I retreat and return when I’m stronger?... I’m pressing on, if I’m backing down to eyes with powerful rays of death then how can I get that Orb which may be guarded by more powerful monsters? (I survive because they miss a lot and use hit and run). At most of the corners I see a giant eyeball surrounded by transparent walls, not passing that way, being paralyzed would be the last thing I would want, guess it’s a one way spiral from here. Summoning butterflies are great distractions for those eyes, but they sadly blow up into tiny colored bits when hit by the rays. Nonetheless it makes my clearing easier until I saw a giant floating orange brain (what’s next, giant cursed fingers or toes?!), as I think on how to dispose of such horrible creatures, wisps of darkness surround the brain and I see shadows of creatures I’ve been fighting shambling up to me from the earth, desperate to tear me apart. I’m glad I have wands and a lot of scrolls to back them up. [*ZAP* *ZAP* *ZAP* *TWACK* *BOOM*]…

...A few moments later the smoke clears and all I see is a blank space, ignoring my blood splattered on the walls and floor and the corpses of those accursed brains and eyes, there were nine in all. I’ve risked my life for this and the treasure I’ve found was mostly useless except for rations and gold. At least the experience was worth it, taught me a lot of my mortality.

A few more floors down and I encounter a distant relative of the centaur. Yaktuars, hardy and fast they shoot crossbow bolts with great accuracy. I can’t use bolts but deflecting them with my shield back at them makes it worth charging with my sword. Moments later I come upon another scroll of acquirement and a staircase made of gold and platinum. Steps down I catch sight of those only seen as divine wrath. Cyclopes and many other powerful creatures. Rushing them quickly, sword and shield raised, brought a quick end to them. Other than having giant boulders thrown at you it was much easier dodging their slow blows. Then I encounter rooms filled with scrolls, books, weapons and mostly gold! Deadly vault guards for high priced loot! Also, I found out that even monsters can trigger Zot traps; being more common now deeper down. Minutes later while crossing back and forth from my stash a mist surrounds me followed by an inhuman roar that almost blasted my eardrums, I was surrounded by Okawaru’s wrath, giants of all sizes and elements followed by the Titan. Scrolls of blinking are blessings here, just read the last verse while the air twisted around me, smothering me like a hangman’s noose. *POOF* I’m safe but I should’ve been more alert. That seemed to be my closest call since the Snake Pit. Then I hear the horrifying voice in my head again, this time it was speaking with authority and not with a deathly tone. “Your vigilance has proven you worthy, go forth and battle on”. After that, I felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders.

Back in the vaults and three floors down, some more scrolls of aquirement, other scrolls, potions and gold including a portal to a treasure trove which cost my only cure mutation potion and to an icy cave which gave me potions of gain strength; both looted great artifacts and a new longbow. Nothing of note though other than the aquirement scrolls giving me replacement armor; no artifacts though. Had to turn back at the seventh floor, I’ve seen enough of a Titan and I don’t want to fight the real things. Turning back I meet some bounty hunters (I wonder how they found me) and a crazed possessed guy named Frederick, wielding a demon trident I prepared to charge him; there was a magical aura emanating from him telling me that he was a mage, and mages are bad at melee. That seemed to be the stupidest decision I’ve ever made, a few minutes into battle and he raises his hand and a giant slab of iron hits me square in the…vulnerable parts followed by an orb of energy, I couldn’t raise my shield to deflect it and thought it was over then. Then I felt someone control my arm, thrusting it through the book he was holding into his heart. It looks like the Shining One saved me from death and helped me end this monstrosity, afterwards restoring my power. I then turn back up, recounting how many times my recklessness almost killed me. Along the way I open a room and discover a jeweled falchion, oddly it was shining just like my holy sword. I picked it up and wielded it. “May this sword guide you my disciple.” the calm voice in my head echoed. As I turn the corner, I catch an image of a lich lingering south of me. “Maybe this must be a test…” I mumbled to myself, casting projected noise north of me, I hide right at the corner and cast swiftness and summon butterflies (I don’t know what that will do to help). *KAZAM* I chopped his head off in a few strokes yet he summoned deamons and wraiths in my vicinity before falling, this sword must be truly blessed as the battle was over in a few strokes. Backing up, I then walk back up the stairs, now more than ever determined to get that Orb.

Hall of Blades and the Crypt

May the Shining One rejoice, As I put foot down these dusty stairs I smell the stench of death, long dead things buried in a treasure vault. Who would guess? Bones embedded in the walls and strewn across the dust filled halls I’d be surprised to not find a necromancer in here. Other than the common necrophage and skeleton warrior, nothing posed a threat until I came upon curse skulls, covered with runes and emanating a deathly aura I didn’t think my arrows would be of good use here. Rushing in aided with swiftness, it was simple cracking it in, to that it also felt like cutting through undead butter. Disposing of the disturbed dead raised from the very floor and walls it summoned I move on. Among the many horrors that stalk these halls, one of them resembled my feared enemy, a titan skeleton. Yet, undeath has its weaknesses. It couldn’t cast and of its powerful magic and slicing it up in melee was easy, although it still hits as hard as one…Mummies of all sorts were also spotted, didn’t think they would practice embalming in a grave, their curses were bad however it only affected flesh, magical summons and liquid. My scrolls were safe, my potions were not so I dropped them first before ending the mummies afterlives. Other than fighting more undead, including vampires and vamp knights I decide to go back, not seeing the seemingly obvious shaft right before me, I trip and fall, landing a floor below. The air then changes, now with a black magical taste to it. I sensed death everywhere, like facing the lich again but something worse. Minutes later I hear the swishing of blades in mid-air, curious to this I look around and back step as flying weapons descend on me. Strange fighting off weapons that have their own will but being enchanted with magic they fell after more hits. More vampire knights and skeleton warriors as I come upon an altar of Kikubaaqu…spelling out *its* name isn’t important as a demon god raising up the dead makes a lot of sense now. The next room after that giant chamber lead me to a moat, at the middle I saw a horde of treasure guarded by a vampire mage, was easy to dispatch by tricking it into meeting my blade head first. The treasure filled room was covered with bones, as expected but it seemed strange that only a vampire mage was guarding it (Other than the many skeleton warriors and wraiths in the antechamber). Only thing worth of note was the gold and a +3 ring of evasion, maybe that’s why there was only one guard there. Having had my fun with clearing the dead and gaining experience and loot, I came back to test myself against something more bizarre.

Back to the vaults after refilling my food supply in the Lair, food is becoming pretty scarce now that I’m going deeper in. The Hall of Blades lives up to its name, but its filled with weapons of all sorts, not just blades! Walls made of granite, some with scratch marks, I expected a great fight down here but all I had was a dueling match with every weapon known. Fun though, many weapons I inspected had the holy brand on them, was that some sort of joke? Nonetheless, I almost killed myself again while underestimating these weapons. All of them were branded, most with added damage, draining and holy wrath. Note to self again: Never underestimate your enemies. Including rats.


“When a skeleton, raised by a necromancer or a necromancer who reanimates himself learns how to control the magic that binds the soul to the bone and learns how to wield it; the skeleton becomes a lich who, realizing its newfound power, dabbles with other branches of magic to further its own power and perhaps, call other wandering souls to inhabit other bodies around it. The lich is a one in a million creature, most young liches waste away in the first few months due to the misuse of the very same magic sustaining them, leading to weakened magic in which the trapped soul can then exploit, freeing itself from the mortal cage. The bones are another story, years pass and the bones get brittle, young liches must learn how to hold themselves together as well as attaining a more powerful form. If it is accomplished, then the lich could live on for more than a millennia, thriving on the energy around it as sustenance.”

….Nearing the stairway from the hall of blades I get racked with a painful headache. Vivid images come to me like a torrent of water, washing out any other thought in my head. Warnings of some sort against going down deeper in the vaults, flashes of light appear and I see many warriors standing before me, frozen like statues. Breathing, standing, all heavily armored those stoic guards. The images then focus on another thing, the nightmares of the past, several titans holding lightning in their hands, throwing great bolts at something or someone, and then the headaches cease. Was this another one of my warning dreams or was someone trying to tell me something? On my guard, I head on.

Up and out, I find myself surrounded by heavily armored guards as I step down from the seventh level, my heart skips a beat, this looked vaguely familiar. Not only was it filled with those guards (who were quite a challenge, having to fight them while on the stairway) but also with iron trolls, stone giants and a yaktaur battalion. Seeing no titans yet I head back up, I prayed to the Shining One for aid in this endeavor, two angels accompanied me into the battlefield. Casting repel missiles and swiftness on myself, we all rushed downwards. The battle was fierce; it was five to one, surrounded by stone giants and yaktaur captains. Flashes of light were seen from the blades and scourges of my allies, with every blow the enemy seemed dazzled. Every shot of mine perforating their stony hides while those that missed, hit those behind them. Gigantic boulders were flying all around, most bouncing off my allies’ armor; some I deflect with my shield and dodge the others. Bolts of frost and flame were also seen but by swift hands, mostly all were deflected back to their casters, if they missed, they hit the enemy flanking me. A few moments later, the battlefield was strewn with bolts, boulders, weapons of many sorts, silver darts (so that’s why I was dying…) and the corpses of my many adversaries lying on the floor, many bearing arrow shafts lodged in deep, others with scorch marks and cleanly cut slash marks still searing from the weapons they came from. With the battle over, my allies returned from whence they came. But more were to come, shadow, iron, storm dragons followed by more stone giants and other giant insects, shape shifters and trolls. I call on help again after retreating back up hoping that they didn’t follow, and was answered by a flash of pure white light; two Daevas came to my aid. Now it was five to one, they have regrouped as I had retreated up the stairs (I’m personally regretting going down here) but the fight went on, back in the same place the first battle was fought [at the very stairway]. As the seemingly endless hordes of enemies came, flying boulders overhead and breaths of flame and ice were seen crossing every which way; always countered by a deflected ray of mine, a slash to the head or a beam of intense light, signifying the wrath of the Shining One mostly always killing the target in one blow. Suddenly, the same flashes of light were seen coming from my ally’s direction, three dragons were overwhelming one of them causing it to warp back to its creator unless it be destroyed. The same happened to my other ally seconds later, puffs of ice and flame colliding just before a flash of light appeared. I was all alone yet the enemies were very numerous, dashing up the stairs they still continued to chase me. A fast blade fight and I emerge the victor, peering down the stairs found it to be crawling with enemies. Rested up and healed, one more prayer and more allies came to my aid. Down we go for the third time, it seemed that the number of enemies was thinning, the odds were high in our favor. (To cut it short, I’ve lost about 4 or so allies in total, our losses to theirs were 1:26 counting the zombies risen and skeletons that joined in) As I began to celebrate while exploring, I heard a nice distant slurping noise…

After looting most of the vault and killing the surviving shape shifters (which must have been the jelly) I come upon a weird amulet, wearing it to identify it (I had no scrolls) it looked like it helped me very little (Int+1,?). I was shocked when, upon removing it, a line was cut, I felt less connected with the Shining One. Then I realized, that amulet was one of faith, it had taken part of my devotion with it as I had removed it…

Coming upon the last room, I noticed the air heavy with death. Not including the battle earlier, I proceeded in with caution. A few steps later revealed the source, an Ancient Lich. Without the aid of the Shining One, I hoped my knowledge of the area and my tactical skills would help me. Using projected noise along with swiftness and repel missiles, I wielded my sword of holy wrath and hid by the corner to where I’d suspect the lich would come out from. Skeleton after skeleton came, all vanished with a *CRACK* to the head before it could retaliate. The air seemed to be laden with eldritch magic now; I could feel the ancient lich coming closer. Then I saw it, draped in a blue magister’s cloak with golden trimmings holding a gnarled staff with a tiny skull on top, it drifted by me slowly, the air around it cackling with death. I was surprised it didn’t notice me until *CRACK*, I silently cut off its staff bearing arm with a chop to the shoulder, a shriek not of this world emanated from it resounding through the halls. Turning its cold, black eyes towards me and raising an arm as if to cast a spell, I quickly slice it in half horizontally; dividing it in two before it has a chance to blast me apart. The surprised lich then raised its arm and called on the powers of Hell moments before I sink my blade into the helm of its skull. The lich lies dead in three strokes. The wraiths, zombies and skeletons afterwards were no problem. Coming into the corridor beyond where the lich lain, I discover a trove of artifacts, gold and the silver rune of Zot. Not being hasty, I go back upstairs and stash my extra loot before returning.

Everywhere but there

Just now I realize that I haven’t mapped the whole of the Lair, including many other places left unfinished. From my memory, only the Lair I’ve left alone. Saw a stairway in the Crypt too. I’ll just start clearing the lower floors of the dungeon, three runes and the Orb is now mine for the taking (assuming I live). Unless something else comes my way I’m clearing up the Lair for now followed by the last level of the Elven Halls.

