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Trunk-only: This article pertains to a feature of Crawl which is being tested. It will likely change before the next release, and may even be removed entirely.
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alderking fAlderking.png
HP 82-167
HD 17
XP 1978
Speed 10
AC 16
EV 12
Will 100
Attack1 50 (hit: plain)
Attack2 40 (hit: plain)

Resistances rPois+
Vulnerabilities Fire
Habitat Land
Intelligence Human
Uses Uses nothing
Holiness Plant
Size Giant
Type alderking, alderking
Flags Speaks
A self-styled monarch of a shambling black alder, half respected and half ridiculed by other fae. It backs up its aspirations to sovereignty with unearthly vile magic quite close to a touch of death.

““My father, my father, he seizes me fast,
Full sorely the Erl-King has hurt me at last.”

The father now gallops, with terror half wild,
He grasps in his arms the poor shuddering child;
He reaches his courtyard with toil and with dread,
The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, _Erlkönig_, 1782.
trans. Edgar Alfred Bowring, 1853.

Useful Info

Alderkings are walking trees that can deal massive bursts of negative energy damage. Their Grasping Roots will pin you in place and allow them to move in and torment your life essence away or dispel you if you are undead. They can be found in the Crypt and the Depths.


Spell set I
Slot1 Grasping Roots Natural flag
Slot2 Siphon Essence Magical flag
Slot3 Dispel Undead (2d23) Magical flag

Tips & Tricks

  • Running away from an alderking is not a viable long-term escape plan. They move at normal speed (compared to most characters), and Grasping Roots will force you to waste turns while they close the gap. Confront them from a distance where they aren't deadly, or find a way to get them off of the screen.
  • Even if you are somehow immune to both of their necromantic attacks, their melee is still nothing to brush off; they have comparable damage output to iron golems in pure melee damage. Grasping Roots will also decrease your evasion by 10, making you easier to hit.
  • Alderkings are vulnerable to fire.


  • In 0.33, alderkings will be added to the game.