I'm just a person who plays Crawl, you can find my stats here. You can find my favoured Stone Soup commit log here.
I usually play on CSZO as Nabalzbhf.
My Guides
Nabalzbhf's Merfolk Ice Elementalist Guide
For reference, I'm 110% OK with anyone else editing "my" guides, if it's to add additional information, updates, or even counterpoints to give players more options. Just don't remove advice wholesale because you don't agree with it, at least replace it with something better.
My Wishlist
- A bot that updates EVERY monster, item, etc.
- Support for Trunk along with the current version, similar to the Dwarf Fortress Wiki.
- We currently use the History section for these purposes, primarily because trunk content sometimes changes dramatically or gets removed entirely before reaching a stable release version. The idea of duplicating DFWiki's page-for-every-version style is pretty tempting though... --MoogleDan (talk) 19:39, 27 August 2014 (CEST)
- A page for planning, here's an example.
- Fixed registration.
- Guides for all of the popular combos.