On the final floor of the Halls (there was nothing of note in the Lair other than a slimy stairway) after clearing up all the other rooms. I come upon the dreaded room I’ve marked on my map. First sight catches a high priest chatting with a demonologist. Strange seeing that together but it must explain their hostility towards me. Shooting arrow after arrow, figures in colored robes crumple before they could hit back. Seconds later, one of them shouts and rallies the others. Soon they were swarming the narrow corridor with their summons. Blademasters and Master Archers were also seen among them. Soon, their dead were reaching up to get me for I spied death mages here too. Strange though, while some of the death magi retreated, the Shining One tells me not to fire at them yet their summons were bogging me down. Aiming for their undead counterparts first, I cut them down easily which restored me back to fighting potential. The air was heavy with magic, I felt like choking in it. Crystal spears were thrown, arrows flying everywhere, and the common puff of smoke as demons fell and rose. Remembering my spells, I cast abjuration. *BAM* The room was heavily filled with smoke, I heard coughing and choking in the midst along with some of them cursing in another language. As the smoke clears, I see few elves standing, many of the demons were ejected from this world yet there were still many more. Cutting my way through the demons, I lunge at the nearest spell caster spearing him through. Few more slashes and several more lay dead, many of the arrows directed against me were reflected back. Soon, the ranks were thinning and seconds later; the only thing left standing was me. Looting the rooms and disposing of any survivors, I leave with sacks of gold over my shoulder as well as some new artifacts, feeling stronger than ever.

Moving deeper into the dungeon, I find many foes like I’ve seen before, nothing new for the next six floors. At about twenty floors deep, the lights grow dimmer, it feels colder than normal yet I don’t detect any presence of a mighty spell caster or anything, better be on guard, something is going on down here.

Moments later I come upon a gateway to the Abyss, a horrible place which only few know about; and who only come back gibbering nonsense. A few meters away I saw a skeletal gateway to HELL, tiny flames dancing around it. Demons must lurk down those two gates, I chose the latter. *WSSSHHH* Stone cold floor, shimmering portals around me, and then I see a huge demon standing right over me. Green scaled wings spanning a whole man, the lower half a green tail. Three heads sprouting from the body and by the hip, a silver horn. Passing back through the portal, the demon followed me. Casting swiftness I shot it with all I got. Blowing its horn, the demon summons strange red beasts to its aid. Shooting and blocking against five enemies backed up against the wall would kill any lesser human, but I had the Shining One on my side. The aura uncovered a vulnerable area in the demons upper torso. Filling it with arrows, I focus only on the demon before it gets a chance to blow its horn.

“I’m alive…” I say to myself, hands dripping with my own blood, shield covered with the demon’s blood and scratch marks, I look upon what lay on the demon’s body. “The horn of Geryon, guardian of the entry way and gatekeeper of the four Hells”. I still couldn’t believe that simple arrows could kill a being such as that. Recovering my health (as strange as it sounds, wounds seem to close before your own eyes in the dungeon) I put up the courage to blow the horn, a scream followed by an inhuman roar catches my attention. It seems that blowing it outside of where its owner should be brings in one of those beasts. I recover my energy and tend to my wounds for now.

Fighting through the portal, I see very familiar monsters and enemies, just like back in the Vaults only that demons joined in, pulling them through the portal and back was a simple task and soon not one of them were left standing. Then I notice that my shooting has improved a lot, my arrows mostly always found its mark in the chinks on the armor of my enemies. I then learned, I have mastered archery in all its forms. Wielding my trusty sword of wrath I began clearing out the entryway to Hell, noting that no monster or demon would dare leave the safety of their portals while the horn was in my possession thus making this place my new stash. Strange seeing water here though, looks like the entrance was made to accommodate even the most innocent of monsters (goldfish…). I even found jellyfish living in the fountains nearby. “Four hells, four corners of the entrance to Hell…” One was metal, second was water, third was metal, fourth was death; undeath to be exact. Once cleared, I put my lips to the horn, it felt like blowing on the coldest metal ever known. A thick mournful tone came out, very different from that I heard outside the Vestibule. I look to the four corners, the gates were open yet no demon or undead poured out. The entryway was safe.

[*Also noted that when you deflect poisoned projectiles, it may cause the Shining One to put you under penance, just a speculation though since reflected missile kills count as collateral damage, didn’t happen to me, must be a bug. **Confirmed that the poisoned projectile will cause penance by the Shining One and other gods forbidding poison, but only if the reflected projectile HURTS the enemy, not by actually hitting it and doing no damage due to armor.]

Out of that place and down more floors, seeing a gate to Pandemonium and training myself up. With my experience, the Orb must be guarded by beings worse than what I’ve seen…

“…Never have I been so blessed” I say in awe as I polish my shield. A few moments ago (D:25) I came upon a lich, trying my old tactic with projected noise failed, everything went wrong and the lich saw me. Thinking that I could charge it with swiftness I approached it. [@ . . . . . . . . L] It then threw up its arms and summoned a great purple orb, energy dancing inside it. “An Orb of Destruction” I said with surprise, noting that it would kill me in one shot. The Ancient Lich I’ve slain earlier didn’t cast anything to save itself yet a minor lich could do this?! I threw one of my silver javelins at the orb, hoping to destroy it. Big Mistake; the time it took to heft and throw the javelin brought the orb about seven *squares* nearer to me [@ O . . . . . . . L] I panicked and wished for the best and threw my javelin at it, hoping to destroy such a thing... *THNG* A strange shock came over my left arm, my shield somehow DEFLECTED the orb! I could see the surprise in the lich (despite it being undead) as approached it with the orb leading the way. While I stood in awe (actually doing nothing) watching the orb hit the wall right next to the lich, destroying both in the process, the lich then summons ANOTHER orb! I panicked again, it was just two squares away from me, nothing I could do to save myself from the speed of that horrid thing, teleportation and blink wouldn’t work since my energy reserves were out! Only thing I did was pray for my life…*THNG* goes my shield again, I couldn’t feel my arm then *BOOM*, seconds after my arm went totally numb, I saw the orb heading straight for the lich; who was trying its best to deflect it…Too late; and the rest is just a black crater, spewing out energy and condensed magic along with bits and pieces of what used to be a powerful lich.

The Realm of Zot

Finishing mapping the last floor of this majestic dungeon, I come upon a gate just like the one leading to Hell, only gold plated. “All ye who enter beware, the Orb of Zot we will not share.” Was inscribed along the edges of the door, “So that’s what its called, the Orb…of Zot! That may explain the traps before!” I then try to enter but the door didn’t budge, then I saw three holes marked on the door, places where the runes I’ve collected would actually fit in. I then return from my newly renovated stash and enter the realm of Zot.

Seeing the walls and floor reminded me of clouds, both were tinted white yet the walls shown traces of heavy magic but were still very breakable. Draconians of all colors, dragons, moths of wrath and other powerful creatures resided here. But I was ready for every one of them…

Second floor and the walls turned a shady sapphire blue. I felt closer to the Orb, but I felt the presence of many enemies here. Dark and light Draconians emerged from the next floor, the hallways were great in aiding their demise. A sudden, chilling moan catches my attention, as I turn around to fight I see a…walking corn man?! No, maize! A strange walking undead corn cob…Looks like even food gets affected this close to the Orb. Good thing it helps me restore my power, and it was easy to rip apart too!

Third floor, seems like the deep elves I’ve met a long while ago taught the draconians somethings, I’ve seen annihilators, monks, scorchers, knights, callers, shifters, zealots…Reminds me of all those mages back in the Elven Halls. Anyway, many of the draconian are deadly now with specializations. Callers + Annihilators…Just got away from three callers while getting part of my scrolls blasted, abjuration is a very useful spell here. Just met a ghost named after me and it took a lot of punishment to bring down, very weird… Also, the thought of random body parts being animated to kill you creeps me out…Eyes, brains and now a cursed toe?! Fighting it was just like those skulls back at the crypt but worse, it floats…Writing all this down in a safe corner, I will continue in next floor.

Fourth floor…Is that laughter I detect? Looking around I spy a strange human figure, dressed in light blue jesters clothes. It turns its head towards me and I was shocked to see its face, all white with a giant smile, what should be eyes were just white craters, you could see the outline of its skull…It charged me and met my blade, it was hard to kill in melee so I tried out my spells on it. The fight became easier then but somehow I was horrified by that guardian and its weird antics. No draconians here, very strange. Only dragons, cobs and an orb of fire which somehow removed my bad mutation stood in my path. I am VERY close to the Orb…

Fifth floor, the walls cackle with magic, like they were solid condensed forms of it. This must be the place! Clearing out many rooms now filled with draconians and the occasional tentacled monstrosity I see stone walls, merged with the magic infused ones. As I peer around the corner to see what awaits me, I see a strange creature. A pink like tint with feet like elephants feet and it was shaped like a huge “X”, all edges were feet, ridges from the feet all the way to the middle which was a triangular set of red eyes with slit like black pupils. I didn’t want to engage such a creature headfirst, not knowing what they could do to me. Trying to retreat, I heard thumping footsteps behind me. “Too late” I said, steeling myself for a fight. Suddenly, the whole creature charged me furiously, it had gone berserk! Using my shield and sword as best as I can, the fight went over quicker than you would imagine. It seemed pretty soft for one so close to the Orb, but I shall not underestimate it, when angered it fights to the death. Some steps in I was suddenly attacked by another of those guardians and an Ancient Lich who appeared out of thin air! Using projected noise I prayed that my plan would work. With a hunch, I strode up to it, careful not to make any sudden movements…The plan worked, I lopped off its head as my blade cut through it like undead butter emitting beams of light as it sliced through. Thinking the worst was over I proceed to the next room and see a nice replay. Orb Guardians and the Ancient Lich again plus a Zot trap blocking the way. Retreating and using projected noise, I waited for the time to strike…(To put it short, I’ve faced Draconian annihilators combined with Ancient Liches, Orb Guardians and Orbs of Fire. All put down because of the terrain, one on one, blade in hand.). Seeing the Orb of Zot after emptying the chamber, it strikes me with awe. An Orb filled with eldritch energy, the source of all this. But I turn back, if I want to escape alive, I must make sure that I can. So I head to someplace else for training up, until I step on a Zot trap…

Someplace Else?

“Stone walls, Metallic figures, a floor that looks brimstone red…Where am I?” I said, just after stepping on that blasted trap a great force pulls me and here I am. “Not hell, but close to it. This isn’t what I was thinking when I remembered going to someplace else. No, not looking like the Slime Pits…”. Glad I packed some rations before setting out for the Orb. A few steps and then I smelled the stench of demons. Perfect…and somehow, I can’t map this place, nor can I write anything at all in my diary. Expecting a demon I took flight, yet looking back, it was a naga. “What is that doing in here?!”. Inspecting its body after defeating it in honorable battle, it was no shape shifter but a real naga, also I saw a nice glowing rod…Wait a minute, this seems familiar…

So its confirmed, I’m in the abyss, a realm of death and chaos ruled over by a demonic goddess. Seems right for a demon to stay anyway, distorted fiends… On the other hand, I’ve read about this place somewhere before, it holds a rune of Zot but the problem is; you need to survive and spend a lot of time in this place before it appears. I also spotted weapons and armor strewn across the barren land, remnants of unfortunate souls lost in this place. So begins my training…

The land constantly changed, as to my surprise. I was about to pass by a huge metallic block then it all changed to lava, I nearly fell in. Moments later, I see a portal leading out of the dungeon, but decide to press on for that rune. I hope I didn’t make a big mistake there. As I turn away from the portal, I suddenly find myself in a different location, with no portal out in sight…

Draconians, they even reside in this place. Along with seeing large and small horrors that only the imagination can whip up, I guess I can say that I’ve trained well in here. No demon that I saw could fare against my blade and the Shining One’s might. On a side note, I notice some naga warriors in here, Strange... Then I finally see the rune, and get teleported away as I approach it… (Curses...)

Some more fights and encounters with demons and the undead brings me to a halt, this place is unending with them. Coupled with the fact that the very land I step on changes every few steps or so, I hope I find that rune soon.

A few hours later (a few thousand turns later) I come upon the rune again. Panicking as I might get teleported away, I run at it like there was no tomorrow. Grasping the rune in my hands; power floods through me, restoring a huge part of me and giving me the will to move on. Suddenly I get teleported, right next to a portal! What luck that rune gave! Now free from that distorted wasteland, I breathe fresh dungeon air again now heading to that staircase back in the Lair.

The Slime Pits

It felt good feeling tropical air once again but that all changed once I delved into the slime pits right at the bottom of the Lair of Beasts. The air felt like breathing in a thick wool blanket, the walls were oozing with slime; no doubt corrosive to me and my armor. Prepared as ever, the slimes were easy to defeat, not much can be said of the oozing walls. I lost some of my armor there, even if it was padded and tightened to prevent just that. Slimes and floating eyes, a horrible combination of arms, to be paralyzed here means a slow, acidic death. “Note to self: avoid the walls first, the eyes later, getting melted alive while paralyzed stuck to a wall is NOT good.”. I decided to run down the stairs as fast as I could, there was no place that wasn’t filled with slimy walls, feels like being in your own stomach down here.

