Talk:Example Vaults

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Revision as of 21:02, 27 September 2013 by Bwijn (talk | contribs) (critical remarks on Mythical Zoo & sorting algorithm)
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Mythical Zoo

Zoo13bug.png The Mythical Zoo is a very deadly encounter if you can't flee by the stairs. This is because your avatar is rarely developed good enough when he arrives in the Lair to counter such masses of strong monsters. That's not at all balanced game play! If such a zoo is included it SHOULD have walls and a magic door! - The reason why I just now point at the zoo is another: the sorting algorithm seems much too *weakly built*. The screenshot tells you: a) only a reduced number of all those monsters is named, b) some monsters are named that aren't LOS visible (e.g. 4 hounds), c) the monsters aren't sorted rationally. The gamer should get a list of visible oponents with the strongest monsters first! -- Bwijn (talk) 21:02, 27 September 2013 (CEST)