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Version 0.30: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
It deals significantly more damage against the undead.

Disruption is a brand exclusive to Undeadhunter which does the following:

  • Has a 2/3 chance to deal an average of about +150% damage (0 - 300%) to undead targets. That's an average of +100% damage per swing.
Unlike other brands, the damage isn't distributed linearly. Instead, damage is equal to 3d(3 * dam + 1)/3 - 1.[1] This approximates a normal distribution with mean of roughly 3/2 × dam,[2] and standard deviation of roughly 1/2 × dam.[3]

Unlike the similar holy wrath brand, this brand can be wielded by the undead.


  • In 0.9, Disruption was made an exclusive brand to the Undeadhunter.
  • Prior to 0.4, Disruption was a normal brand found on random melee weapons. Holy wrath was enhanced in its stead.


  1. Jump up art-func.h:637 (0.28.0)
    random2avg(X, Y) is equivalent to Yd(X) / Y - see random.cc:327 (0.28.0)
  2. Jump up Random2avg returns an int. Due to integer truncation in C++, the average damage is slightly lower than 3/2.
  3. Jump up More exactly, standard dev = 1/2 × sqrt[(dam × dam) + (dam / 3)]. The difference between the two calculations is negligible, as the increase is between 0.08 and 0.083(3) for any dam above 1. Following the [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7_rule normal distrubution], additional damage dealt is between +100% and +200% damage, 68% of the time, and between +50% and +250% damage 95% of the time (assuming it deals extra damage at all).
Melee weapons AntimagicChaosDistortionDrainingElectrocutionFlamingFreezingHeavyHoly wrathPainProtectionReachingSpectralSpeedVampiricVenom
DisruptionDragon slayingReapingSilver
Launchers AntimagicDrainingElectrocutionFlamingFreezingHeavyPenetrationSpeed
Throwing weapons AtropaCurareDaturaDispersalPoisonedSilver