Naga mage

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naga mage NNaga mage.png
HP 27-52
HD 7
XP 337
Speed 8 (act: 80%)
AC 6
EV 10
Will 56
Attack1 17 (hit: plain)
Attack2 4 (constrict: crush)

Resistances rPois+
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Land
Intelligence Normal
Uses Weapons & armour
Starting equipment
Open doors
Holiness Natural
Size Large
Type naga, naga
Flags Actual spells
See invisible
A naga that has trained in the use of magic, trailed by an eldritch nimbus. It is especially skilled in spells dealing with poison and venom.

It is strange and repulsive.

Amongst the deities and Asuras and celestial Rishis, O amiable lady, the Nagas are endued with great energy. Possessed of great speed, they are endued again with excellent fragrance. They deserve to be worshipped. They are capable of granting boons. Indeed, we too deserve to be followed by others in our train. I tell thee, O lady, that we are incapable of being seen by human beings.
-Mahābhārata, Santi Parva, Mokshadharma Parva, section CCCLX. ca. 500 B.C.
trans. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 1883

Naga mages know some of the most dangerous Poison Magic spells and can deal heavy physical damage as well. Often found in packs with other nagas, they're a bigger threat than most things in the Snake Pit, but guardian serpents and greater nagas should be a higher priority.


Spell set
Slot1 Venom Bolt (3d12)
Slot2 Iskenderun's Mystic Blast (3d13)
Slot3 Haste
Slot4 Poison Arrow (3d14)
Slot5 Teleport Other
Slot6 Teleport Self

Tips & Tricks

Poison resistance and high AC will significantly reduce the damage potential of their offensive spells.