Metal gargoyle

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Version 0.12: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
metal gargoyle 9Metal gargoyle.png
HP 28-59
HD 8
XP 205
Speed 7
AC 20
EV 4
Will 64
Attack1 19 (bite: plain)
Attack2 10 (claw: plain)
Attack3 10 (claw: plain)
Resistances rElec++, rPois+,
rN+++, rTorm,
rRot+++, rDrown
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Land
Intelligence High
Uses Open doors
Holiness Non-living
Size Medium
Type gargoyle, metal gargoyle
Flags Artificial
A hideous metal statue come to life.

“Their innumerable sculptures of demons and dragons assumed a lugubrious aspect. The restless light of the flame made them move to the eye. There were griffins which had the air of laughing, gargoyles which one fancied one heard yelping, salamanders which puffed at the fire, tarasques which sneezed in the smoke. And among the monsters thus roused from their sleep of stone by this flame, by this noise, there was one who walked about, and who was seen, from time to time, to pass across the glowing face of the pile, like a bat in front of a candle.”
-Victor Hugo, _The Hunchback of Notre-Dame_, 10, ch. IV. 1831.
trans. Isabel F. Hapgoo

Useful Info

Metal gargoyles are stronger, tougher, and slower than regular gargoyles, but are otherwise identical. They inhabit the Iron City of Dis.

Tips & Tricks

Metal gargoyles are easy targets for Lee's Rapid Deconstruction, causing them to explode and injure all monsters standing nearby.