“A simple single celled organism with the power to multiply itself many times over, given the chance it would break down complex material (like wood) into something that could be likened to cell food, which explains the rapid multiplication of the widely feared jelly”. “Annoying creatures, good thing they can still *die*” I whispered to myself after killing a pack of them, trapped against those cursed walls. One more level partly mapped and finished. Apportation and ranged weaponry are perfect here, it seems that the oozing walls only burn through living (or undead) creatures, not inanimate objects! Coming down another floor and then I feel the air thicken, as if it can’t get any worse my teleportation spells fail when cast. It looks like there is a powerful entity here. This ceiling was shaped like a giant parabolic chamber, the walls caused no problem for me here yet the ceiling was dripping ooze, it was raining large globs of it. Other than the fact that there were greater jellies here, I suspected that there might be a rune tucked away in here, surely there isn’t anything worse than those Azure Jellies? My arrows were very ineffective here, I could see it harm the jellies but then be assimilated into their structure. It was a good thing I’ve mastered swordsplay earlier. A few jellies later, I come upon a gigantic stone structure, totally free of any ooze. The outer walls were as plain as can be, if you don’t count the elaborate carvings of a giant jelly in worship. Even the ceiling of the structure was clean, like it was being maintained by something. Nothing blocking my way but acid blobs; taken care of by some accurate shooting. During the fight, I hear something in the distance, a strange slurping sound, almost human. Peering past the corner I see a giant golden jelly, on top of an altar dedicated to its god. The jelly turns, or so I think, in my direction and I was shocked to see something resembling a giant eye at its core. This seemed like a great for, I steeled myself for the battle, praying for aid. Three Daevas come to my rescue as the golden jelly approaches me. Their flaming blades hitting the golden jelly, parts of it getting splattered everywhere. I was surprised when, dodging one, it shortly assembled itself into a new Azure Jelly. This was not faring well, my companions armor was getting affected by this strange golden blob and more jellies were spawning with every hit. On the good side, I saw that the golden jelly was NOT regenerating itself [unless you shoot it with arrows like any other jelly does]. Two of my allies fled the area, having been overwhelmed by the corrosive slimes but they did their job, the golden jelly was half its original size but it was still moving on, somehow I saw some kind of aura around it but maybe that was just because of the battle.Then, in perfect unison, my last remaining ally smites the jelly while I bring my sword down hard on its core, the resulting combination destroying the jelly and burning its remains. Then an earthquake occurred along with an unearthly wail, coming from the center of the stone structure. It was like listening to a siren but knowing what it was actually saying. The walls crumbled but the wailing went on, rising in pitch and getting louder and louder until it was no more. The air didn’t feel so thick anymore and, dealing with the surviving slimes, I discover an old green jelly like altar, broken down through the middle. Inscribed on its base in nearly unintelligible writing was “The ancient god, Jiyva, creator of the first.” I wondered if I just killed a GOD because of that, it seemed hard to believe but I was assured when the Daeva told me the truth. “If a certain god loses all its intelligent followers, those that submit willingly to service, then the god finds no use staying in this certain realm and leaves to find another. When that happens, millions of things change but with this god, almost nothing will because it never adapted to this realm.” . With that, my last remaining ally leaves me to ponder on what I’ve done. Looting the place and the fifth rune, I return to get that Orb. And now I know what to use it for.

Zot Revisited

Moving back, it seems like I’m not missed at all. The denizens of the Orb must have realized they were under siege and regrouped. I was attacked by a roving war party of draconians as soon as I set foot on the last floor. Determined to get that Orb for the use of good, I lunged at them, showing no mercy except to those who fled. Approaching the Orb room, I was assaulted by the Guardians, dragons and another orb of fire. Living through it all, I then charge forth, casting apportation and pulling the Orb to my feet. As I grasp it, energy flows through me empowering my will to keep this artifact away from evil’s reach. Just then I sense a disappearance of a magical force and could feel my magical power returning. “Head to the surface quickly, we will aid you.” Echoed a familiar voice in my head. “Demons have awoken, the very Hells are spilling forth knowing that their prized possession is now gone.”. Quickly casting teleport with its control, I swiftly escaped the realm of Zot, now being overrun by demons.

Back to the Beginning

Quickly getting every essential item from my stash, including all the runes and Geryon’s Horn, I make my way out of the Vestibule of Hell, with its four gates closed ever since the Orb came into my possession. As I stepped out of hell, it looked like the whole place was getting ripped apart. Demonic wails and screams from lost souls tore through me, I couldn’t move nor act; the fear was overwhelming me.

“We shall guide you, do not be afraid.” a voice said to me which quickly calmed me. Gathering my confidence, I hastily wielded my holy sword and ran as fast as I could, defeating any deamon in my way.

Floor after floor I go, nothing stood in my way other than the occasional monster. I felt like I was flying up every floor, carried by some unknown ally. My confidence was unbreakable until I turned the wrong way and headed up a dead end, quickly turning back a column of flames rose and here appears a Pandemonium Lord. Shouting a war cry, I leap in the air; sword blazing and strike it in the chest. The Pan Lord was taken by surprise, I hack away at it and end it soon enough, piercing its heart. Casting abjuration to get rid of those he summoned, I run back down and take the correct way. I should’ve marked my map correctly…

Taking the wrong path again, I backtrack and head another way, smiting any demon foolish enough to cross my path. Reaching the topmost floor, I recognize sunlight pouring through the cracks and smile, knowing my goal is nearly complete. Suddenly, another column of flames appeared and another Pan Lord appears roaring its defiance. I blast through his summoned demons and start whacking at his armored torso, ending him like the last one. Just a few steps and I’m free!!

A few moments later a brilliant flash of light follows and my guardian angel appears, now donned in golden armor and wielding a glowing shield, it seems that he was happy being with me again. With his help, we cut through a lich trying to stop our way and deflect an Orb of Destruction at an unfortunate bat. Nearing the stairs leading to the surface, another column appears.
“NO MORTAL ESCAPES HERE ALIVE!” shouts the Pandemonium Lord, Plethr Uquu. Two Pan Lords down and I'm not dying to this one. Me and my guardian exchange looks; and both charge the Pan Lord taking it unawares. To my surprise, it was feigning surprise, hitting me square in the chest as I tried to dodge it, breaking through my shield. My Guardian Angel smites the Pan Lord as it goes for the finishing blow, interrupting its assault. I take the opportunity and thrust my blade at the enemy hitting its armored hide. It screamed in pain and fury, shaking the very walls. One sword slash later and my ally ends his torment, cutting through his heart with a shining long sword. Noticing the lack of distorted space and demons about us, we head back upstairs...

“Legends tell after that event, that elf who escaped with the Orb ushered in a Golden Age for his people and for everyone else for that matter, the reigning king stepped down willingly, knowing full well that only one with a steady determination and a clear mind could reach that artifact. It all changed upon the inevitable death of that elf 223 years later and the Orb disappeared once again. None knew where it now lay but rumors spread that it was somewhere down the same cavern, returning to its place now that its savior returned to his God. Because of this, the cycle repeats and new tales are spun. Adventurers wishing for glory or for an epic quest delve down in the cavern, most destined not to return. The great wheel of time turns once again and it looks like it has played us all.”


Here are some parts I've managed to draw perfectly in this tiny diary!

File:New Picture.png -Ignore the blood stains and weapons strewn across the floor and walls, the last floor of the Vaults is perfectly SAFE.

File:Orb of Destruction - Reflected.png -Mirror, mirror on the...wait did my shield just reflect an orb of destruction?!

File:The Ancient Lich, and me.png -Sneaking up to an Ancient Lich, with a glowing bright halo.

File:Up we go.png -Pandemonium will catch up to you if you hold the Orb, bring your best items with you if you expect to survive!

Author's Notes

Well, after reading others stories and after crawling in the dungeon multiple times and meeting my ends with awkward and sometimes heroic deaths, I was inspired to make one of my own stories. The latest character that went far enough and lived is detailed above along with the "memories" of *his* past lives. About the *Past Lives* It was hard finding the right morgue because I didn’t rename the character. I just liked the name and picked many different other classes but mostly arcane marksmen and hunters because I enjoy ranged warfare. All ghosts were slain *selves* prior to this journey [but obviously different people due to class].

This is my first story so I try to make it sound as real as possible (excuse the typing errors, I’m not that good in writing). I hope you all enjoyed and learned from it!

Note: I came back, and discovered the new versions. Sadly, this one is in the older ones but it still puts knowledge to good use! A big thank you to the one who reverted this story from becoming a huge list of spam!


 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.7.2 character file.

2421114 Vandrey the Master Archer (level 27, 196/196 HPs)
             Began as a High Elf Arcane Marksman on Mar 6, 2011.
             Was the Champion of The Shining One.
             Escaped with the Orb
             ... and 5 runes (of 5 types) on Apr 21, 2011!
             The game lasted 17:18:29 (113749 turns).

Vandrey the Master Archer (HEAM)          Turns: 113749, Time: 17:18:35

HP 196/196       AC 19     Str 23      Exp: 27/1914116 (437)
MP  33/39        EV 36     Int 18 (19) God: The Shining One [******]
Gold 7069        SH 36     Dex 36      Spells: 14 memorised,  5 levels left

Res.Fire  : + . .   See Invis. : +   p - +5,+4 falchion "Ogaablaq" {The Holy Blade}
Res.Cold  : + + +   Warding    : .   c - +2 elf leather armour {rC+}
Life Prot.: + + +   Conserve   : .   a - +3 elf shield {rflct}
Res.Poison: +       Res.Corr.  : .   (no helmet)
Res.Elec. : +       Clarity    : +   r - +0 cloak "Foneweiqum" {rF+ SInv}
Spirit.Shd: +       Stasis     : .   z - +2 pair of gloves {Dex+3}
Sust.Abil.: . .     Rnd.Telep. : .   g - +2 pair of boots of the Untouchables {Dex+
Res.Mut.  : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   w - amulet of guardian spirit {Spirit Link}
Res.Rott. : .       Levitation : .   U - ring of Umynuori {rElec Acc+1 Dam+5 Stlth+
Saprovore : . . .   Ctrl.Flight: .   h - ring of Honesty {rN+ Str+5 Dex+3 Dam+3}

@: burdened, slow, extremely resistant to hostile enchantments,
extremely stealthy
A: hooves 1, clarity, cold resistance 2, magic resistance 1, poison
resistance, EV +2, Str +3, Dex +1
a: Divine Shield, Cleansing Flame, Summon Divine Warrior, Renounce

You escaped.
You worshipped The Shining One.
The Shining One was exalted by your worship.
You were encumbered.
You were not hungry.

You visited 14 branches of the dungeon, and saw 85 of its levels.
You visited the Abyss 1 time.
You visited 1 Labyrinth.
You visited 1 bazaar.
You visited 3 portal chambers: wizlab, trove, ice cave.

You collected 11088 gold pieces.
You spent 3949 gold pieces at shops.
You used 120 gold pieces for miscellaneous purposes.


