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Any item can be completely '''identified''' by reading a [[scroll of identify]]. Unfortunately, there won't be enough scrolls for everything you want to identify, so it's helpful to know about other means of identification.
==Checking items you have identified==
Some items have unknown properties, which can be revealed by '''identification'''. For example, you won't know what a ''murky blue'' [[potion]] does or what a ''glowing'' [[short sword]] is until they are identified. A [[scroll of identify]] is the easiest way to check some items, but there are a few other methods as well.
Press '''\''' for a list of items already identified. You can also use the command '''-''' to toggle the view to items you have not yet identified.
==Pre-identified items==
Press '''\''' for a list of items already identified. While viewing the list, the command '''-''' will toggle the view to items you have not yet identified.
Certain [[background]]s or [[species]] start with a couple of items identified:
*[[Deep Dwarf|Deep Dwarves]] recognize [[wands of heal wounds]].
*[[Spriggan]]s recognize [[potions of porridge]].
*[[Vampire]]s recognize [[potions of blood]].
*[[Assassin]]s recognize [[potions of poison]].
*[[Healer]]s recognize [[potions of curing]] and [[potions of heal wounds]].
*[[Warper]]s recognize [[scrolls of blinking]].
*[[Artificer]]s recognize [[wands of flame]], [[wands of enslavement]], [[wands of random effects]], and [[scrolls of recharging]].
*[[Wanderer]]s recognize [[scrolls of teleportation]] and may start with additional scrolls or potions, which they will also recognize.
Additionally, converting to [[Ashenzari]] will identify [[scrolls of remove curse]], [[scrolls of curse weapon]], [[scrolls of curse armour]], and [[scrolls of curse jewellery]], if you haven't already identified them.
==Potions & Scrolls==
Potions and scrolls are either unidentified or identified. Unidentified potions/scrolls are in blue text and have vague descriptors, such as a scroll labelled README, or a green potion. Identified items aren't in blue text, and their names tell you what the item does, e.g. [[scroll of teleport]] or [[potion of curing]].
==Identifying items in shops==
Identifying a potion or scroll will reveal its "true", identified type for the rest of the game. So if you identify a green potion as a potion of curing, all green potions you come across will be revealed as potions of curing.
Anything bought from a non-antique [[shop]] will automatically be identified. This is especially useful for identifying bad items such as [[Curse#Item_Cursing|curse scrolls]], [[rings of hunger]], or harmful [[potions]], as all of these are quite cheap and identifying them this way will prevent you from harming yourself by experimenting with them.
==Identifying items through use==
The most common ways to identify potions and scrolls are as follows:
If the item is a weapon, armour, ring or amulet, you may want to make sure that you can uncurse it (a [[scroll of remove curse]] will always work, and [[scrolls of enchant weapon]]/[[scroll of enchant armour|armour]] will uncurse weapons and armour, respectively) before trying to identify it through use. Some weapons and armour appear as shiny, runed, glowing, dyed, embroidered ''etc.'', while others are "plain". It's worth noting that while "plain" weapons and armour are never [[brand]]ed, they often have random pluses or minuses: while (0,-1) and the like are common, armour and weapons up to +2 or +3 can be found by testing these items in bulk. Conversely, items with adjectives are almost never +0, but can have bonuses or maluses, and they don't necessarily have brands. Many of them will be cursed: any cursed weapon/armour has 1 chance in 3 of having an adjective. Even marked weapons are still more likely to be (-1, 0) or (+1, -1) than (+2, +3). More exotic descriptors such as "ancient", "humming", or "distressingly furry" indicate [[artefact]]s; even when unidentified, they will appear in white in the inventory listing.
*Using a [[scroll of identify]] on the potion or scroll.
*All potions and scrolls are identified when used, even if they didn't do anything.  
Using an unknown item "blind" will let you identify it faster, but it generally wastes the item you just used. This can be a good thing, since an identified item can help you survive a situation you otherwise would've died in. In any case, some amount of blind use is practically required. This is because scrolls of identify are initially unknown too, meaning you'll have to blind read until you reveal scrolls of identify in the first place.
