Yellow draconian

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Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

For a list of all draconians, see list of draconians.

yellow draconian dYellow draconian.png
HP 64-131
HD 14
XP 1232
Speed 10
AC 9
EV 10
Will 40
Attack1 20 (hit: plain)

Resistances rAcid
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Land
Intelligence Human
Uses Weapons & armour
Starting equipment
Open doors
Holiness Natural
Size Medium
Type draconian, yellow draconian
Flags Cold-blooded
A muscular yellow-scaled humanoid with a reptilian tail and small wings.

“Trogdor was a man!
I mean, he was a dragon-man!
Or... maybe he was just a dragon.
And the Trogdor comes in the night!”
-The Brothers Chaps, “Trogdor”. 2003.

Useful Info

Yellow draconians are the acid-themed members of the draconian family. Their acidic breath can corrode you and deal moderate damage, especially if you lack rCorr. They can be found primarily in the Realm of Zot.


Spell set I
Slot1 Acid Splash (3d14) Natural flag,
Breath flag

Tips & Tricks

  • Resist corrosion greatly reduces the damage and risk of corrosion (see the acid page for further advice on avoiding corrosion).
  • Like most draconians, freezing-branded weapons help make combat against them much easier.


  • In 0.32, yellow draconians will get an acid bite aux attack (15 damage).