Soul wisp

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
This page is a stub. You could probably expand this page should you wish to do so.
soul wisp *Soul wisp.png
HP 5-12
HD 2
XP 14
Speed 10
AC 3
EV 11
Will 10
Attack1 4 (touch: plain)

Resistances rC+
Vulnerabilities Holy
Habitat Land
Intelligence Brainless
Uses Uses nothing
Holiness Undead
Size Small
Type soul wisp, soul wisp
Flags Flying
See invisible
A tiny fragment of a living soul, splintered from the body in which it belongs. Too mindless to be fully controlled, it seeks nothing but to reunite with its greater self once more - unfortunately, this process tends to be more violent than the magic which created it.

Useful Info

Soul wisps are fragments of a monster's soul, created by Soul Splinter. They spawn adjacent to the monster they come from and fixate on that monster.

Tips & Tricks