Armour is always fully identified when worn. This includes artefacts. The only risk with wearing un-ID'd non-artefact armour is being stuck by a curse with something suboptimal; there are no harmful armour [[ego]]s other than [[ponderousness]], which is exceedingly rare and not usually generated cursed. Artefact armour can occasionally be nasty: mutagenic radiation, teleportitis, and negative slaying are all possibilities.  You should always have a scroll of remove curse handy when trying on artefact armour.
Weapons will reveal any [[brand]]s (such as "of flaming") when wielded - and all other special properties, too, if it's an artefact. To find their to-hit and to-damage bonuses, however, you need to have some skill with them. If your skill is above a certain value (randomly determined when the weapon is created), the weapon is in your [[inventory]], and you know that it is not cursed (eg: you have already wielded that weapon), the pluses will be revealed.
Reading unknown scrolls can be dangerous, because some scrolls have negative effects. At the same time, you'll want to maximize the positive effects of the scrolls you do read. If you want to optimize blind reading, you should:
*Be on an ''un''explored level, standing directly on the stairs leading to a clear level.
**Being on an unexplored level makes the most out of a [[scroll of revelation]].
**Being on an upstairs lets you retreat in case you read a [[scroll of teleportation]] or a dangerous scroll like [[scroll of noise|noise]].
*Make sure that no monsters - allied or hostile - are in your [[line of sight]]. This way, you won't blow yourself up with a [[scroll of immolation]].
*You carry at least one enchantable weapon, preferably one you want to [[brand]] or replace the brand of. This makes the most out of [[scrolls of enchant weapon|enchant weapon]] and [[scroll of brand weapon|brand weapon]].
Note that weapons of [[distortion]] can have dangerous effects if wielded while un-identified or unequipping, such as casting the user into [[the Abyss]]. The unique monsters [[Psyche]] and [[Sonja]] are likely to drop weapons of [[distortion]] or [[chaos]], and their weapons will be inscribed with their names.
Also, you should test the most numerous unknown scrolls you have first. Usually, you'll be more likely to identify common scrolls, such as identify and teleport.'''*''' In addition, you'll have more copies of that scroll available to use. (If you read a scroll you have 5 copies of, after reading, you'll have 4 copies of a potentially useful scroll. If you read a scroll you only have 1 copy of, you've identified the scroll, but now you have no copies of that scroll - not very helpful!)
These conditions can be adjusted as your knowledge improves. If you've already identified scrolls of revelation, then you don't need to use scrolls on an unexplored level. If you've identified most scrolls, you might want to stop blind reading, since you're likely to 'waste' a rare scroll.
Some amulets and rings auto-identify but many do not. Amulets are generally safer to identify in this way than rings, since only the [[amulet of inaccuracy]] is harmful, and it's rarely cursed.  
*The [[amulet of faith]] will auto-identify when put on if you are worshipping a god, or if worn when you pray at an altar, but beware as unequipping it will lower your piety by 1/3.
*The [[amulet of rage]], [[amulet of the gourmand]] and [[amulet of guardian spirit]] all auto-identify when worn - note that the last can be dangerous for spellcasters, as it will drain all your MP when put on or taken off. Don't put on un-ID'd amulets in combat.
*The [[amulet of stasis]] and the [[amulet of clarity]] both auto-identify when the player resists the corresponding effects.
*The [[amulet of warding]] will auto-identify when an attack from a summoned monster is deterred.
This leaves the [[amulet of resist corrosion]], the [[amulet of resist mutation]], the [[amulet of conservation]], and the aforementioned [[amulet of inaccuracy]] to be identified.
If you are in an emergency situation, and have nothing better to do, you can read unknown scrolls in hopes that the scroll will help. Depending on what you've identified, you may want to drink unknown potions instead.
As for rings, they can be more dangerous than amulets, but many will auto-identify for you.
('''*'''It depends on how you found the scrolls. If you find 1 copy of a scroll somewhere, and then find the another copy of the same scroll elsewhere, it's more likely to be a common scroll. But if you find 2-3 copies of a scroll in the same tile, it is no more likely to be a common scroll than usual. This also applies to potions.)
*These rings  all auto-identify when put on: [[ring of flight]], [[ring of teleportation]], [[ring of invisibility]], [[ring of magical power]], [[ring of regeneration]], [[ring of wizardry]], [[ring of fire]], [[ring of ice]] and most of the "stat rings": [[ring of protection]], [[ring of evasion]], [[ring of strength]], [[ring of dexterity]], and [[ring of intelligence]].
