Fungal fisticloak

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
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The handiwork of a mad mycologist who once attempted to overcome the genetic anxiety of wandering mushrooms by cultivating a species that could be easily transported without disturbing them. The result is as much a living organism as it is a piece of clothing, every linen fibre twined together with fungal mycelia that draw both nutrients and confidence from whoever wears it. And in exchange for such trifles as blood or peptides, the colony will instinctively lash out to defend its wearer from whatever they perceive as a threat.

It's like wearing a thousand tiny friends at once! And the humming they fill your mind with in the dark is actually quite lulling....

(This item also occupies your helmet slot.)

Urand fungal fisticloak.png the +3 fungal fisticloak

+3 cloak
The cloak sometimes lashes out at its wearer's enemies, inflicting confusion with its spores. Each turn there's a 1/4 chance to launch a special aux attack at a random adjacent enemy, which has a 1/3 chance to confuse the opponent.
+1 gloves slot
-1 helmet slot
HP -10
Strength -2
Intelligence -2


  • The aux attack is very useful for fast attacking characters, such as short blades users. Even if the chance to activate is relatively low, confusing nearby enemies remains powerful through the entire game and helps plenty with mass control.
  • The -10 HP penalty becomes less harsh the higher XL you are, even more so on increased HP classes. For others such as Spriggans it may still be too much to bear until at a very high level.
  • If you ignore all the other effects, this is still an overenchanted cloak. However the -10 HP makes it harder to justify wearing for just the AC, and the lack of a helmet still leaves you with lower AC unless two pairs of gloves are found.
  • Even if this cloak occupies the helmet slot, it doesn't prevent any auxiliary attacks from the head, e.g. Tengu's beak.


  • In 0.33, this unrand will be added to the game.