CrawlWiki talk:Community portal

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Poll on scrolls of acquirement

There's not much hilarious life and dialogue in this wiki I observed. And there are no such things like polls that might change that. So I make an attempt to introduce it. -- Bwijn 23:04, 21 March 2013 (CET)

What do you do usually when you find an identified scroll of acquirement?

a) Read it immediately because any increase in power or shelter is crucial to success?

b) Put it in a stash because as an advanced character in the deeper regions you will get better stuff?

c) Use it soon to cover the worst weaknesses of your avatar, e. g. choose armour in hope for resistances for your spriggan?

d) Put it aside because you might need later sth special for a Ziggurat/treasure trove access?

Room for answers and debate:

I generally use them immediately. Treasure troves usually request other things, and there's nothing more frustrating than dying knowing you hadn't used some resource that might have saved you. As for WHAT I pick, it's almost always armour, if only because there's usually an armour slot that would benefit from a ludicrously good artifact, even if the RNG usually gives me a crappy +2 ring mail of uselessness. The only reason I might save it is if I haven't even found a mundane item for a particular armour slot yet, as that tends to make the acquirement give you a boring normal item. --MoogleDan 23:53, 21 March 2013 (CET)