Hand weapons
 e - the +1,+4 glaive "Keleecu" {elec, +Lev MR SInv}
   (You found it in an ice cave)   
   Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy 
   and cause terrible harm.
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
   It enhances your eyesight.
   It lets you levitate.
 f - the +5,+5 triple sword "Kol Ruy" {freeze, rPois}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra 
   injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly 
   susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures.
   It protects you from poison.
 o - the +4,+4 long sword of Imbalance {The Warrior's Friend}
   (You found it on level 4 of the Elven Halls)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It affects your evasion (+3).
   It affects your intelligence (+2).
 p - the +5,+4 falchion "Ogaablaq" (weapon) {The Holy Blade}
   (You found it on level 7 of the Vaults)   
   It has been blessed by the Shining One to cause great damage to the undead 
   and demons.
   It affects your AC (+5).
   It affects your strength (+2).
 x - the +0,+9 falchion "Xuwoxkie" {freeze, rF+ rC+ MR}
   (You found it in a treasure trove)   
   It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra 
   injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly 
   susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures.
   It protects you from fire.
   It protects you from cold.
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
 A - the +3,+11 Wrath of Trog
   (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
 B - the +7,+1 scimitar of Autumn {slice, *Rage rC+ AC+5 EV-1}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It affects your AC (+5).
   It affects your evasion (-1).
   It protects you from cold.
   It makes you angry.
 C - the +7,+3 scimitar "Lionati" {slay orc, rF+}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   It is especially effective against all of orcish descent.
   It protects you from fire.
 D - the +8,+3 longbow of the Warrior {The Warrior's Guide}
   (You acquired it on level 12 of the Dungeon)   
   Any arrow fired from it inflicts extra damage.
   It protects you from negative energy.
 H - the -1 blowgun of Mana {speed, MR AC+5 SInv}
   (You found it on level 24 of the Dungeon)   
   Attacks with this weapon take half as long as usual.
   It affects your AC (+5).
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
   It enhances your eyesight.
 I - the cursed -5,-3 hammer of Harmony {crush, rC- rN+ SInv}
   (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It makes you vulnerable to cold.
   It protects you from negative energy.
   It enhances your eyesight.
   It has a curse placed upon it.
 J - the +3,+4 falchion of Daudumn {holy, +Blink rElec Stlth--}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   It has been blessed by the Shining One to cause great damage to the undead 
   and demons.
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It lets you blink.
   It makes you much less stealthy.
 K - the +7,+6 double sword of the Wilderness {slice, EV+3 Dex-2}
   (You found it in a treasure trove)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It affects your evasion (+3).
   It affects your dexterity (-2).
 L - the +4,+0 long sword "Tweag" {elec, rElec rF+ MR}
   (You found it on level 4 of the Realm of Zot)   
   Occasionally, upon striking a foe, it will discharge some electrical energy 
   and cause terrible harm.
   It protects you from fire.
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
 M - the +0,+2 longbow of Eternal Torment {The Far Sight}
   (You found it in a treasure trove)   
   Any arrow fired from it inflicts extra damage.
   It affects your AC (+4).
   It affects your strength (+2).
 O - the -4,-1 dagger "Tinewnya" (quivered) {freeze, AC+4}
   (You found it in a treasure trove)   
   It has been specially enchanted to freeze those struck by it, causing extra 
   injury to most foes and up to double damage against particularly 
   susceptible opponents. It can also slow down cold-blooded creatures.
   It affects your AC (+4).
 P - the +8,+1 quarterstaff of Fojiy {flame, +Rage Str+2 Dex+1}
   (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It emits flame when wielded, causing extra injury to most foes and up to 
   double damage against particularly susceptible opponents.
   It affects your strength (+2).
   It affects your dexterity (+1).
   It lets you go berserk.
 Q - the +6,+4 flail "Xuinauw" {crush, AC+2 EV-2 Int+2}
   (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It affects your AC (+2).
   It affects your evasion (-2).
   It affects your intelligence (+2).
 Y - the -5,-2 sabre of Tabocri {slice, rC- AC+1 Str+2 Dex+1}
   (You found it on level 4 of the Vaults)   
   It inflicts extra damage upon your enemies.
   It affects your AC (+1).
   It affects your strength (+2).
   It affects your dexterity (+1).
   It makes you vulnerable to cold.
 a - a +3 elven shield of reflection (worn)
 c - a +2 elven leather armour of cold resistance (worn)
 g - the +2 pair of boots of the Untouchables (worn) {Dex+3}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 5 of the Vaults)   
   It affects your dexterity (+3).
 i - the -1 cloak "Otwaijad" {Dex+2}
   (You found it on level 7 of the Lair of Beasts)   
   It affects your dexterity (+2).
 l - the -5 buckler of Defence {rF+ Int+1 Dam+1}
   (You found it on level 5 of the Realm of Zot)   
   It affects your intelligence (+1).
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+1).
   It protects you from fire.
 r - the +0 cloak "Foneweiqum" (worn) {rF+ SInv}
   (You found it in a Labyrinth)   
   It protects you from fire.
   It enhances your eyesight.
 z - a +2 pair of gloves of dexterity (worn)
 E - the +3 scale mail "Yzahica" {+Rage MR}
   (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
   It increases your resistance to enchantments.
   It lets you go berserk.
 F - the +1 plate mail of the Snake Pit {rF+}
   (You found it in the Abyss)   
   It protects you from fire.
 G - the +2 splint mail of Impermeability {EV+5 Dex-1 Int+3}
   (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)   
   It affects your evasion (+5).
   It affects your intelligence (+3).
   It affects your dexterity (-1).
 S - the +2 pair of boots "Ynaah" {rF+ rN+ Dam+4}
   (You found it on level 19 of the Dungeon)   
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+4).
   It protects you from fire.
   It protects you from negative energy.
 T - the -1 pair of gloves of Quantum Leap {Str+4 Int-2 Acc+2}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 7 of the Vaults)   
   It affects your strength (+4).
   It affects your intelligence (-2).
   It affects your accuracy (+2).
 V - the +1 robe "Xaac" {rN+}
   (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
   It protects you from negative energy.
 W - the +3 buckler of the Guilds {EV+3 Acc+3}
   (You took it off Norris on level 5 of the Elven Halls)   
   It affects your evasion (+3).
   It affects your accuracy (+3).
 Z - 15 royal jellies
 d - the ring of Attitude {rElec rC++ MR AC+4}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   [ring of protection from magic]
   It affects your AC (+4).
   It greatly protects you from cold.
   It insulates you from electricity.
 h - the ring of Honesty (left hand) {rN+ Str+5 Dex+3 Dam+3}
   (You found it on level 2 of the Elven Halls)   
   [ring of life protection]
   It affects your strength (+5).
   It affects your dexterity (+3).
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+3).
 j - the amulet of Caurph {cFly EV+4}
   (You found it on level 2 of the Vaults)   
   [amulet of controlled flight]
   It affects your evasion (+4).
 k - the amulet "Xyufaer" {rMut rF++}
   (You found it on level 2 of the Crypt)   
   [amulet of resist mutation]
   It greatly protects you from fire.
 m - the ring of Coward {AC+3 Str-2}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   [ring of protection]
   It affects your AC (+3).
   It affects your strength (-2).
 q - the ring of Weskiv {+Lev rF-}
   (You found it in the Abyss)   
   [ring of levitation]
   It makes you vulnerable to fire.
 s - the ring "Thaniruc" {+Lev rC- Str+3}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   [ring of levitation]
   It affects your strength (+3).
   It makes you vulnerable to cold.
 t - the ring of Sovuwn {Wiz EV+4 Str+2 Dex-4}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   [ring of wizardry]
   It affects your evasion (+4).
   It affects your strength (+2).
   It affects your dexterity (-4).
 w - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) {Spirit Link}
 R - the ring of Pnaweast {rN+ Dam+3}
   (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
   [ring of slaying]
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+3).
   It protects you from negative energy.
 U - the ring of Umynuori (right hand) {rElec Acc+1 Dam+5 Stlth++}
   (You bought it in a shop on level 1 of the Elven Halls)   
   [ring of slaying]
   It affects your accuracy (+1).
   It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+5).
   It insulates you from electricity.
   It makes you much more stealthy.
Orbs of Power
 b - the Orb of Zot {Relic of Ancient Times}
 n - the horn of Geryon {Gatekeeper's Key}
 u - a decaying rune of Zot {The First Rune}
 v - a serpentine rune of Zot {The Second Rune}
 y - a silver rune of Zot {The Third Rune}
 N - a slimy rune of Zot {The Fourth Rune}
 X - an abyssal rune of Zot {The Fifth Rune}

 You had 437 experience left.

 + Level 17 Fighting
 * Level 27 Long Blades
 * Level 27 Bows
 + Level 6 Throwing
 + Level 7 Armour
 + Level 18 Dodging
 + Level 10 Stealth
 + Level 4 Stabbing
 + Level 16 Shields
 + Level 6 Traps & Doors
 + Level 13 Unarmed Combat
 + Level 9 Spellcasting
 + Level 6 Conjurations
 + Level 11 Enchantments
 + Level 7 Summonings
 + Level 9 Translocations
 + Level 5 Fire Magic
 + Level 9 Air Magic
 + Level 9 Invocations
 + Level 4 Evocations

You had 5 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type           Power          Success   Level
a - Abjuration            Summ           #####.....     Excellent   3
b - Swiftness             Air/Ench       ######....     Excellent   2
c - Fire Brand            Fire/Ench      ######....     Excellent   2
d - Iskenderun's Mystic   Conj           #####....      Great       4
e - Repel Missiles        Air/Ench       ######....     Excellent   2
f - Projected Noise       Ench           N/A            Excellent   2
g - Levitation            Air/Ench       ######....     Excellent   2
h - Apportation           Tloc           ######....     Excellent   1
i - Summon Butterflies    Summ           #####.....     Excellent   1
j - Blink                 Tloc           N/A            Excellent   2
k - Selective Amnesia     Ench           N/A            Excellent   4
l - Lightning Bolt        Air/Conj       #####.....     Very Good   5
m - Teleport Self         Tloc           N/A            Great       5
n - Control Teleport      Ench/Tloc      ######....     Excellent   4

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (27/27)            Temple (1/1) D:5             Orc (4/4) D:10
    Elf (7/7) Orc:3          Lair (8/8) D:12          Swamp (5/5) Lair:2
  Slime (6/6) Lair:8        Snake (5/5) Lair:3         Hive (2/2) D:15
  Vault (8/8) D:16          Blade (1/1) Vault:6       Crypt (5/5) Vault:4
    Tar (0/7) Hell            Zot (5/5) D:27        
  Tomb: Crypt:2-3      Dis: Hell:1         Geh: Hell:1         Coc: Hell:1

Nemelex Xobeh
Sif Muna
The Shining One

D:4: (  D:5: (  D:7: !([  D:10: [  D:12: /  D:15: /  D:25: /
D:26: %+/  Orc:3: *  Elf:1: =?  Elf:2: /  Elf:4: +  Elf:5: %
Elf:6: [  Elf:7: ?  Snake:2: (  Vault:1: (  Vault:5: *  Vault:7: *=%/

Hell: D:21 D:22 D:23 D:24 D:25 D:26 D:27
Abyss: D:21 D:22** D:25 D:27
Pan: D:22 D:24 D:26

Elf:1 exclusion: 9 freezing vapour clouds
Swamp:5 exclusion: 106 freezing vapour clouds
Vault:7 exclusion: 26 freezing vapour clouds
Zot:2 exclusion: 9 freezing vapour clouds

                    Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You have large cloven feet.
You are surrounded by a mild repulsion field (EV +2).
You have a somewhat thin skeletal structure (Dex +1, Str -1, Stlth).
You possess an exceptional clarity of mind.
Your flesh is very cold resistant.
You are resistant to magic.
Your system is resistant to poisons.
Your muscles are strong (Str +4).

Message History

You feel your power returning.
You see here a glowing scythe.
Things that are here:
a runed demon whip; a club
There is a stone staircase leading up here.
Are you sure you want to leave the Dungeon? 
You have escaped!


There were no monsters in sight!

