Talk:The Vestibule of Hell

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Revision as of 16:29, 9 June 2013 by MoogleDan (talk | contribs)
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Anybody else think we should just merge this with the Hell page? From what I've seen, all the information on this page is already there. --spudwalt 06:41, 9 June 2013 (CEST)

There was a pretty ugly war over this a while back, where one user was pushing for just that and I was pushing to keep it. I felt that the Vestibule was unique enough to merit it's own page, and that the Hell page should probably be trimmed down to a quick summary page since there's no actual branch called "Hell". In the end we asked for a Users vote and most people sided with preservation of Vestibule, but I haven't had the heart to actually trim Hell down yet... I think all the individual Hell pages could use some sprucing up and expanding, and dumping all that on one page would make it huge. Your thoughts?