Sanguine talisman

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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
A vial of roiling blood that pulses with the beat of an unseen heart. Transforms the user into a fearsome vampire - a creature that straddles the border between life and undeath. They can drink the lifeblood of the living to heal themselves, and even turn those they slay stealthily into vampiric thralls, but do not heal in the presence of monsters. At great effort, they may scatter into a swarm of bats - either to flee or to assail their enemies.

Vampire talisman.png A sanguine talisman is a talisman that changes you into Vampire Form.

Useful Info

When eVoked, a sanguine talisman turns you into Vampire, which lasts until you end the form. Entering or exiting a form takes 5 turns.

Vampire Form has the following effects:

Combat Bonuses


Vampire Form has a minimum of 16 Shapeshifting skill, below which you get an HP penalty, and the contamination effect scales down. It has a maximum skill of 25; further skill has no further impact.


Armataur Djinn Felid Humanoid Naga Octopode Tengu
Vampire form armataur.png Vampire form djinn.png Vampire form felid.png Vampire form humanoid.png Vampire form naga.png Vampire form octopode.png Vampire form tengu.png


  • In 0.33, Sanguine talismans will be added.
Talisman Beast FormFlux FormBlade FormMaw FormSerpent FormStatue FormDragon FormDeath FormStorm Form
Bad Forms Bat FormFungus FormPig FormTree FormWisp Form
Divine Slaughter Form