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Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

A creature's habitat determines what tiles it can traverse without flight. Most monsters found in the Dungeon live on land, though it can vary.

  • Land: Cannot travel through deep water or lava. Receives penalties in shallow water, unless large size or bigger.
    • Fake Amphibious: Giant monsters with land habitat can travel through deep water, but with the usual shallow water penalties.
  • Amphibious: Can travel through both land and water without penalty.
  • Water: Can only travel in water, both shallow and deep.
  • Amphibious lava: Can travel through land and lava without penalty. Receives penalties in shallow water unless large size or bigger.
  • Lava: Can only travel in lava. If a lava habitat monster is outside lava, it will flop around randomly, taking damage until it enters lava again.

If a monster is dropped into deep water or lava without a suitable habitat, and does not have flight, it will instnatly die. E.g. land, amphibious, and water habitat monsters without flight will instantly die if they enter a lava tile. If a player enters deep water/lava without suitable habitat or flight, they are drained for every turn until they escape.