Wizard mode
Wizard mode (wizmode) is Crawl's debug mode. It allows the player to create a character, modify it freely, avoid death, and test all sorts of situations.
Wizmode is invaluable for researching items, monsters, species, backgrounds, gods, branches, vaults, and general game mechanics. Performing experiments in wizmode is an excellent way to contribute to this wiki – please edit our pages with what you have learned!
[hide]Entering Wizmode
You can enter wizmode by pressing '&' after creating a character. When you attempt to enter, the game warns you:
WARNING: ABOUT TO ENTER WIZARD MODE! If you continue, your game will not be scored! Do you really want to enter wizard mode?
Type 'yes' to confirm.
Wizard mode is disabled in online servers, not only for the cheating aspect, but also because it could be used to easily crash the server. In order to get access to wizmode, download an offline version of Crawl.
Command list
To list commands, hit &, then ?.
To perform commands, type & and then the respective command key from the list below.
Player stats
A : set all skills to level Ctrl-D : change enchantments/durations g : exercise a skill k : change experience level and skills l : change experience level Ctrl-P : list props r : change character's species s : set skill to level x : gain an experience level $ : set gold to a specified value ] : get a mutation by name or category _ : gain religion ^ : set piety to a value @ : set Str Int Dex # : load character from a dump file & : list all divine followers = : show info about skill points n : set Zot clock to a value
Create dungeon features
L : place a vault by name T : make a trap , / . : create up/down staircase ( : turn cell into feature \ : make a shop Ctrl-K : mark all vaults as unused
Ctrl-A : generate new Abyss area b : controlled blink B : controlled teleport Ctrl-B : banish yourself to the Abyss R / ctrl-R : regenerate current level Ctrl-S : change Abyss speed u / d : shift player up/down one level ~ : go to a specific branch and level : : find branches and overflow temples in the dungeon ; : list known levels and counters { : magic mapping } : detect all traps on level Ctrl-W : change Shoals' tide speed Ctrl-E : dump level builder information P : create a level based on a vault
c : card effect h / H : heal yourself (super-Heal) X : make Xom do something now z : cast spell by number/name ! : memorise spell W : god wrath w : god mollification p : polymorph into a form V : toggle xray vision E : (un)freeze time
m / M : create specified monster by number/name D : detect all monsters G : dismiss all monsters " : list monsters
a : acquirement i / I : identify/unidentify inventory y / Y : identify/unidentify item types and properties o / % : create an object t : tweak object properties v : recharge all XP evokers Ctrl-V : show gold value of an item - : get a god gift | : create all unrand artefacts + : make randart from item ' : list items (current floor) J : Jiyva off-level sacrifice
Debugging commands
f : quick fight simulation (fsim) F : single scale fsim Ctrl-F : double scale fsim Ctrl-I : item generation stats O : measure exploration time Ctrl-T : enter in-game dungeon (d)Lua interpreter Ctrl-U : enter in-game client (c)Lua interpreter Ctrl-Y : temporarialy suppress wizmode Ctrl-X : Xom effect status Ctrl-C : force a crash
Other wizard commands
(not prefixed with &)
x? : list targeted commands X? : list map-mode commands
Wizard targeting commands
After hitting x.
Ctrl-C : cycle through beam paths D : get debugging information about the monster o : give item to monster F : cycle monster friendly/peaceful/neutral/hostile G : make monster gain XP Ctrl-H : heal the monster to full hit points P : apply divine blessing to monster m : move monster or player M : cause spell miscast for monster or player s : force monster to shout or speak S : make monster a summoned monster w : calculate shortest path to any point on the map " : get debugging information about a portal ~ : polymorph monster to specific type , : bring down the monster to 1 HP ( : place a mimic Ctrl-B : banish monster Ctrl-K : kill monster
Wizard (map-mode) commands
After hitting X.
T : Teleport to cursor.
You obviously can't go into wizmode if you want your game to be scored. However, Crawl is an offline game, you're free to do what you want. There's nothing stopping you from, say, grabbing the Axe of Woe, setting Death's Door duration to infinity, and crushing the game.
Players can use wizmode to test a number of things useful in regular games, not limited to the list below:
- f/F has a fight simulator, allowing you to test your weapon DPS and damage taken against any given monster (spawn enemies with M).
- The level of skill / intelligence required to cast a spell. Use A and s to set skills to desired points, @ to set Str/Int/Dex, and o to create any desired armour.
- Create a vault, to see it in-game.
- Details on how a given mechanic works.