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Healing formulas

Can you explain how the new Healing Amount formulas you put in place work? While I'm all for using the most up-to-date formulas, I don't have any real understanding of the game's coding and can't translate what you put in the page.

Also, do you mind if I add a few caveats to the claim that it's one of the best brands? It's definitely only situationally useful... --MoogleDan 21:09, 19 March 2013 (CET)

Each time you hit a living monster, there is a 80% chance that the weapon will heal you. This amount is 1d(Damage_done). I think that part is easy.
When a vampire hits a living monster with a weapon of vamp. and the victim has blood, the vampire will gain a few more HP. This second amount is not added to the previous one, which means that most of the time you will see the "You feel better" message two times per attack. This second source of healing depends on the quality of the blood (clean vs. contaminated/poisonous): 2d(damage) for clean corpses, 1d(damage) for contaminated/poisonous ones; but it can never be greater than the experience level of the character (XL). It is halved in bat form, which I didn't mention, because it is something stupid.
"Also, do you mind if I add a few caveats to the claim that it's one of the best brands? It's definitely only situationally useful..."
Ending most of the fights at full hp, is situationally useful? --CommanderC 21:59, 19 March 2013 (CET)
When you're in areas that lack natural monsters or when you've spent most of the game training ranged weapons, then yeah, you probably won't want to switch to it :P As for the mechanics explanation there, that explains a lot, thanks! --MoogleDan 22:30, 19 March 2013 (CET)