*The [[ring of see invisible]] will identify if worn when a creature attempts to turn invisible, or if putting it on reveals a hitherto unseen invisible creature.
*The [[ring of sustain abilities]] will identify if worn when it protects you from stat drain.
*The [[ring of teleport control]] can be identified by teleporting or [[blink]]ing.
*The [[ring of teleportation]] and the negative versions of "stat rings" are usually cursed.
*The [[ring of sustenance]] and the [[ring of hunger]] will auto-identify when your hunger status changes. Rings of hunger are always cursed. If a ring is cursed and does not auto-identify it should be removed with a scroll of remove curse as soon as possible, since there is a very good chance that it's a ring of hunger.
This leaves the following rings to be identified normally:
*The rings of resistance ([[ring of poison resistance|poison]], [[ring of protection from fire|fire]], [[ring of protection from cold|cold]], [[ring of life protection|negative energy]], and [[ring of protection from magic|magic protection]]) can produce revealing messages when they protect you from something, though it is only unambiguous if you have no other source of the resistance to the resisted element. Usually it is best to simply use an identify scroll on those rings that don't identify through other means; for the resistance rings, though, it is possible to use a safe source of the element to be resisted. Generally a self-targeted low-level spell will do; potions of poison can be used to test for poison resistance, though be sure to be at full health in a safe area first.
Some potions also have dangerous effects. The conditions to safe blind-quaff aren't as dangerous, though. To safely blind-quaff:
*[[Rings of slaying]] must be identified with a scroll.
*You should quaff unknown potions when there are no monsters in sight (and no monsters are nearby).
Artefact jewellery will reveal any properties that would auto-identify when worn; for example, a ring with +5 Int and rElec will reveal the Int bonus but not the resistance when worn. As such, you'll often need to use scrolls of identify to fully identify them. Artefact jewellery that is partially identified will be inscribed as such.
Like scrolls, when blind quaffing, you should test the most numerous potions. The two most common potions, [[potions of curing]] and [[potion of heal wounds]] are quite useful to know.
It's worth noting that potions are somewhat more risky to blind-use than scrolls, since [[potions of mutation]] exist. Potions of mutation can give you terrible mutations, such as [[teleportitis]] or [[No Unsafe Scrolls]]. Therefore, some players may avoid blind-quaffing potions entirely. Note that, in an emergency situation, getting a bad mutation doesn't matter at all; don't be afraid to blind quaff if you have no other options.
Most scrolls, but not all, will auto-identify when read. Reading one of these scrolls will always identify it:
*[[Scroll of acquirement]]
*[[Scroll of blinking]]
*[[Scroll of enchant weapon]]
*[[Scroll of fear]]
*[[Scroll of fog]]
*[[Scroll of holy word]]
*[[Scroll of immolation]]
*[[Scroll of magic mapping]]
*[[Scroll of noise]]
*[[Scroll of random uselessness]]
*[[Scroll of silence]]
*[[Scroll of summoning]] (unless in a cramped or crowded place where the monsters couldn't be created)
*[[Scroll of teleportation]]
*[[Scroll of torment]]
*[[Scroll of vorpalize weapon]]
*[[Scroll of vulnerability]]
Reading one of these scrolls will ask for an item to use it on:
===Emergency Use-ID===
*[[Scroll of enchant armour]] (identified if used on a piece of armour and the enchantment succeeds)
If you are in danger and have nothing better, it's generally better to drink unknown potions than scrolls. Consider the following list:
*[[Scroll of identify]] (identified if used on an unidentified item)
*Scrolls that can often help win/escape fights: Teleportation, blinking, fear, summoning/butterflies.
*[[Scroll of recharging]] (identified if used on a wand or rod)
**If you aren't adjacent to any foe and have a ranged attack: immolation, poison.
*Potions that can often help win/escape fights: Curing, heal wounds, might, haste, lignification, invisibility, berserk rage.
The following scrolls may identify, based on certain conditions:
For most characters, there are more potions that help you resolve danger than scrolls. However, this can change depending on what you've identified. If you've already identified many types of emergency potions, then scrolls become better.
*[[Scroll of amnesia]] (if you have at least one spell memorized)
*[[Scroll of curse armour]] (if wearing at least one uncursed piece of armour)
