List of worms and gastropods

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Crawl's many worms range from hungry oversized bugs to demonically tainted creatures with terrible magical abilities. They have few traits in common apart from their universally non-existent intelligence and ravenous hunger.

Worm Types

w Worm.png Worm - Although slow, these enormous pests can mangle inexperienced adventurers.

w Swamp worm.png Swamp worm - These aquatic creatures deliver painful bites to anything that steps into the murk of the Swamp.

w Giant leech.png Giant leech - Loathsome swamp-dwellers that heal themselves on your blood as they tear you limb from limb.

w Lava worm.png Lava worm - Easily avoidable lava-dwelling annelids with fiery bites.

w Brain worm.png Brain worm - Unnatural creatures that feed on the minds of sentient beings.

w Spiny worm.png Spiny worm - Aggravating acidic worms that corrode your equipment with toxic stings.

w Eldritch tentacle.png Eldritch tentacle - Horrific wriggling abominations from some utterly alien dimension.