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Revision as of 17:38, 2 September 2014 by MoogleDan (talk | contribs)
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Valid forms

We should probably say somewhere what forms monsters can be polymorphed into. For example, I've certainly never seen anything polymorph into an orc wizard - I'm guessing that only the base monster is a valid target, but it'd be nice to get all the rules for it. -Ion frigate (talk) 02:25, 5 March 2014 (CET)

The function monster_polymorph (in calls _valid_morph (in the same file) which contains the list of requisites that must be met. --CommanderC (talk) 00:10, 6 March 2014 (CET)

Valid Targets

I just used my Plutonium sword to kill myself. I did this by turning Mennas into a Pearl Dragon. So i guess holy monsters are valid polymorph targets? (Or is plutonium a special case?) If so I`d edit in some warnings, as there are not that many other holy monsters that match Mennas` HD. --BlueCrake (talk) 16:26, 2 September 2014 (CEST)

Holy monsters are valid targets, and... yeah, wow, that's a nasty upgrade right there. My sympathies! --MoogleDan (talk) 18:38, 2 September 2014 (CEST)