Vanquished Creatures
  the royal jelly (Slime:6)
  3 orbs of fire
  The ghost of Vandrey the Master Archer, a legendary HEAM (Zot:3)
  3 ancient liches
  Saint Roka (Elf:5)
  A curse toe (Zot:3)
  Mara (D:19)
  2 Killer Klowns
  Margery (Vault:7)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Crack Shot, a great HEAM (Slime:2)
  Geryon (D:21)
  2 illusory Maras (D:19)
  5 electric golems
  Xtahua (Vault:4)
  Frederick (Vault:7)
  2 demon lords
  8 golden dragons
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a mighty HEAM (Vault:7)
  3 curse skulls
  2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:7)
  19 acid blobs
  Nikola (Swamp:1)
  17 Orb Guardians (Zot:5)
  A titan (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  A titan (D:20)
  A quicksilver dragon (Vault:8)
  Kirke (Snake:4)
  7 storm dragons
  5 liches
  11 shadow dragons
  Duane (Vault:7)
  Roxanne (Swamp:5)
  Francis (Snake:4)
  A draconian monk (Abyss)
  2 Ice Fiends
  A frost giant (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  3 Balrugs (D:1)
  Donald (Snake:1)
  6 frost giants
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a mighty HEAM (Snake:5)
  11 bone dragons
  5 azure jellies (Slime:6)
  An iron dragon (Vault:8)
  5 draconian knights
  Louise (Elf:5)
  A quicksilver dragon zombie (Crypt:5)
  3 draconian scorchers (Zot:5)
  A draconian zealot (Zot:3)
  Maud (Swamp:2)
  3 draconian shifters
  3 purple draconians
  3 Executioners
  6 draconian annihilators
  7 fire giants
  15 tentacled monstrosities
  36 stone giants
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Swamp:5)
  2 sphinx zombies
  8 Green Deaths
  3 draconian callers
  4 mottled draconians
  7 deep elf annihilators (Elf:7)
  2 Pit Fiends
  4 sphinx skeletons
  A Blue Death (Abyss)
  Wayne (Crypt:4)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Swamp:1)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Swamp:1)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM of Fedhas (Lair:6)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Elf:6)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Elf:7)
  6 deep elf sorcerers
  Jozef (Swamp:2)
  2 red draconians (Zot:5)
  A dire elephant (Lair:8)
  2 pale draconians
  4 greater nagas (Snake:5)
  5 green draconians
  5 yellow draconians
  7 deep elf death magi
  2 titan zombies
  6 black draconians
  3 white draconians
  2 deep elf master archers (Elf:7)
  A storm dragon zombie (Crypt:4)
  Snorg (D:12)
  3 vampire knights
  46 yaktaur captains
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Elf:5)
  A minotaur (Lab)
  4 Cacodemons
  A titan skeleton (Crypt:3)
  23 vault guards (Vault:7)
  12 great orbs of eyes
  Erica (Elf:3)
  11 death cobs
  Josephine (Orc:4)
  14 dragons
  The ghost of Vandrey the Archer, a powerful HEAM (Elf:2)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Archer, a powerful HEAM (Elf:2)
  3 death oozes (Slime:6)
  The ghost of Illusia the Spear-Bearer, a powerful MfCr of Okawaru (Orc:2)
  A golden dragon zombie (Abyss)
  A great orb of eyes (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  14 hydras
  8 ice dragons
  5 alligators
  8 anacondas
  11 ogre magi
  Nergalle (Snake:1)
  4 deep elf demonologists (Elf:7)
  A spriggan druid (Elf:7)
  3 deep elf high priests (Elf:7)
  The ghost of Killgore the Cleaver, an experienced MiBe of Trog (Orc:3)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Archer, a powerful HEAM (Lair:2)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Archer, a powerful HEAM (Lair:2)
  The ghost of Vandrey the Archer, a powerful HEAM (Lair:2)
  2 rakshasas
  3 death yaks (Lair:7)
  8 stone giant zombies
  4 griffons
  7 very ugly things
  26 deep trolls
  2 shadow dragon skeletons
  11 stone giant skeletons
  27 centaur warriors
  2 fire giant zombies
  4 frost giant zombies
  A draconian (shapeshifter) (D:22)
  2 fire giant skeletons
  A dire elephant zombie (Crypt:5)
  2 frost giant skeletons
  Erolcha (D:9)
  14 deep elf knights
  A vapour (Abyss)
  6 shadow wraiths
  3 sun demons (Port)
  49 dancing weapons
  84 skeletal warriors
  7 unseen horrors
  A death drake (shapeshifter) (D:27)
  6 giant orange brains
  10 hell knights
  2 unseen horrors (shapeshifter)
  14 naga warriors
  3 ice devils
  A dire elephant skeleton (Abyss)
  5 iron trolls
  A green draconian zombie (Abyss)
  A death yak zombie (Crypt:5)
  A black draconian zombie (Zot:5)
  2 white draconian zombies
  A sea snake (shapeshifter) (Vault:7)
  2 wizards
  3 soul eaters
  A mottled draconian zombie (Crypt:3)
  A sea snake zombie (Abyss)
  An alligator snapping turtle skeleton (Abyss)
  2 ice statues
  An iron troll zombie (D:19)
  A purple draconian zombie (Crypt:3)
  5 orc sorcerers
  6 flayed ghosts
  13 giant amoebae
  2 pale draconian zombies (Abyss)
  2 death yak skeletons (Abyss)
  A giant amoeba (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  19 hill giants
  2 black draconian skeletons (Abyss)
  A white draconian skeleton (Abyss)
  11 necromancers
  A red draconian skeleton (Abyss)
  2 yellow draconian skeletons (Abyss)
  A vampire mage (Crypt:5)
  A pale draconian skeleton (Crypt:2)
  Joseph (D:9)
  Urug (Swamp:2)
  A lindwurm (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  34 large large abominations
  A sea snake skeleton (Abyss)
  2 mottled draconian skeletons (Abyss)
  4 flaming corpses
  2 minotaur skeletons
  3 hellions
  15 cyclopes
  4 shining eyes
  28 orc knights
  8 spectral warriors
  3 spiny worms
  4 red wasps
  A cyclops (shapeshifter) (D:26)
  22 moths of wrath
  A death drake skeleton (Abyss)
  3 Lorocyprocas
  A guardian serpent zombie (Crypt:1)
  2 dragon zombies
  A black mamba (shapeshifter) (D:27)
  2 trapdoor spiders
  An alligator zombie (Abyss)
  3 red wasp zombies
  A siren skeleton (Abyss)
  A hydra skeleton (Crypt:2)
  A black mamba zombie (Crypt:5)
  17 eyes of devastation
  2 wolf spiders
  2 griffon zombies
  A moth of wrath (shapeshifter) (D:25)
  27 orange demons
  A queen ant (Lair:5)
  An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (D:21)
  2 elephant slugs
  4 reapers
  27 black mambas
  9 mimics
  6 spiny frogs
  A queen ant zombie (Abyss)
  2 spiny worm zombies
  2 wolf spiders (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  4 tormentors
  16 naga magi (Snake:5)
  A dragon skeleton (D:15)
  3 hill giant zombies
  A rock troll (shapeshifter) (D:19)
  129 slime creatures
  An ice dragon skeleton (D:19)
  13 rock trolls
  79 yaktaurs
  4 guardian mummies (Crypt:3)
  20 elf zombies
  18 hellwings
  106 ugly things
  A giant firefly zombie (Crypt:5)
  14 trolls
  A rock troll zombie (Vault:5)
  4 iron devils
  A queen bee (Hive:2)
  A troll (shapeshifter) (D:18)
  Prince Ribbit (D:5)
  An ettin (D:17)
  9 komodo dragons
  A giant snail zombie (Crypt:5)
  14 polar bears (Port)
  18 two-headed ogres
  6 redbacks
  2 efreeti
  34 smoke demons
  An iron troll simulacrum (D:19)
  A spiny frog zombie (Crypt:5)
  A mottled draconian simulacrum (Abyss)
  A deep troll zombie (Vault:8)
  A blink frog (shapeshifter) (Vault:7)
  20 hydra simulacra (Swamp:5)
  A baby alligator (shapeshifter) (D:10)
  8 brown oozes
  4 rock troll skeletons
  A death drake simulacrum (Abyss)
  3 baby alligators (Swamp:3)
  A queen bee (shapeshifter) (D:23)
  3 deep troll skeletons
  A giant toad (shapeshifter) (Hell)
  3 sixfirhies (Abyss)
  28 blink frogs
  5 blue devils
  A demonic crawler (D:22)
  A human skeleton (Crypt:1)
  A grizzly bear (shapeshifter) (D:17)
  A snapping turtle skeleton (Crypt:3)
  A merfolk zombie (Crypt:2)
  23 deep elf conjurers
  10 sharks
  3 blink frog zombies
  A redback zombie (D:17)
  34 giant toads
  2 wyverns
  14 beasts
  14 vampires
  3 merfolk (shapeshifter)
  2 shadow demons (Port)
  A blink frog skeleton (D:11)
  31 wraiths
  15 ynoxinuls
  A bear (shapeshifter) (Vault:7)
  12 golden eyes
  A merfolk skeleton (Abyss)
  A swamp dragon skeleton (Abyss)
  19 giant blowflies
  18 deep elf summoners
  23 neqoxecs
  60 yaks
  4 giant blowfly zombies
  A hog skeleton (Crypt:2)
  2 chaos spawns
  6 hungry ghosts
  A clay golem (Vault:2)
  26 deep elf fighters
  A viper (Snake:1)
  2 fire drake zombies
  2 giant slugs (shapeshifter)
  A yaktaur zombie (Vault:4)
  5 hippogriffs
  3 rock worms
  7 war dogs (D:12)
  A deep troll simulacrum (Vault:4)
  2 hairy devils
  2 giant slug zombies
  4 yaktaur skeletons
  19 freezing wraiths
  53 swamp worms
  17 necrophages
  A manticore zombie (D:15)
  2 mottled dragons
  33 small abominations
  8 ghouls
  28 hell hounds
  A redback simulacrum (D:20)
  7 soldier ants
  9 red devils
  21 deep elf priests
  3 phantoms
  A cyclops skeleton (Crypt:2)
  26 insubstantial wisps
  14 ice beasts
  3 yak zombies
  3 elves (shapeshifter)
  A rock worm zombie (Vault:2)
  63 ogres
  2 bumblebee zombies
  A manticore skeleton (Crypt:2)
  23 centaurs
  A queen bee zombie (Vault:4)
  2 troll zombies
  5 bear zombies
  11 giant goldfish
  52 orc warriors
  7 swamp drakes
  A hippogriff zombie (Crypt:5)
  A yellow wasp (D:22)
  2 big kobolds
  19 deep elf magi
  10 crocodiles
  A boring beetle (Lair:8)
  A grizzly bear skeleton (Crypt:4)
  4 rotting devils
  A naga (shapeshifter) (D:22)
  A troll skeleton (D:15)
  A war dog skeleton (Crypt:2)
  A war dog zombie (Crypt:2)
  5 gila monsters
  10 wargs
  7 wolves (Port)
  A boulder beetle zombie (Vault:6)
  3 soldier ant zombies (D:17)
  40 nagas
  8 giant slugs
  17 giant frogs
  A silver statue (D:20)
  A yellow wasp zombie (D:22)
  24 water moccasins
  A two-headed ogre zombie (Orc:4)
  A giant leech (shapeshifter) (D:17)
  A giant frog skeleton (Orc:4)
  6 giant snails
  A centaur skeleton (Crypt:5)
  7 giant goldfish simulacra (Swamp:5)
  3 boulder beetles
  A boulder beetle (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  6 eyes of draining
  22 electric eels
  10 jellyfish
  193 killer bees
  A brain worm zombie (D:15)
  10 wights
  A big kobold zombie (Crypt:2)
  2 ogre zombies
  A pulsating lump (Slime:6)
  11 shadows
  A crocodile skeleton (Crypt:5)
  2 quasits
  The ghost of Vandrey the Shooter, a weakling HEH (D:3)
  A gila monster zombie (D:17)
  20 imps
  A big kobold skeleton (D:22)
  5 iguanas
  A lava snake (Hell)
  4 giant beetles
  3 gila monster skeletons
  12 hounds
  Crazy Yiuf (D:5)
  An elf skeleton (Crypt:3)
  A hound skeleton (Crypt:5)
  29 iron imps
  30 orc priests
  24 big fish
  3 orange rat zombies
  38 orc wizards
  4 scorpions
  37 giant ants
  45 deep elf soldiers
  11 orange rats
  30 sheep
  A steam dragon zombie (Crypt:1)
  Ijyb (D:5)
  Jessica (D:3)
  25 jellies
  5 boggarts (D:23)
  5 flying skulls
  A giant beetle zombie (D:11)
  6 mummies
  81 green rats
  5 gnolls
  8 giant centipedes
  2 human zombies
  28 lemures
  32 snakes
  A giant centipede zombie (D:13)
  An iguana skeleton (D:9)
  A snake zombie (D:20)
  27 midges
  5 shadow imps
  A snake (shapeshifter) (D:25)
  25 white imps
  5 giant mites
  17 giant mosquitos
  A snake skeleton (D:15)
  7 worms
  A giant eyeball (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  A sheep simulacrum (Crypt:5)
  61 ufetubi
  An electric eel simulacrum (Swamp:5)
  A giant centipede simulacrum (D:17)
  5 giant eyeballs
  85 grey rats
  A giant mite zombie (Crypt:2)
  11 giant geckos
  12 giant cockroaches
  20 goblins
  A hobgoblin (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  20 hobgoblins
  27 jackals
  17 oozes
  187 orcs
  3 small snakes
  54 giant bats
  A giant gecko zombie (D:25)
  A giant mosquito zombie (Crypt:2)
  10 giant newts
  2 giant spores
  A hobgoblin skeleton (D:22)
  2 hobgoblin zombies
  A human (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  A jackal zombie (Crypt:5)
  39 killer bee larvae
  A killer bee larva zombie (D:17)
  35 kobolds
  4 orc skeletons
  2 orc zombies (Orc:4)
  13 quokkas
  A quokka skeleton (Crypt:5)
  A quokka zombie (Crypt:2)
  46 rats
  A small snake zombie (Crypt:5)
  5 ballistomycetes
  2 bushes
  4 butterflies
  17 fungi
  13 plants
  65 toadstools
4323 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  Norris (Elf:5)
  A storm dragon (Vault:7)
  Aizul (Elf:5)
  4 stone giants
  The ghost of Vandrey the Markself, a powerful HEAM (Elf:5)
  2 yaktaur captains
  A deep elf knight (Elf:5)
  A giant amoeba (Slime:6)
  An orc sorcerer (Vault:7)
  A giant amoeba (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
  A troll (Vault:8)
  A yaktaur skeleton (Vault:7)
  An ogre (Orc:4)
  A human skeleton (Vault:8)
18 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A demon lord (D:1)
  Rupert (Swamp:5)
  4 Daevas
  A lich (D:25)
  A bone dragon (Zot:5)
  2 Angels
  A vault guard (Vault:8)
  A giant amoeba (Vault:5)
  A dancing weapon (Lair:4)
  A black mamba (Snake:4)
  28 slime creatures
  A hellwing (Abyss)
  A large large abomination (D:16)
  A troll (D:16)
  A Kraken (Swamp:5)
  16 tentacles (Swamp:5)
  5 humans (Snake:4)
  A two-headed ogre (D:18)
  A blink frog (Lair:5)
  An orc warrior (D:16)
  A naga (Snake:5)
  2 deep elf soldiers
  An orc wizard (Vault:8)
  A sheep (Vault:3)
  A snake (Swamp:2)
  A shadow imp (D:1)
  An ufetubus (Abyss)
  3 orcs
  A quokka (Lair:5)
  2 giant bats (Elf:7)
  A giant spore (D:10)
  A hobgoblin skeleton (D:14)
  A jackal skeleton (Vault:4)
  A killer bee larva (Hive:2)
  A rat (Elf:7)
  162 butterflies
  13 fungi
  6 plants
  570 toadstools
822 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 5163 creatures vanquished

