Talk:Woodcutter's axe

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Usefulness of a +8 vorpal waraxe

At least imo , +8 (or +9) vorpal waraxe is a viable weapon to finish a 3-rune game with. Of course it isnt THAT viable, and quite debatable if it really could, but at least the lair rune branches could be done with a regular one. --Hordes (talk) 07:56, 4 February 2022 (CET)

A regular vorpal war axe is a little low-performing by endgame standards. For your main weapon, you generally either want more speed (demon whip, demon trident, short blades) or more damage (broad axe, scimitar/demon blade, morning/eveningstar, demon trident, pretty much every 2-handed weapon).
A war axe locked at 10 speed is especially clunky for mid- to late-game areas. The woodcutter's axe still isn't exactly bad, per se, but I feel like any character that plans to prioritize melee combat has a good chance of finding/enchanting something that hits both harder and faster than a +8 vorpal war axe by the time they hit the S-branches. --spudwalt (talk) 10:12, 4 February 2022 (CET)