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Obsolete: This article refers to an aspect of the game which has been removed. It is retained for historical reference only.
Stoneskin.png Stoneskin
Level 2
School1 Earth
School2 Transmutation
Casting noise 2
Spell noise 0
Hardens the caster's skin. It has no effect on the undead or those under the effects of most types of transformation.

Stoneskin is a level 2 Earth Magic/Transmutations spell which temporarily makes the caster's skin hard as stone.

Useful Info

Stoneskin grants a temporary bonus to AC:

AC Bonus: 2 + (power/20)
Max: +7

Each casting increases Stoneskin's duration by 8 + 2d(power) turns, up to a maximum of 50.

This AC bonus stacks with Statue Form, but it can't be combined with Ozocubu's Armour. It does not work with most form spells; only Beastly Appendage, Blade Hands, and Statue Form work with Stoneskin. The undead (Ghouls, Mummies, Vampires below Full) can't use this spell.


A weaker version of Ozocubu's Armour, without encumbrance restrictions, that doesn't melt against fire. If you can cast Stoneskin (but not Ozocubu's), it's generally worth using - either during exploration or at the start of most fights.

Note that Stoneskin will not notify you when its duration is almost over. Should you be in the middle of a pitched battle, consider casting it again when you have a spare turn to guarantee you maintain your AC bonus until the end of the fight.


  • Stoneskin was removed in 0.18.
  • Prior to 0.17, the effects of this spell were boosted while in Statue Form, using the formula 3 + ((11 * spell power)/100) (Max +14).
  • Prior to 0.15, this spell's AC bonus was dependent on your Earth Magic skill, not your spell power, using the following formula:
AC Bonus: 2 + (Earth Magic/5)
Max: +7 at 25 Earth Magic
w/ Statue Form: 3 + ((9 * Earth Magic)/20)
Max: +12 at 27 Earth Magic