Difference between revisions of "Talk:Strength weight"

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(Created page with "I like it! As IonFrigate mentioned, there was a strength weighting page on the old Wiki, but it wasn't terribly useful or worth salvaging. This is much better. Two things I no...")
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Revision as of 19:06, 17 September 2013

I like it! As IonFrigate mentioned, there was a strength weighting page on the old Wiki, but it wasn't terribly useful or worth salvaging. This is much better. Two things I notice though:

1) "Generally in Crawl, heavier weapons benefit more from strength than from dexterity, and also tend to require more strength to use properly."

You had this sentence when you first wrote the page, except that you listed armour and shields in it as well. With armour the bold section makes sense, but when it comes to weapons, that seems to imply a minimum strength requirement that isn't there.

2) "So a str weight of 100% (such as with a giant club) implies that strength is all that really matters when using it. Conversely, 0% (eg. quick blade) implies that strength has a very small effect on how well a weapon performs."

Could we rephrase this to reflect the fact that improving strength / dexterity really does improve damage / accuracy for all weapons? The effect is definitely watered down with these extremely light or heavy weapons, but everyone gets that 0.5×Str or Dex there. --MoogleDan (talk) 20:06, 17 September 2013 (CEST)