*[[Scroll of curse jewellery]] (if wearing at least one piece of uncursed jewellery)
*[[Scroll of curse weapon]] (if wielding an uncursed weapon)
*[[Scroll of remove curse]] (if you are wearing at least one cursed item)
For best results when read-IDing scrolls, be sure that you:
===Other ways to ID===
*Are on an unexplored level, standing on stairs leading to a clear level (to retreat if it's a teleportation, noise, or another harmful scroll, and to make the most out of magic mapping)
The following are less common ways to identify potions and scrolls:
*Test the most numerous unknown scrolls you have first (to make it more probable to discover the more common identify, teleportation, curse, and remove curse scrolls first and to avoid wasting more valuable scrolls)
*Any items your [[background]] starts with are automatically identified.
*Don't have any allies nearby (to not offend them and possibly your deity with fear, immolation, torment, or holy word)
*If you buy an item from a non-antique [[shop]], then it will be identified.
*Wield the best uncursed weapon you have (to identify curse weapon and benefit from weapon enchantment scrolls)
**You can buy unidentified harmful items (such as [[potions of degeneration]] and [[scrolls of noise]]) in order to ID them.
*Are carrying an unidentified piece of armour and an unidentified wand, even if it's just the number of charges (best chance to correctly use identify, enchant armour or recharge). Note that on an ''unsuccessful'' reading of one of these scrolls, the game will auto-inscribe the ''type'' of scroll with the item it was tested with. This makes it easy to rule out possibilities!
*[[Ashenzari]] will identify all items on sight once you reach 1* piety.
*Certain pre-generated [[vault]]s may come with items already identified. For example, there is a [[faded altar]] vault with a [[scroll of immolation]] on top of it. If you come across this specific vault, then upon seeing the vault, you'll automatically identify scrolls of immolation for the rest of the game.
*If there is only 1 unidentified item of a type (i.e. you find the last unidentified [[potion]] or [[scroll]]), it will be identified for you on sight.
For the brave, be sure that you have a cursed item equipped (to identify remove curse).  Not infrequently this may be one that was just cursed by a curse armour/weapon/jewellery scroll, if you are identifying a number of scrolls at once.
==All Other Items==
Each individual piece of equipment ([[armour]], [[weapon]]s, [[jewellery]]) is identified immediately and completely when you occupy its tile (or when you buy the item). Each instance of a gear item needs to be identified: if you identify an artefact [[whip]], you won't automatically identify other artefact whips.
Conditions can be adjusted as your knowledge improves. For example, once you've discovered scrolls of remove curse, cursing your weapon with a scroll of curse weapon is no problem at all. Some of the less common scrolls are very valuable and therefore it is not wasteful to use a scroll of identify on single scrolls that have been single for some time (e.g. vorpalise weapon).
[[Wand]]s are also identified when stepping on their tile. After identifying a wand, all other wands of that type are identified immediately on sight.
Identifying scrolls is all about balance. On the one hand, you shouldn't waste scrolls of identify out of sheer curiosity, but on the other, it's massively annoying to die on level 3 with several scrolls of teleportation, fear, or blinking in your inventory. When read-identifying scrolls, watch out for the following detrimental effects:
All monster equipment, including wands, are fully identified on sight.
*The scrolls of immolation and torment both cause serious HP damage, though torment is never directly lethal. Scrolls of holy word cause similar damage to undead or demonic characters.
*If you have any allies in sight, reading a scroll of fear, immolation, or torment (or holy word, for undead/demonic allies) is liable to cause them to turn on you. On top of that, some [[god]]s get angry if you harm your allies.
*Your armour, weapon, or jewelry may become cursed, though scrolls of remove curse are fairly common.
*Scrolls of random uselessness may produce friendly butterflies, which can be troublesome for characters worshiping a god who dislikes the death of allies.
All potions auto-identify when quaffed, but some (for example potions of poison and decay) are seriously harmful. It may be sensible to wait until you have larger potion stacks before trying them, so that you are more likely to discover the [[potion of curing]], which is the most common potion and will cure poisoning and rotting. This also reduces the chance of wasting a [[potion of cure mutation]]. The [[potion of blood]] is always red, and it will auto identify when it turns into a [[potion of coagulated blood]] after a while. Note that wearing an [[amulet of resist mutation]] or having [[poison resistance]] will ''not'' interfere with identifying the corresponding potions, but will protect from their effects.
