Special ability
A special ability is a spell-like ability that certain monsters possess. Special abilities are genetic, which means only members of a particular species are able to use special abilities. Silence does not work on genetic abilities.
Common special abilities:
- Breath weapons - Only dragons and those descended from them can use breath weapons.
- Symbol of Torment - Intensely evil abominations, such as curse skulls and curse toes, are able to inflict torment.
- Hellfire - All fiends instinctively know how to use this ability.
Players can acquire special abilities in a few ways:
- Play a race that gains special abilities as they become more experienced (such as tengu or demonspawn).
- Transform into a creature that has a special ability (Dragon Form and other transmutations).
- Mutate yourself via quaffing a potion of mutation, eating a mutagenic chunk, or by worshiping Xom or Jiyva.