Bestow Arms

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Version 0.32: This article is up to date for the latest stable release of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Temporarily grants numerous nearby allies a magical weapon from within the armoury, so long as the souls holding it together remain intact.

Bestow Arms is a monster-only spell that temporarily grants copies of a random summoned weapon to 5-7 nearby allies. These tend to be top-tier items, with good brands and enchantment (from +4 to +9), with a slight bias towards polearms, but also including launchers.

Possible weapons:

These weapons will be branded with either flame, freezing, speed, vampiric, chaos, or distortion. Note that even ranged weapons can get any brand from this list, including vampiric or distortion, which normally don't appear on such weapons.

The following enemies cast Bestow Arms:

Tips & Tricks

Worshippers of Yred have a special use for this spell. If you manage to bind soul of a monster that wields a weapon created by Bestow Arms, the weapon will become permanent. A bound yaktaur captain with a triple crossbow of distortion can be an amazing ally!


  • This spell was added in 0.32.