Turn   | Place   | Note
     0 | D:1     | Vandrey, the High Elf Arcane Marksman, began the quest for the Orb.
     0 | D:1     | Reached XP level 1. HP: 11/11 MP: 1/1
   301 | D:1     | Reached XP level 2. HP: 12/15 MP: 2/4
   452 | D:1     | Reached skill 4 in Bows
  1411 | D:2     | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/21 MP: 5/5
  1618 | D:2     | Learned a level 3 spell: Poison Weapon
  1909 | D:3     | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
  1921 | D:3     | HP: 1/21 [Vandrey's ghost (6)]
  1922 | D:3     | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
  1922 | D:3     | Reached XP level 4. HP: 1/25 MP: 1/8
  1967 | D:3     | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
  2002 | D:3     | Became a worshipper of Warmaster Okawaru
  2018 | D:3     | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
  2028 | D:3     | Reached skill 5 in Bows
  2059 | D:3     | Noticed Jessica
  2065 | D:3     | Defeated Jessica
  2096 | D:3     | Learned a level 2 spell: Swiftness
  2961 | D:5     | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  3006 | D:5     | Acquired Okawaru's first power
  3060 | D:5     | Found Ivow's Antique Weapon Shoppe.
  3091 | D:5     | Bought a runed long sword for 135 gold pieces
  3139 | D:5     | Noticed Crazy Yiuf
  3148 | D:5     | Defeated Crazy Yiuf
  3148 | D:5     | Reached XP level 5. HP: 30/30 MP: 9/9
  3189 | D:5     | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados.
  3190 | D:5     | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  3216 | Temple  | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
  3226 | Temple  | Fell from the grace of Okawaru
  3226 | Temple  | Was placed under penance by Okawaru
  3226 | Temple  | Became a worshipper of The Shining One
  3312 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Long Blades
  3314 | D:5     | Reached XP level 6. HP: 35/35 MP: 2/12
  3374 | D:5     | Noticed Ijyb
  3379 | D:5     | Defeated Ijyb
  3468 | D:5     | Learned a level 2 spell: Fire Brand
  3568 | D:5     | Noticed Prince Ribbit
  3572 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Throwing
  3577 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Armour
  3594 | D:5     | The Shining One protects you from harm!
  3600 | D:5     | Defeated Prince Ribbit
  3600 | D:5     | Reached XP level 7. HP: 4/40 MP: 2/13
  3769 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Stealth
  3790 | D:5     | Reached skill 6 in Bows
  3977 | D:6     | Reached skill 5 in Throwing
  4284 | D:6     | Reached skill 1 in Shields
  4463 | D:6     | Reached skill 1 in Fighting
  4656 | D:6     | Reached skill 1 in Traps & Doors
  4757 | D:6     | Reached skill 5 in Long Blades
  4757 | D:6     | Reached XP level 8. HP: 13/45 MP: 2/16
  4840 | D:7     | Found Xuxeusam's Distillery.
  4877 | D:7     | Bought a potion of healing for 20 gold pieces
  4877 | D:7     | Bought a potion of restore abilities for 50 gold pieces
  4877 | D:7     | Bought a potion of healing for 20 gold pieces
  4877 | D:7     | Bought a potion of healing for 20 gold pieces
  5081 | D:7     | Found Sekesuem's Weapon Shop.
  5109 | D:7     | Bought 30 +0 orcish arrows for 33 gold pieces
  5129 | D:7     | Reached skill 7 in Bows
  5186 | D:7     | Acquired The Shining One's first power
  5522 | D:7     | Found Meahiac's Armour Emporium.
  5530 | D:7     | Bought a +0 horned helmet for 33 gold pieces
  5858 | D:8     | Reached skill 8 in Bows
  6539 | D:8     | Reached skill 9 in Bows
  6792 | D:9     | Noticed Erolcha
  6808 | D:9     | HP: 1/47 [Erolcha/giant club (13)]
  6822 | D:9     | Defeated Erolcha
  6822 | D:9     | Reached XP level 9. HP: 36/53 MP: 3/17
  7019 | D:9     | Noticed Joseph
  7029 | D:9     | Defeated Joseph
  7055 | D:9     | Reached skill 10 in Bows
  7125 | D:9     | Reached skill 11 in Bows
  7269 | D:9     | Reached skill 1 in Air Magic
  7270 | D:9     | Reached skill 1 in Fire Magic
  7464 | D:9     | Got a smoking whip
  7465 | D:9     | Identified the cursed whip "Naerirre" {freeze, rC-} (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)
  7858 | D:10    | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
  8082 | D:10    | Reached skill 12 in Bows
  8093 | D:10    | Reached XP level 10. HP: 43/58 MP: 2/19
  8146 | D:10    | Gained mutation: You are agile (Dex +1).
  8227 | D:10    | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
  8320 | D:10    | Found Wuekesimy's Antique Armour Emporium.
  8334 | D:10    | Bought a pair of gauntlets for 27 gold pieces
  8496 | D:10    | Acquired The Shining One's second power
  9083 | D:11    | HP: 2/58 [unseen horror (4)]
  9129 | D:11    | Reached skill 13 in Bows
  9630 | D:11    | HP: 2/58 [poisoned by a kobold]
  9643 | D:11    | HP: 2/58 [poisoned by a kobold]
  9651 | D:11    | HP: 1/58 [poisoned by a kobold]
  9660 | D:11    | HP: 2/58 [poisoned by a kobold]
 10298 | D:12    | Identified a scroll of acquirement
 10299 | D:12    | Got a brightly glowing longbow
 10300 | D:12    | Identified the longbow of the Warrior {velocity, rN+} (You acquired it on level 12 of the Dungeon)
 10338 | D:12    | Noticed Snorg
 10352 | D:12    | Defeated Snorg
 10358 | D:12    | Found a staircase to the Lair.
 10388 | D:12    | Reached XP level 11. HP: 63/65 MP: 2/21
 10559 | D:12    | Found Uwaitef's Magical Wand Boutique.
 10576 | D:12    | Bought a wand of polymorph other (7) for 93 gold pieces
 10576 | D:12    | Bought a wand of paralysis (11) for 112 gold pieces
 10576 | D:12    | Bought a wand of enslavement (10) for 99 gold pieces
 10643 | D:12    | Reached skill 5 in Dodging
 11069 | Lair:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
 11124 | Lair:1  | Reached skill 10 in Long Blades
 12316 | Lair:2  | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
 12530 | Lair:2  | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 12554 | Lair:2  | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 12627 | Lair:2  | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 12645 | Lair:2  | Reached skill 5 in Shields
 12649 | Lair:2  | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 12716 | Lair:2  | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 12723 | Lair:2  | Reached skill 14 in Bows
 12730 | Lair:2  | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 12873 | Lair:2  | Reached skill 5 in Enchantments
 13038 | D:12    | Learned a level 2 spell: Throw Flame
 13062 | D:10    | Noticed a naga warrior
 13062 | D:10    | Noticed a titan
 13188 | Orc:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 13201 | Orc:1   | Reached skill 5 in Fighting
 13603 | Orc:2   | Noticed Illusia's ghost
 13910 | Orc:2   | Defeated Illusia's ghost
 13910 | Orc:2   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 59/76 MP: 1/22
 14156 | Orc:2   | Reached skill 1 in Conjurations
 14159 | Orc:3   | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
 14235 | Orc:3   | Noticed Killgore's ghost
 14239 | Orc:3   | Reached XP level 11. HP: 71/71 MP: 0/21
 14247 | Orc:3   | Defeated Killgore's ghost
 14272 | Orc:3   | Found Ynloer's Assorted Antiques.
 14552 | Orc:4   | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
 14693 | Orc:4   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 76/76 MP: 22/22
 14729 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14729 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14733 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14741 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14741 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 14743 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 14748 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14748 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 14760 | Orc:4   | HP: 3/76 [two-headed ogre/giant club (19)]
 14762 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 14810 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 14892 | Orc:4   | Noticed a two-headed ogre
 14893 | Orc:4   | Noticed an ogre mage
 14905 | Orc:4   | Defeated an ogre mage
 14908 | Orc:4   | Defeated a two-headed ogre
 15445 | Orc:3   | Noticed a stone giant
 15533 | Orc:4   | Noticed Josephine
 15543 | Orc:4   | Defeated Josephine
 15543 | Orc:4   | Acquired The Shining One's third power
 15743 | Orc:3   | You fall through a shaft!
 15808 | Elf:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
 15874 | Elf:1   | Found Nuluum's Jewellery Boutique.
 15890 | Elf:1   | Found Kaurutta's Magic Scroll Shop.
 15929 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of identify for 24 gold pieces
 15929 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of identify for 24 gold pieces
 15929 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of identify for 24 gold pieces
 15944 | Elf:1   | Bought the ring of Umynuori {rElec Acc+1 Dam+5 Stlth++} for 1092 gold pieces
 16340 | Elf:1   | Gained mutation: Your vision is a little blurry.
 16390 | Elf:1   | Found a labyrinth entrance.
 16401 | Lab     | Entered a Labyrinth
 16773 | Lab     | Got a crude cloak
 16777 | Lab     | Identified the +0 cloak "Foneweiqum" (You found it in a Labyrinth)
 17278 | Elf:2   | Found Schugiob's Magical Wand Emporium.
 17502 | Elf:2   | Got a steaming amber ring
 17748 | Elf:2   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 17757 | Elf:2   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 17976 | Elf:2   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 17987 | Elf:2   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 18211 | Elf:3   | Reached skill 15 in Bows
 18252 | Elf:3   | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in colorless scales (AC +1).
 18253 | Elf:3   | Gained mutation: You are surrounded by a mild repulsion field (EV +2).
 18472 | Elf:3   | Noticed Erica
 18485 | Elf:3   | Defeated Erica
 18485 | Elf:3   | Reached XP level 13. HP: 63/82 MP: 1/23
 18816 | Elf:3   | Acquired The Shining One's fourth power
 19422 | D:8     | Reached skill 1 in Evocations
 20070 | Elf:4   | Identified the ring of Honesty {Str+5 Dex+3} (You found it on level 2 of the Elven Halls)
 20312 | Elf:4   | Found Huapsoaq's Book Boutique.
 20328 | Elf:4   | Got a transparent long sword
 20329 | Elf:4   | Identified the long sword of Imbalance {slice, EV+3 Int+2} (You found it on level 4 of the Elven Halls)
 20435 | Elf:5   | Noticed Louise
 20459 | Elf:5   | Defeated Louise
 20655 | Elf:5   | Reached skill 5 in Armour
 20664 | Elf:5   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 20680 | Elf:5   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 20988 | Elf:5   | Noticed Saint Roka
 21080 | Elf:5   | Defeated Saint Roka
 21111 | Elf:5   | Reached skill 16 in Bows
 21206 | Elf:5   | Noticed Norris
 21234 | Elf:5   | Defeated Norris
 21238 | Elf:5   | Got a twisted buckler
 21245 | Elf:5   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 21251 | Elf:5   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 21269 | Elf:5   | Identified the +3 buckler of the Guilds (You took it off Norris on level 5 of the Elven Halls)
 21281 | Elf:5   | Noticed Aizul
 21293 | Elf:5   | Defeated Aizul
 21376 | Elf:5   | Found Cecaxuem's Food Shoppe.
 21638 | Elf:5   | Learned a level 2 spell: Repel Missiles
 21729 | Elf:5   | Reached XP level 14. HP: 89/89 MP: 2/26
 22163 | Elf:6   | Reached skill 17 in Bows
 22476 | Elf:6   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 22486 | Elf:6   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 22746 | Elf:6   | Found Ycloruargh's Armour Emporium.
 22767 | Elf:6   | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons.
 22767 | Elf:6   | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
 22767 | Elf:6   | Lost mutation: Your vision is a little blurry.
 22770 | Elf:7   | Entered Level 7 of the Elven Halls
 22770 | Elf:7   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 22784 | Elf:7   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 23094 | Elf:7   | Found a magical portal.
 23107 | WizLab  | Entered Doroklohe's Tomb
 23359 | WizLab  | Reached skill 10 in Dodging
 23368 | WizLab  | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is low (-10% MP).
 23371 | WizLab  | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind.
 23390 | WizLab  | Reached skill 15 in Long Blades
 23994 | Elf:7   | Found Hanapputoa's Magic Scroll Shoppe.
 24003 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of acquirement for 676 gold pieces
 24893 | Swamp:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
 25077 | Swamp:1 | Noticed Nikola
 25101 | Swamp:1 | Defeated Nikola
 25282 | Swamp:1 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 25299 | Swamp:1 | HP: 2/92 [Vandrey's ghost (41)]
 25301 | Swamp:1 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 25333 | Swamp:1 | Reached skill 18 in Bows
 25481 | Swamp:1 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 25501 | Swamp:1 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 25501 | Swamp:1 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 98/98 MP: 11/24
 25895 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Jozef
 25905 | Swamp:2 | Defeated Jozef
 25933 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Maud
 25950 | Swamp:2 | Defeated Maud
 26116 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Urug
 26124 | Swamp:2 | Defeated Urug
 28417 | Swamp:3 | Gained mutation: You are resistant to magic.
 28418 | Swamp:3 | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
 28420 | Swamp:3 | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
 28423 | Swamp:3 | Gained mutation: Your magical capacity is very low (-20% MP).
 28423 | Swamp:3 | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet.
 28423 | Swamp:3 | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is very low (-20% MP).
 29481 | Swamp:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Swamp
 29823 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: Your flesh is cold resistant.
