Cloud Cone

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Obsolete: This article refers to an aspect of the game which has been removed. It is retained for historical reference only.
Blasts the area near the caster with destructive clouds. At low power, the most lethal clouds that can be created are noxious fumes. As power increases, this gives way to roaring flames, freezing vapours, and poisonous gas. At the highest tiers of power storm clouds, acidic fog and clouds of negative energy become available.

Cloud Cone is a spell that fills a cone-shaped area in front of you with clouds, with higher spell power determining the nature and duration of the clouds produced. Cloud Cone is only castable via a wand of clouds, so its power is derived from the player's Evocation skill.

This table shows possible clouds produced by this spell, and skill levels at which they can be produced:

Cloud Min. Skill Max. Skill Effect
Noxious fumes 0 15 Confuses the target
Fire clouds 0 27 Deals fire damage
Freezing clouds 0 27 Deals cold damage, slows cold-blooded enemies
Poison gas 0 27 Deals poison damage, inflicts poison
Negative energy clouds 6 27 Deals negative energy damage, inflicts draining
Thunderclouds 10 27 Occasionally deals heavy electricity damage, more effective against flying foes
Acidic fog 14 27 Deals acid damage, inflicts corrosion


  • Wands of Clouds were removed 0.26, replaced by the smite-targeted Condenser vane,
  • Rods of clouds were replaced by wands of clouds in 0.20. Prior to that point, it was possible to create harmless clouds of thin mist or rain at very low Evocations.
  • Cloud Cone (and the rod of clouds) was added in 0.14.