A second way to identify potions is to witness monsters quaffing them. You'll have to note the effect the potion has on the monster; once you've seen it, the appropriate potion type will be marked as "tried by monster" and it can be inscribed with its identity depending on the effects you saw.
Note that potions of porridge are almost always described as a "gluggy white" or "gluggy brown" potion.
It is not cowardice to avoid quaff-IDing potions entirely. Scrolls of identify are common enough that using them on every unidentified potion you find is not unreasonable.
Wands usually auto-identify when zapped at a monster which does not resist them, but until you have a fairly high [[Evocation]]s skill, the only way to determine the number of charges in a wand is to use a scroll of identify.
The best way to identify wands is by zapping at a monster who is at least one square away from you, close to a rock wall, yet without the shot being perpendicular to the wall. This will ensure that if the wand is a fireball you will not be hit by the blast, if the wand is digging it will become identified due to digging the wall, and if the wand is lightning it will not hurt you by bouncing back at you. Wands should be tested on weak monsters in case they are hastened or turned invisible. If the game tells you "nothing happens" and the enemy is uninjured, it's a [[wand of healing]].
Another method is to zap the wands at a section of wall. If this fails attempt to use it on yourself. This can use more charges, but is slightly safer and does not require a monster to be present. In fact, you should make sure that there ''aren't'' any nearby monsters, since a [[wand of confusion]] or a [[wand of enslavement]] will cause you to confuse yourself.
Prior to [[0.10]], scrolls of enchant weapon, scrolls of fear, scrolls of holy word, scrolls of torment, and scrolls of vorpalise weapon would only identify when read if they affected something.
*Prior to [[0.31]], monsters could use potions they picked up, which identified the potion.
*[[0.27]] removed much need for identification.
Prior to [[0.8]], wield-IDing [[magical staves]] would only work if the spellcaster's skills exceeded a certain value, much like with weapons now.
: Prior to [[0.27]], all weapons, armour, and jewellery identified on equip instead of when you step on its tile. [[Curse]]s, along with harmful items such as [[rings of teleportation]] and [[amulet of inaccuracy|amulets of inaccuracy]], made blind-equipping items a liability without [[scroll of remove curse|scrolls of remove curse]]. All these items were removed. Still existent items like [[distortion]] branded weapons and [[amulet of faith]] could punish the player if you hadn't properly identified them.
: If you had a scroll of remove curse, you can safely identify most equipment by equipping it. Non-artefact armour and rings were always safe to wear with remove curse. If you didn't mind faith, amulets were safe. Weapons always had a small risk of having distortion, but were otherwise safe.
Prior to [[0.6]] and the removal of the [[Divinations]] school of magic, you could also identify items using the [[Identify]] spell.
*Prior to [[0.23]], all monster equipment didn't identify on sight.
*Prior to [[0.16]], wands did not automatically identify when picked up and the brand of weapons wielded by monsters did not identify on sight.
*Prior to [[0.15]], most jewellery would not fully identify when worn, and scrolls of identify could occasionally affect multiple items.
*Prior to [[0.14]], scrolls of curse weapon, armour, and jewellery could be found which would curse a random equipped object of that type. These scrolls are now obtainable only through [[Ashenzari]], and are therefore always identified. Also, weapons, wands, and scrolls would fully identify when used, some [[background]]s started with knowledge of items they did not possess, and potions of blood and porridge were not pre-identified.
*Prior to [[0.10]], scrolls of enchant weapon, scrolls of fear, scrolls of holy word, scrolls of torment, and scrolls of vorpalise weapon would only identify when read if they affected something.
*Prior to [[0.8]], wield-IDing [[magical staves]] would only work if the spellcaster's skills exceeded a certain value, much like with weapon enchantments.
*Prior to [[0.6]] and the removal of the [[Divinations]] school of magic, you could also identify items using the [[Identify]] spell.
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 13 March 2024

Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Some items have unknown properties, which can be revealed by identification. For example, you won't know what a murky blue potion does or what a glowing short sword is until they are identified. A scroll of identify is the easiest way to check some items, but there are a few other methods as well.

Press \ for a list of items already identified. While viewing the list, the command - will toggle the view to items you have not yet identified.

Potions & Scrolls

Potions and scrolls are either unidentified or identified. Unidentified potions/scrolls are in blue text and have vague descriptors, such as a scroll labelled README, or a green potion. Identified items aren't in blue text, and their names tell you what the item does, e.g. scroll of teleport or potion of curing.

Identifying a potion or scroll will reveal its "true", identified type for the rest of the game. So if you identify a green potion as a potion of curing, all green potions you come across will be revealed as potions of curing.

The most common ways to identify potions and scrolls are as follows:

  • Using a scroll of identify on the potion or scroll.
  • All potions and scrolls are identified when used, even if they didn't do anything.

Using an unknown item "blind" will let you identify it faster, but it generally wastes the item you just used. This can be a good thing, since an identified item can help you survive a situation you otherwise would've died in. In any case, some amount of blind use is practically required. This is because scrolls of identify are initially unknown too, meaning you'll have to blind read until you reveal scrolls of identify in the first place.


Reading unknown scrolls can be dangerous, because some scrolls have negative effects. At the same time, you'll want to maximize the positive effects of the scrolls you do read. If you want to optimize blind reading, you should:

  • Be on an unexplored level, standing directly on the stairs leading to a clear level.
  • Make sure that no monsters - allied or hostile - are in your line of sight. This way, you won't blow yourself up with a scroll of immolation.
  • You carry at least one enchantable weapon, preferably one you want to brand or replace the brand of. This makes the most out of enchant weapon and brand weapon.

Also, you should test the most numerous unknown scrolls you have first. Usually, you'll be more likely to identify common scrolls, such as identify and teleport.* In addition, you'll have more copies of that scroll available to use. (If you read a scroll you have 5 copies of, after reading, you'll have 4 copies of a potentially useful scroll. If you read a scroll you only have 1 copy of, you've identified the scroll, but now you have no copies of that scroll - not very helpful!)

These conditions can be adjusted as your knowledge improves. If you've already identified scrolls of revelation, then you don't need to use scrolls on an unexplored level. If you've identified most scrolls, you might want to stop blind reading, since you're likely to 'waste' a rare scroll.

If you are in an emergency situation, and have nothing better to do, you can read unknown scrolls in hopes that the scroll will help. Depending on what you've identified, you may want to drink unknown potions instead.

(*It depends on how you found the scrolls. If you find 1 copy of a scroll somewhere, and then find the another copy of the same scroll elsewhere, it's more likely to be a common scroll. But if you find 2-3 copies of a scroll in the same tile, it is no more likely to be a common scroll than usual. This also applies to potions.)