 29825 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
 30108 | Swamp:5 | Reached skill 1 in Unarmed Combat
 30266 | Swamp:5 | Got a decaying rune of Zot
 30357 | Swamp:5 | Noticed Rupert
 30402 | Swamp:5 | Defeated Rupert
 30591 | Swamp:5 | Noticed Roxanne
 30613 | Swamp:5 | Defeated Roxanne
 30613 | Swamp:5 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 97/102 MP: 1/25
 30853 | Swamp:5 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 30874 | Swamp:5 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 31432 | Lair:3  | Reached skill 5 in Stealth
 31720 | Lair:3  | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit.
 31945 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit
 32620 | Snake:1 | Noticed Nergalle
 32633 | Snake:1 | Defeated Nergalle
 32884 | Snake:1 | Noticed Donald
 32895 | Snake:1 | Defeated Donald
 33124 | Snake:1 | Reached skill 19 in Bows
 33338 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Projected Noise
 33341 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Levitation
 33343 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation
 33345 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 1 spell: Summon Butterflies
 33348 | Snake:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
 33782 | Snake:2 | Found Taoxao's Weapon Shoppe.
 34667 | Snake:3 | Got a crude chain mail
 34679 | Snake:3 | Identified the +0 chain mail of Eternal Vigilance (You found it on level 3 of the Snake Pit)
 34862 | Snake:4 | Noticed Kirke
 34881 | Snake:4 | Defeated Kirke
 35031 | Snake:4 | Noticed Francis
 35037 | Snake:4 | Defeated Francis
 35297 | Snake:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Snake Pit
 35393 | Snake:5 | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
 35858 | Snake:5 | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 35858 | Snake:5 | HP: 2/105 [greater naga/bolt of poison (15)]
 35891 | Snake:5 | Reached skill 20 in Bows
 36404 | Snake:5 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 49/110 MP: 1/25
 36567 | Snake:5 | Got a serpentine rune of Zot
 36838 | Snake:5 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 36852 | Snake:5 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 38886 | D:15    | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 39015 | D:15    | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu.
 39087 | D:15    | Found a staircase to the Hive.
 39322 | Hive:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Hive
 40061 | Hive:2  | Entered Level 2 of the Hive
 40325 | Hive:2  | Learned a level 4 spell: Selective Amnesia
 40640 | Lair:2  | Identified a rod of venom (You found it on level 15 of the Dungeon)
 41657 | Hive:2  | Got an antique book
 41658 | Hive:2  | Identified the Guide on Cloudy Infatuation (You found it on level 2 of the Hive)
 42048 | Hive:2  | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 43493 | D:15    | Found Ghyakhly's Magical Wand Shop.
 43891 | D:15    | Gained mutation: Your flesh is very cold resistant.
 43952 | D:15    | Got a brightly glowing banded mail
 43966 | D:15    | Identified the cursed -4 banded mail of Death's Door (You found it on level 15 of the Dungeon)
 44606 | D:16    | Found a staircase to the Vaults.
 44618 | Vault:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
 45278 | D:16    | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1).
 45411 | D:16    | Reached XP level 18. HP: 116/116 MP: 24/26
 45542 | D:16    | Reached skill 10 in Fighting
 46262 | Vault:1 | Found Heady's Weapon Shoppe.
 46872 | D:15    | Noticed a fire giant
 46872 | D:15    | Noticed a naga warrior
 46872 | D:15    | Noticed a stone giant
 46872 | D:15    | Noticed a titan
 46872 | D:15    | Was forgiven by Okawaru
 46885 | D:15    | Defeated a naga warrior
 47200 | Vault:2 | Got a fine iron amulet
 47298 | Vault:2 | Identified the amulet of Caurph (You found it on level 2 of the Vaults)
 47586 | Vault:2 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure.
 47631 | Vault:2 | You paid a fee of 120gp to a nasty imp.
 48080 | Vault:2 | You paid a toll of a potion of cure mutation to enter a treasure trove.
 48081 | trove   | Entered a treasure trove
 48087 | trove   | Got a crude longbow
 48088 | trove   | Identified the longbow "Uloug" {reap, Dex+2} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 48093 | trove   | Got a smoking falchion
 48096 | trove   | Got a smoking longbow
 48099 | trove   | Got an ivory dagger
 48102 | trove   | Got a pitted double sword
 48110 | trove   | Got a faintly glowing dire flail
 48124 | trove   | Got a twisted dagger
 48132 | Vault:2 | Identified the falchion "Xuwoxkie" {freeze, rF+ rC+ MR} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 48133 | Vault:2 | Identified the longbow of Eternal Torment {velocity, AC+4 Str+2} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 48136 | Vault:2 | Identified the double sword of the Wilderness {slice, EV+3 Dex-2} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 48143 | Vault:2 | Identified the dire flail "Jask" {venom, rElec AC+3} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 48144 | Vault:2 | Identified the cursed dagger "Tinewnya" {freeze, AC+4} (You found it in a treasure trove)
 49228 | Vault:3 | Got an antique book
 49244 | Vault:3 | Identified The Papyrus of Greatest Risks and Utility (You found it on level 3 of the Vaults)
 49538 | Vault:3 | Reached skill 1 in Stabbing
 49965 | Vault:4 | Noticed a deep elf conjurer
 49975 | Vault:4 | Defeated a deep elf conjurer
 50032 | Vault:4 | Got a polished sabre
 50033 | Vault:4 | Identified the cursed sabre of Tabocri {slice, rC- AC+1 Str+2 Dex+1} (You found it on level 4 of the Vaults)
 50046 | Vault:4 | Noticed Xtahua
 50062 | Vault:4 | Defeated Xtahua
 50176 | Vault:4 | Found a frozen archway.
 50307 | Vault:4 | Found a staircase to the Crypt.
 50757 | Vault:4 | Reached skill 10 in Shields
 50913 | IceCv   | Entered an ice cave
 50916 | IceCv   | Reached XP level 19. HP: 125/125 MP: 26/26
 51016 | IceCv   | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +2).
 51017 | IceCv   | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +3).
 51022 | IceCv   | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +4).
 51394 | IceCv   | Got a pitted glaive
 51401 | IceCv   | Identified the cursed glaive "Keleecu" {elec, +Lev MR SInv} (You found it in an ice cave)
 51824 | Vault:5 | Reached skill 5 in Conjurations
 51869 | Vault:5 | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 52164 | Vault:5 | Found Irer Fri's General Store.
 52207 | Vault:5 | Bought a scroll of remove curse for 48 gold pieces
 52207 | Vault:5 | Bought the cursed +2 pair of boots of the Untouchables {Dex+3} for 326 gold pieces
 52207 | Vault:5 | Bought a scroll of identify for 32 gold pieces
 52207 | Vault:5 | Bought a scroll of identify for 32 gold pieces
 52493 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 5 in Spellcasting
 53591 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 1 in Summonings
 53685 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 1 in Translocations
 53818 | Vault:6 | Found a staircase to the Hall of Blades.
 54335 | Vault:7 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 54358 | Vault:7 | Noticed Duane
 54474 | Vault:7 | Defeated Duane
 54503 | Vault:7 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 54559 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are flexible, but weak (Str -1, Dex +1).
 54579 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: You have a fast metabolism.
 54604 | Vault:7 | Noticed Margery
 54625 | Vault:7 | Defeated Margery
 54638 | Vault:7 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 75/134 MP: 2/27
 54673 | Vault:7 | Found Ugruiqim's Magical Wand Shop.
 54988 | Vault:7 | Found Gahuat's Jewellery Shop.
 54988 | Vault:7 | Found Tayd Qukk's Food Shoppe.
 55013 | Vault:7 | Noticed Frederick
 55017 | Vault:7 | Found Pri Gapnad's Assorted Antiques.
 55031 | Vault:7 | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 55032 | Vault:7 | Defeated Frederick
 55088 | Vault:7 | Bought a pair of polished gloves for 204 gold pieces
 55092 | Vault:7 | Identified the cursed -1 pair of gloves of Quantum Leap (You bought it in a shop on level 7 of the Vaults)
 55135 | Vault:7 | Got a jewelled falchion
 55136 | Vault:7 | Identified the falchion "Ogaablaq" {holy, AC+5 Str+2} (You found it on level 7 of the Vaults)
 56282 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt
 56363 | Crypt:1 | Learned a level 3 spell: Abjuration
 56852 | Crypt:2 | Got a glittering pewter amulet
 56873 | Crypt:2 | Identified the amulet "Xyufaer" (You found it on level 2 of the Crypt)
 56996 | Crypt:2 | Got a yellowed book
 57001 | Crypt:2 | Identified the Almanac of Transmutation (You found it on level 2 of the Crypt)
 57059 | Crypt:2 | Reached skill 5 in Unarmed Combat
 57252 | Crypt:3 | Got a polished great sword
 57253 | Crypt:3 | Identified the cursed -5,-5 great sword of Jeohuora (You found it on level 3 of the Crypt)
 57329 | Crypt:3 | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.
 57884 | Crypt:4 | Reached skill 5 in Fire Magic
 57980 | Crypt:4 | Noticed Wayne
 58002 | Crypt:4 | Defeated Wayne
 58174 | Crypt:4 | You fall through a shaft!
 58174 | Crypt:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Crypt
 58451 | Crypt:5 | Reached skill 21 in Long Blades
 58544 | Crypt:5 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
 58563 | Crypt:5 | Reached XP level 21. HP: 144/144 MP: 8/29
 59635 | Crypt:5 | Got a smoking banded mail
 59648 | Crypt:5 | Identified the cursed -7 banded mail of Pathos (You found it on level 5 of the Crypt)
 62058 | Blade   | Entered the Hall of Blades
 62798 | Blade   | HP: 2/144 [glowing scimitar (18)]
 62948 | Blade   | HP: 4/144 [runed scimitar (20)]
 63363 | Vault:8 | Entered Level 8 of the Vaults
 63578 | Vault:8 | Noticed a deep elf sorcerer
 63594 | Vault:7 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 29/147 MP: 2/30
 63599 | Vault:7 | HP: 4/147 [vault guard/great sword (13)]
 63615 | Vault:7 | HP: 5/147 [vault guard/long sword (8)]
 63983 | Vault:8 | A swamp dragon shaped shifter changed into a guardian serpent
 64040 | Vault:7 | A guardian serpent shaped shifter changed into a bear
 64342 | Vault:7 | Reached skill 1 in Invocations
 64359 | Vault:8 | Defeated a deep elf sorcerer
 64515 | Vault:8 | Noticed an iron dragon
 64924 | Vault:7 | Reached skill 22 in Long Blades
 65082 | Vault:8 | A cyclops changed into a shining eye
 65096 | Vault:8 | A shining eye shaped shifter changed into a lindwurm
 65435 | Vault:8 | Reached skill 15 in Dodging
 65450 | Vault:8 | Defeated an iron dragon
 65541 | Vault:8 | Reached skill 5 in Air Magic
 65574 | Vault:8 | Noticed a bone dragon
 65615 | Vault:8 | Defeated a bone dragon
 65629 | Vault:8 | Got a glittering steel ring
 65639 | Vault:8 | Got a crystal triple sword
 65652 | Vault:8 | Got a crude great sword
 65872 | Vault:8 | Identified the great sword "Killer Bee's Foe" {pain, rElec rF- AC+6 Stlth++} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 65873 | Vault:8 | Identified the triple sword "Kol Ruy" {freeze, rPois} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 65948 | Vault:8 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 37/152 MP: 15/31
 65988 | Vault:8 | Got an encrusted bow
 65989 | Vault:8 | Identified the bow of Racouf {venom, SInv} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 66100 | Vault:8 | A human changed into a guardian serpent
 66102 | Vault:8 | A guardian serpent shaped shifter changed into an elf
 66113 | Vault:8 | Got a warped graven amulet
 66177 | Vault:8 | Got a transparent bone ring
 66189 | Vault:8 | Learned a level 5 spell: Lightning Bolt
 66634 | Vault:8 | Noticed a deep elf conjurer
 66638 | Vault:8 | Defeated a deep elf conjurer
 66744 | Vault:8 | Noticed an ancient lich
 66817 | Vault:8 | A fire giant shaped shifter changed into a quicksilver dragon
 66820 | Vault:8 | A quicksilver dragon shaped shifter changed into a frost giant
 66865 | Vault:8 | Defeated an ancient lich
 66936 | Vault:8 | Noticed a golden dragon
 66945 | Vault:8 | Defeated a golden dragon
 66947 | Vault:8 | Noticed a quicksilver dragon
 66958 | Vault:8 | Defeated a quicksilver dragon
 67062 | Vault:8 | Identified the ring of Pnaweast (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 67062 | Vault:8 | Identified the ring "Thaniruc" (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 67161 | Vault:8 | Got a flickering jade ring
 67214 | Vault:8 | Learned a level 3 spell: Tukima's Dance
 67267 | Vault:8 | Got a colourful book
 67461 | Vault:8 | Got an ancient silver ring
 67521 | Vault:8 | Got an ancient scimitar
 67522 | Vault:8 | Identified the scimitar of Autumn {slice, *Rage rC+ AC+5 EV-1} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 67538 | Vault:8 | Got a brightly glowing scimitar
 67539 | Vault:8 | Identified the scimitar "Lionati" {slay orc, rF+} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 67586 | Vault:8 | Got a silver rune of Zot
 68342 | D:8     | You fall through a shaft!
 69127 | Vault:4 | Identified the Disquisition on the Enthralling Blaze (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 69840 | Vault:8 | Reached skill 23 in Bows
 70003 | Vault:8 | Got a jewelled falchion
 70004 | Vault:8 | Identified the falchion of Daudumn {holy, +Blink rElec Stlth--} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 70051 | Vault:8 | Got a sparkling lead ring
 73447 | Lair:6  | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 73453 | Lair:6  | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 74678 | Lair:7  | Got a shimmering cloak
 74691 | Lair:7  | Identified the -1 cloak "Otwaijad" (You found it on level 7 of the Lair of Beasts)
 75220 | Lair:8  | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
 75220 | Lair:8  | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
