User talk:Ge0ff

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Revision as of 15:42, 6 January 2022 by Ge0ff (talk | contribs) (Unrandart staff flavor: re: extra flavour for unrands)
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XP values

Where are you getting updated XP values for monsters from? I've looked through some of the files and stuff on the github site, but I haven't been able to find experience yields yet. --spudwalt (talk) 01:42, 25 May 2018 (CEST)

Monsters don't have fixed XP values. The XP value is dynamic: it depends on the monster's max HP, HD, speed, spell set, etc. For instance, an orc wizard can give 33-43 XP. If you need the details, check the exper_value() function in (
I use XP values from the Gretell IRC bot. You can query it on the ##crawl channel ( Usage is @?monster, for example, @?pandemonium lord. The bot gets the information from the monster utility which is a part of the DCSS codebase. When you query it for the monster's stats it creates 100 monsters and returns the average values ( Ge0ff (talk) 11:24, 25 May 2018 (CEST)
Ah, thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. --spudwalt (talk) 17:37, 25 May 2018 (CEST)

Source code links

Just wanted to make sure I let you know how much I appreciate you going to the trouble of putting those links to the source code into articles. Good work! --spudwalt (talk) 22:43, 29 August 2019 (CEST)

Armour/shields penalties

Hi! Regarding this, would you be able to take a pass through the information we have about the penalties for armour and shields? Armour talks about EV and spellcasting at the beginning, but later in the article mentions stealth and accuracy as well. Armour (skill) doesn't mention accuracy at all. Are the formulas on Encumbrance rating what are actually used?

Shields (skill) and Shields talk about EV, spellcasting, accuracy, and attack speed, but Kite shield only mentions accuracy, evasion, and spellcasting; Buckler just refers to "attack and spellcasting penalties"; and Tower shield only says "attack penalties". Emufarmers (talk) 02:09, 4 July 2020 (CEST)

If you want to know how armour and shields really work, you could use wiz-mode and check the source code.
You could try wearing different armours and shields and check what happens when your character has different values for Armour and Shields skills. fsim could help you to see changes in accuracy and attack speed.
I recommend this site for searching through commit history and for grepping the source code. For example, if you search for armour penalty, you get only a few results, and the 2nd one, in, would be the one you need. You could open that file on GitHub, if you prefer having syntax highlighting. In, attack::calc_to_hit() computes an attacker's to-hit, and you could see all the parameters that affect player's accuracy there. Ge0ff (talk) 21:09, 6 July 2020 (CEST)


Thanks for adding Kimchi to Variants; please could you write a bit about its current significant changes? There's nothing there now about what it actually _changes_ - and I fear I cannot read Korean. Pinkbeast (talk) 11:52, 25 August 2020 (CEST)

Done. I cannot read Korean either, but it's not a problem thanks to the miracles of modern technology :). Also, although most of the information about this fork is in Korean, the change log is partially in English. Ge0ff (talk) 12:01, 26 August 2020 (CEST)

Unrandart staff flavor

Those second bits you added to the flavor text in the Staff of Olgreb, Staff of Dispater, etc articles are more of a description of what the artefact's special properties do (kind of like the description of a brand on a branded weapon). Flavor text is found in the dat/descript folder.

If you think we should include brand descriptions in the unrandart articles, I'm open for debate, but that sort of thing is generally already covered in the properties list or sometimes a separate Mechanics section for the especially complex artefacts. --spudwalt (talk) 23:13, 5 January 2022 (CET)

If the procedures for such change require a discussion, then let's have it :). Others are welcome to join too.
We already use the {flavour} template for more than just flavour text. Articles for monsters use this template for flavour and quotes, even though they come from different files, dat/descript/monsters.txt and dat/descript/quotes.txt. Articles for gods are another example. On the Beogh page, the flavour consists of four different parts:
  • "Beogh is an evil deity, worshipped by the cave orcs…" and "Followers of Beogh can smite their foes,…" are two sections from dat/descript/gods.txt, namely "Beogh" and "Beogh powers".
  • "Beogh likes…" and "Beogh strongly dislikes…" parts are auto-generated and come from
Does it make sense to split such flavour blocks into different parts? I think the current approach is more convenient for providing an overview.
Since 0.27, there are two new fields in art-data.txt:
  • DESCRIP: Description of powers of the artefact which are specific to this artefact, not provided by the fields in this file.
  • DBRAND: Description of a brand which is specific to this artefact.
For example, the Elemental Staff has the following:
  • DBRAND: If the wielder is skilled in Evocations, they can discharge powerful blasts of elemental energy when striking with it.
  • DESCRIP: It enhances your fire, ice, earth and air magic.
I think we should use these in-game descriptions to provide an overview of unrands' special powers and/or unique brands. --Ge0ff (talk) 14:42, 6 January 2022 (CET)