Grave Claw

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Version 0.32: This article is up to date for the latest stable release of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Grave claw.png Grave Claw
Level 2
School1 Necromancy
Source(s) Book of Unlife
Casting noise 2
Spell noise 0
Power Cap 50
Range 4
Hated By Elyvilon
The Shining One
Flags Not self, Target
Calls forth the spite of the recently dead to skewer a targeted enemy with shards of bone. This spell never misses, and will pin its target in place for several turns, but casting it rapidly consumes the remnants of death that linger upon the caster.

You can stockpile enough malice to cast this spell at most three times, and this can only be replenished by causing the death of a sufficient number of living beings.

Grave Claw is a smite-targeted level 2 Necromancy spell that does physical damage and inflicts the Bind status effect on a target. The target will be unable to move for 2-4 turns, although this effect doesn't prevent blinking.

The player can have up to 3 charges of Grave Claw. Each of these charges takes a random 4-6 living deaths to recharge. When the player first memorises the spell, they gain one charge of it immediately.

Necromancers and Hedge Wizards start with this spell in their library.

Useful Info


This spell has limited uses but deals good, irresistible damage, cannot be dodged or blocked, and can be used to break melee range. It is therefore best saved for dangerous creatures.

Necromancers and Hedge Wizards may wish to use it against undead or poison-resistant creatures, for which their other spells may not work.

Casting this spell on a monster adjacent to you and then moving away will reliably allow you to create a gap.
