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Revision as of 16:00, 26 July 2014 by Bwijn (talk | contribs) (No more bondage: new section)
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Strange skill training effects

I've noticed that in 0.15a/trunk weapons have been trained that my character never wielded. The 'm'-table even tells "Enhanced skills are in blue". Conclusion: Cross-training now happens against my purposes if I don't actively '-' opt out all possible weapons I carry. THis seems what is meant by "Cross-training now gives a direct bonus to cross-trained skills, rather than decreasing the XP cost of learning them." -- Bwijn (talk) 10:19, 26 July 2014 (CEST)

No more bondage

"Anti-training (for opposite elemental schools) has been removed." Hooray, very good! Now my octopode who needs Ice or Earth magic for protection spells can also get Air strike and Fire attack spells. -- Bwijn (talk) 16:00, 26 July 2014 (CEST)