 76550 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: Your muscles are flexible, but weak (Str -1, Dex +1).
 76550 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You have a fast metabolism.
 76550 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are agile (Dex +1).
 76550 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in colorless scales (AC +1).
 77121 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
 77132 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
 77153 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
 77168 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
 77176 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
 77181 | Elf:7   | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 77202 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
 77205 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
 77205 | Elf:7   | Reached XP level 24. HP: 15/156 MP: 2/32
 77205 | Elf:7   | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 77206 | Elf:7   | HP: 6/156 [smoke demon/divine providence[a deep elf demonologist] (9)]
 77211 | Elf:7   | HP: 4/156 [deep elf master archer/ runed elven arrow (3)]
 77219 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
 77227 | Elf:7   | HP: 5/156 [hellion/burst of hellfire[a deep elf high priest] (10)]
 77231 | Elf:7   | The Shining One protects you from harm!
 77251 | Elf:7   | Reached skill 24 in Bows
 77283 | Elf:7   | Reached skill 5 in Summonings
 77411 | Elf:7   | Got a bloodstained robe
 77419 | Elf:7   | Identified the +1 robe "Xaac" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77480 | Elf:7   | Got a smoking trident
 77487 | Elf:7   | Got a smoking scale mail
 77498 | Elf:7   | Identified the +3 scale mail "Yzahica" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77513 | Elf:7   | Got a bloodstained splint mail
 77527 | Elf:7   | Identified the +1 splint mail "Shyl" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77549 | Elf:7   | Got a jewelled leather armour
 77562 | Elf:7   | Identified the cursed -5 leather armour "Niwatoan" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77583 | Elf:7   | Got a conspicuous book
 77584 | Elf:7   | Identified the Disquisition on Creation (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77585 | Elf:7   | Identified the cursed trident of the Eternal Warrior {flame, rC+} (You took it off a deep elf death mage on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 77667 | Elf:7   | Got a bloodstained battleaxe
 77679 | Elf:7   | Identified the Wrath of Trog (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 42 gold pieces
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of remove curse for 36 gold pieces
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of blinking for 36 gold pieces
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 42 gold pieces
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 42 gold pieces
 78223 | Elf:1   | Bought a scroll of blinking for 36 gold pieces
 78958 | D:17    | Got an antique book
 78959 | D:17    | Identified the Collected Works on Stolen Souls (You found it on level 17 of the Dungeon)
 80005 | D:18    | Reached skill 25 in Bows
 80425 | D:18    | You fall through a shaft!
 80640 | D:19    | Noticed Mara
 80736 | D:19    | Defeated Mara
 81143 | D:19    | Learned a level 4 spell: Control Teleport
 81222 | D:19    | You fall through a shaft!
 81462 | D:21    | Learned a level 5 spell: Teleport Self
 81611 | D:20    | Entered Level 20 of the Dungeon
 81807 | D:18    | Reached skill 5 in Translocations
 82717 | Lair:2  | Identified the ring of Coward (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 82718 | Lair:2  | Identified the ring of Sovuwn {EV+4 Str+2 Dex-4} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 82719 | Lair:2  | Identified the ring of Attitude {AC+4} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
 83225 | D:19    | Got a pair of jewelled boots
 83229 | D:19    | Identified the +2 pair of boots "Ynaah" (You found it on level 19 of the Dungeon)
 83518 | D:20    | Reached skill 26 in Bows
 84088 | D:20    | Noticed a shadow dragon
 84118 | D:20    | Defeated a shadow dragon
 84146 | D:20    | Noticed a titan
 84159 | D:20    | Defeated a titan
 84546 | D:20    | Reached skill 5 in Traps & Doors
 84737 | D:20    | Got an antique book
 84740 | D:20    | Identified the Guide on Dusty Combat Magic (You found it on level 20 of the Dungeon)
 85015 | D:21    | Reached XP level 25. HP: 161/161 MP: 26/33
 85030 | D:21    | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +5).
 85385 | D:21    | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.
 85393 | D:21    | Found a gateway to Hell.
 86231 | Hell    | Entered the Vestibule of Hell
 86231 | Hell    | Noticed Geryon
 86283 | D:21    | Defeated Geryon
 86291 | D:21    | Reached skill 27 in Bows
 89978 | D:22    | A lindwurm changed into a guardian serpent
 89981 | D:22    | A guardian serpent shaped shifter changed into a draconian
 90003 | D:22    | Got a distressingly furry chain mail
 90015 | D:22    | Identified the -4 chain mail "Ruffa" (You found it on level 22 of the Dungeon)
 90416 | D:22    | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
 91384 | D:24    | Got a polished blowgun
 91385 | D:24    | Identified the cursed blowgun of Mana {speed, MR AC+5 SInv} (You found it on level 24 of the Dungeon)
 92040 | D:25    | Entered Level 25 of the Dungeon
 92512 | D:25    | Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.
 92952 | D:25    | Reached XP level 26. HP: 169/169 MP: 33/33
 93142 | D:25    | Found Viraire's Magical Wand Boutique.
 93267 | D:26    | Found Xecufei's Magical Wand Shoppe.
 93405 | D:26    | Found a flickering gateway to a bazaar.
 93418 | bazaar  | Entered a bazaar
 93449 | bazaar  | Found Suaxiuw's Book Shoppe.
 93470 | bazaar  | Found Oluteuco's Magic Scroll Emporium.
 93474 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of blinking for 45 gold pieces
 93474 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon III for 300 gold pieces
 93474 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
 93474 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon II for 82 gold pieces
 93474 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of enchant weapon II for 82 gold pieces
 93506 | bazaar  | Bought a scroll of magic mapping for 52 gold pieces
 93662 | D:26    | Noticed a pulsating lump
 93663 | D:26    | A pulsating lump changed into a merfolk
 93901 | D:26    | Found Twipituf's Food Shoppe.
 94009 | D:26    | Found Pnarul's Book Boutique.
 94539 | D:27    | Entered Level 27 of the Dungeon
 95665 | Zot:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot
 97905 | Zot:2   | Reached XP level 27. HP: 145/174 MP: 33/33
 98475 | Zot:3   | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
 98496 | Zot:3   | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
 98884 | Zot:3   | Learned a level 4 spell: Iskenderun's Mystic Blast
 99854 | Zot:4   | Got a dazzling long sword
 99855 | Zot:4   | Identified the +4,+0 long sword "Tweag" (You found it on level 4 of the Realm of Zot)
100081 | Zot:4   | Noticed an orb of fire
100084 | Zot:4   | Lost mutation: Your magical capacity is low (-10% MP).
100093 | Zot:4   | Gained mutation: You have a somewhat thin skeletal structure (Dex +1, Str -1, Stlth).
100103 | Zot:4   | Defeated an orb of fire
100446 | Zot:5   | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
100472 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 27 in Long Blades
101015 | Zot:5   | Noticed an ancient lich
101040 | Zot:5   | Defeated an ancient lich
101163 | Zot:5   | Noticed an ancient lich
101169 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Your muscles are flexible, but weak (Str -1, Dex +1).
101171 | Zot:5   | Defeated an ancient lich
101447 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
101620 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 10 in Unarmed Combat
101709 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
101723 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 10 in Enchantments
101745 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
101957 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 15 in Shields
102151 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 5 in Invocations
102199 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 15 in Fighting
102682 | Zot:1   | You are cast into the Abyss!
102682 | Zot:1   | Cast into the Abyss (a Zot trap)
102682 | Abyss   | Entered The Abyss
102807 | Abyss   | Noticed a shining eye
102807 | Abyss   | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
102813 | Abyss   | Defeated a shining eye
102940 | Abyss   | Noticed a fungus
102954 | Abyss   | Gained mutation: You sometimes yell uncontrollably.
103100 | Abyss   | Noticed a vapour
103114 | Abyss   | Defeated a vapour
103162 | Abyss   | Got a dazzling plate mail
103494 | Abyss   | Noticed a flayed ghost
103997 | Abyss   | Noticed a mottled draconian
104012 | Abyss   | Defeated a mottled draconian
104043 | Abyss   | Noticed a mottled draconian simulacrum
104049 | Abyss   | Defeated a mottled draconian simulacrum
104067 | Abyss   | Noticed a naga warrior
104079 | Abyss   | Defeated a naga warrior
104543 | Abyss   | Noticed an ice beast
104549 | Abyss   | Defeated an ice beast
104675 | Abyss   | Noticed a black draconian scorcher
105494 | Abyss   | Noticed a tormentor
105506 | Abyss   | Defeated a tormentor
105515 | Abyss   | Noticed a death drake simulacrum
105519 | Abyss   | Defeated a death drake simulacrum
105596 | Abyss   | Noticed a Pit Fiend
105606 | Abyss   | Defeated a Pit Fiend
106083 | Abyss   | Noticed a fungus
106505 | Abyss   | Noticed a brown ugly thing
106512 | Abyss   | Defeated a brown ugly thing
106515 | Abyss   | Noticed a brown ugly thing
106545 | Abyss   | Noticed a yellow draconian
106575 | Abyss   | Defeated a yellow draconian
106685 | Abyss   | Defeated a brown ugly thing
107214 | Abyss   | Noticed an iron devil
107222 | Abyss   | Defeated an iron devil
107426 | Abyss   | Noticed a fungus
107681 | Abyss   | Got an abyssal rune of Zot
107758 | Abyss   | Noticed a white draconian monk
107767 | Abyss   | Noticed a wizard
107773 | Abyss   | Defeated a white draconian monk
107781 | Abyss   | Defeated a wizard
107854 | Abyss   | Noticed a death drake
107913 | Abyss   | Got a brightly glowing amber ring
107914 | Abyss   | Identified the ring of Weskiv (You found it in the Abyss)
107958 | Zot:1   | You pass through the gate.
108024 | Hell    | Identified the +1 plate mail of the Snake Pit (You found it in the Abyss)
108097 | Hell    | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +5).
108097 | Hell    | Lost mutation: You sometimes yell uncontrollably.
108098 | Hell    | Lost mutation: Your muscles are flexible, but weak (Str -1, Dex +1).
108098 | Hell    | Lost mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
108827 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime
108951 | Slime:2 | Noticed Vandrey's ghost
108960 | Slime:2 | Defeated Vandrey's ghost
109162 | Slime:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Pits of Slime
109271 | Slime:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
109274 | Slime:6 | Noticed the royal jelly
109295 | Slime:6 | Defeated the royal jelly
109359 | Slime:6 | The Shining One protects you from harm!
109362 | Slime:6 | HP: 7/191 [acid blob/splash of acid (3)]
109362 | Slime:6 | HP: 3/191 [acid blob/splash of acid (1)]
109441 | Slime:6 | Got a transparent ring mail
109444 | Slime:6 | Got a bloodstained flail
109519 | Slime:6 | Got an inconspicuous book
109520 | Slime:6 | Identified Grehey's Compendium of Warped Poison (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
109533 | Slime:6 | Got a smoking quarterstaff
109534 | Slime:6 | Identified the quarterstaff of Fojiy {flame, +Rage Str+2 Dex+1} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
109564 | Slime:6 | Got a slimy rune of Zot
109627 | Slime:6 | Got a brightly glowing splint mail
109633 | Slime:6 | Got a transparent hammer
110000 | Slime:2 | You fall through a shaft!
110220 | Lair:8  | Identified the cursed -5,-3 hammer of Harmony (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
110221 | Lair:8  | Identified the cursed flail "Xuinauw" {crush, AC+2 EV-2 Int+2} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
110238 | Lair:8  | Identified the +2 splint mail of Impermeability (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
110253 | Lair:8  | Identified the cursed -3 ring mail of the Slug (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
111484 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
111642 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 10 in Stealth
111736 | Zot:5   | Got a brightly glowing buckler
111746 | Zot:5   | Identified the -5 buckler of Defence (You found it on level 5 of the Realm of Zot)
111848 | Zot:5   | Got the Orb of Zot
112898 | D:4     | Found Shrixzis' Weapon Emporium.
112905 | D:4     | Noticed Neidim the pandemonium lord
112913 | D:4     | Noticed a red very ugly thing
112913 | D:4     | Noticed a purple ugly thing
112913 | D:4     | Noticed a green ugly thing
112922 | D:4     | Defeated Neidim the pandemonium lord
112926 | D:4     | Defeated a green ugly thing
113278 | D:1     | Noticed an imp
113278 | D:1     | Noticed an imp
113595 | D:1     | Noticed Hiaruera the pandemonium lord
113603 | D:1     | Noticed an ice beast
113608 | D:1     | Noticed an ice beast
113611 | D:1     | Defeated Hiaruera the pandemonium lord
113617 | D:1     | Noticed an ice beast
113621 | D:1     | Defeated an ice beast
113632 | D:1     | Defeated an ice beast
113645 | D:1     | Noticed Plethr Uquu the pandemonium lord
113667 | D:1     | Defeated Plethr Uquu the pandemonium lord
113668 | D:1     | Noticed an imp
113686 | D:1     | Defeated an imp
113749 | D:$     | Escaped with the Orb!