Some potions also have dangerous effects. The conditions to safe blind-quaff aren't as dangerous, though. To safely blind-quaff:

  • You should quaff unknown potions when there are no monsters in sight (and no monsters are nearby).

Like scrolls, when blind quaffing, you should test the most numerous potions. The two most common potions, potions of curing and potion of heal wounds are quite useful to know.

It's worth noting that potions are somewhat more risky to blind-use than scrolls, since potions of mutation exist. Potions of mutation can give you terrible mutations, such as teleportitis or No Unsafe Scrolls. Therefore, some players may avoid blind-quaffing potions entirely. Note that, in an emergency situation, getting a bad mutation doesn't matter at all; don't be afraid to blind quaff if you have no other options.

Emergency Use-ID

If you are in danger and have nothing better, it's generally better to drink unknown potions than scrolls. Consider the following list:

  • Scrolls that can often help win/escape fights: Teleportation, blinking, fear, summoning/butterflies.
    • If you aren't adjacent to any foe and have a ranged attack: immolation, poison.
  • Potions that can often help win/escape fights: Curing, heal wounds, might, haste, lignification, invisibility, berserk rage.

For most characters, there are more potions that help you resolve danger than scrolls. However, this can change depending on what you've identified. If you've already identified many types of emergency potions, then scrolls become better.

Other ways to ID

The following are less common ways to identify potions and scrolls:

  • Any items your background starts with are automatically identified.
  • If you buy an item from a non-antique shop, then it will be identified.
  • Ashenzari will identify all items on sight once you reach 1* piety.
  • Certain pre-generated vaults may come with items already identified. For example, there is a faded altar vault with a scroll of immolation on top of it. If you come across this specific vault, then upon seeing the vault, you'll automatically identify scrolls of immolation for the rest of the game.
  • If there is only 1 unidentified item of a type (i.e. you find the last unidentified potion or scroll), it will be identified for you on sight.

All Other Items

Each individual piece of equipment (armour, weapons, jewellery) is identified immediately and completely when you occupy its tile (or when you buy the item). Each instance of a gear item needs to be identified: if you identify an artefact whip, you won't automatically identify other artefact whips.

Wands are also identified when stepping on their tile. After identifying a wand, all other wands of that type are identified immediately on sight.

All monster equipment, including wands, are fully identified on sight.


  • Prior to 0.31, monsters could use potions they picked up, which identified the potion.
  • 0.27 removed much need for identification.
Prior to 0.27, all weapons, armour, and jewellery identified on equip instead of when you step on its tile. Curses, along with harmful items such as rings of teleportation and amulets of inaccuracy, made blind-equipping items a liability without scrolls of remove curse. All these items were removed. Still existent items like distortion branded weapons and amulet of faith could punish the player if you hadn't properly identified them.
If you had a scroll of remove curse, you can safely identify most equipment by equipping it. Non-artefact armour and rings were always safe to wear with remove curse. If you didn't mind faith, amulets were safe. Weapons always had a small risk of having distortion, but were otherwise safe.
  • Prior to 0.23, all monster equipment didn't identify on sight.
  • Prior to 0.16, wands did not automatically identify when picked up and the brand of weapons wielded by monsters did not identify on sight.
  • Prior to 0.15, most jewellery would not fully identify when worn, and scrolls of identify could occasionally affect multiple items.
  • Prior to 0.14, scrolls of curse weapon, armour, and jewellery could be found which would curse a random equipped object of that type. These scrolls are now obtainable only through Ashenzari, and are therefore always identified. Also, weapons, wands, and scrolls would fully identify when used, some backgrounds started with knowledge of items they did not possess, and potions of blood and porridge were not pre-identified.
  • Prior to 0.10, scrolls of enchant weapon, scrolls of fear, scrolls of holy word, scrolls of torment, and scrolls of vorpalise weapon would only identify when read if they affected something.
  • Prior to 0.8, wield-IDing magical staves would only work if the spellcaster's skills exceeded a certain value, much like with weapon enchantments.
  • Prior to 0.6 and the removal of the Divinations school of magic, you could also identify items using the Identify spell.
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