Seven-league boots

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Version 0.29: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
An enchanted pair of boots which grant the ability to take strides of incredible length, as long as the wearer is advancing bravely towards their foes. They allow the wearer to engage in combat in a single step, although it becomes impossible to remain stealthy while taking such strides.

Seven-league boots.png the +3 pair of seven-league boots

Rampaging +∞
(Moving directly towards an enemy places you directly adjacent to them and makes a melee attack. This prevents stabbing)


The seven-league boots[1] are a high-risk item. They let you instantly rush up to and strike an enemy from any distance, assuming they are in line with one of the 8 primary directions. On the one hand, you can attack a pesky centaur or deep elf annihilator without having to weather ranged attacks during a prolonged charge. On the other hand, you can accidentally rampage into a cluster of enemies and immediately get surrounded, or zip straight past a staircase you were aiming for.

Much like regular boots of rampaging, learning to zig-zag (travel diagonally in alternating directions) instead of walking straight towards your target will let you approach at normal speed. Unlike normal rampaging, you cannot make stab attacks when lunging with the seven-league boots.


  • The seven-league boots were added in 0.27.
