Soul Splinter

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
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Attempts to force a tiny fragment of a living, holy, or demonic being's soul to take leave of their body and manifest as a soul wisp. This wisp is nominally under the necromancer's control, but will focus its attacks foremost on the creature it was created from, instinctually trying to return to its proper home once more.

Wisps created from more powerful souls have more damaging attacks, but are always fragile.

Soul Splinter is a level 1 Necromancy spell that targets an enemy in range and attempts to break off a fragment of its soul to create a soul wisp.

Useful Info

If the spell passes a willpower check, and the target can be spectralised, a soul wisp will be created adjacent to the target with 7-11 HP and HD equal to target's HD + 1. The soul wisp will fixate on the target, similar to Haunt.



  • In 0.32, this spell will be added to the game, replacing Necrotise.