Wisp Form

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Version 0.12: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Wisp Form is one of the bad forms that can happen when the player character is polymorphed. It has the following characteristics:


  • +10 AC
  • Unarmed Combat base damage set to 5
  • rF++
  • rC++
  • rElec
  • rPois
  • Non-living holiness (Torment immunity)
  • rRot
  • rN+
  • rCorr
  • rAcid+++
  • Insubstantial (rSticky, rPetrify, immune to constriction, Shatter)
  • Good stealth bonus (same as Spider Form)
  • Tiny size (like Spider Form), with an appropriate increase in EV
  • Unbreathing
  • Permanent flight
  • Fail-proof conservation


  • You can't use weapons, armour or jewellery.
  • You can't read scrolls or books.
  • You can't and don't need to eat or drink.
  • You can't evoke items.
  • You can't cast spells.
  • You can't talk to allies.
  • Randomly blinks from time to time (10% chance each turn).
  • Sometimes moves as if confused, although won't bump into walls or into allies (10% chance each turn)


Wisp Form will be added in 0.12.