Demonspawn mutations

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As demonspawn characters level up, they gain useful mutations due to their demonic ancestry. Demonspawn mutations are semi-random, according to the following rules. A 'facet' is a set of three levels in one mutation:

  • 90% of the time, they mutate as follows:
    • They gain one body-slot facet
    • They gain one tier 1 (scales) facet
    • They gain two tier 2 facet
    • They gain one tier 3 facets
  • 10% of the time, they are "monstrous", and instead mutate as follows:
    • They gain three body-slot facets (claws, horns or antennae, hooves or talons)
    • They have no tier 1 (scales) facets
    • They gain two tier 2 facets
    • They gain one tier 3 facet

Monstrous demonspawn are far more offensive-minded: they have lower AC due to their inability to wear any armour other than cloaks, shields, and body armour, but their claws make them well-suited to Unarmed Combat. Your auxiliary attacks also support close combat.

Here is a list of all possible demonspawn mutations. Note that many of these mutations can also be gained randomly. However, demonspawn mutations are unique in that they cannot be removed by any means. You can check your current mutations with shift-A.

Body-Slot Facets

Monstrous demonspawn develop 3 body-slot facets, while others gain 1.


Improves the damage of your Unarmed Combat fist attacks. Damage rises with rank. Wearing gloves negates the effects of this mutation; at rank 3, gloves are prohibited.

1. You have sharp fingernails.
2. You have very sharp fingernails.
3. You have claws for hands.


Grants an auxiliary Unarmed Combat headbutt attack. Damage rises with rank. At any rank, helmets are prohibited; at rank 3, all headgear is prohibited.

1. You have a pair of small horns on your head.
2. You have a pair of horns on your head.
3. You have a pair of large horns on your head.


Lets you detect any monsters within a certain radius of you, even if invisible or through walls - usefully, this includes mimics. Any rank prohibits use of helmets, and rank 3 prohibits use of any headgear.
Rank 1: 3 tile radius (including the player). Rank 2: 5 tile radius. Rank 3: 7 tiles, plus gives see invisible.

1. You have a pair of small antennae on your head.
2. You have a pair of antennae on your head.
3. You have a pair of large antennae on your head.


Grants an auxiliary Unarmed Combat kick attack. Damage rises with rank. Wearing boots negates the effects of this mutation; at rank 3, boots are prohibited.

1. You have large cloven feet.
2. You have hoof-like feet.
3. You have hooves in place of feet.


Grants an auxiliary Unarmed Combat kick attack. Damage rises with rank. Wearing boots negates the effects of this mutation; at rank 3, boots are prohibited.

1. You have sharp toenails.
2. You have razor-sharp toenails.
3. You have claws for feet.

Tier 1 Facets (Scales)

Most demonspawn develop scales; monstrous demonspawn do not. Demonspawn may still acquire scales through random mutation, but non-monstrous demonspawn can only get ranks of a scales mutation if it matches the one they would eventually develop later.

Molten Scales

Rank 1: +1 AC. Rank 2: +3 AC, -1 EV. Rank 3: +4 AC, -1 EV, rF+.

1. You are partially covered in molten scales.
2. You are mostly covered in molten scales.
3. You are completely covered in molten scales.

Icy Blue Scales

Rank 1: +1 AC. Rank 2: +3 AC, -1 EV. Rank 3: +4 AC, -1 EV, rC+.

1. You are partially covered in icy blue scales.
2. You are mostly covered in icy blue scales.
3. You are completely covered in icy blue scales.

Slimy Green Scales

Rank 1: +2 AC. Rank 2: +3 AC. Rank 3: +4 AC, rPois.

1. You are partially covered in slimy green scales.
2. You are mostly covered in slimy green scales.
3. You are completely covered in slimy green scales.

Thin Metallic Scales

Rank 1: +2 AC. Rank 2: +3 AC. Rank 3: +4 AC, rElec.

1. You are partially covered in thin metallic scales.
2. You are mostly covered in thin metallic scales.
3. You are completely covered in thin metallic scales.

Yellow Scales

Rank 1: +2 AC. Rank 2: +3 AC. Rank 3: +4 AC, rAcid+.

1. You are partially covered in yellow scales.
2. You are mostly covered in yellow scales.
3. You are completely covered in yellow scales.

Rough Black Scales

Rank 1: +4 AC, -1 DEX. Rank 2: +7 AC, -2 DEX. Rank 3: +10 AC, -3 DEX.

1. You are partially covered in rough black scales.
2. You are mostly covered in rough black scales.
3. You are completely covered in rough black scales.

Rugged Brown Scales

Rank 1: +1 AC, +3% HP. Rank 2: +2 AC, +5% HP. Rank 3: +3 AC, +7% HP.

1. You are partially covered in rugged brown scales.
2. You are mostly covered in rugged brown scales.
3. You are completely covered in rugged brown scales.

Iridescent Scales

Rank 1: +4 AC. Rank 2: +6 AC. Rank 3: +8 AC.

1. You are partially covered in iridescent scales.
2. You are mostly covered in iridescent scales.
3. You are completely covered in iridescent scales.

Large Bone Plates

Rank 1: +2 AC, +2 SH. Rank 2: +3 AC, +4 SH. Rank 3: +4 AC, +6 SH.

1. You are partially covered in large bone plates.
2. You are mostly covered in large bone plates.
3. You are completely covered in large bone plates.

Repulsion Field

Gives increasing bonuses to EV (+2, +3, +4). At rank 3, permanently gives you the effect of Repel Missiles.

1. You are surrounded by a mild repulsion field.
2. You are surrounded by a moderate repulsion field.
3. You are surrounded by a strong repulsion field.

Thin Skeletal Structure

Rank 1: +2 DEX, +25 Stealth. Rank 2: +4 DEX, -1 STR, +50 Stealth. Rank 3: +6 DEX, -2 STR, +75 Stealth.

1. You have a somewhat thin skeletal structure.
2. You have a moderately thin skeletal structure.
3. You have an unnaturally thin skeletal structure.

Tier 2 Facets

All demonspawn develop two tier 2 facets.

Ignite Blood

Actually consists of three seperate mutations grouped together, the first two of which are indistinguishable from the tier 1 mutation:
Rank 1: Grants conservation for scrolls. Rank 2: Grants Heat Resistance 1. Rank 3: Ignite Blood. Whenever you make enemies bleed (whether by inflicting bleeding or just random splashes of blood from strong blows), it creates clouds of flame.

1. You are very good at protecting items from fire.
2. You are resistant to fire.
3. Your demonic aura causes spilled blood to erupt in flames.


Actually consists of three seperate mutations grouped together, the first two of which are indistinguishable from the tier 1 mutation:
Rank 1: Cold Resistance 1. Rank 2: Grants conservation for potions. Rank 3: Icemail. It grants +10 AC and melts away when you take fire damage or cast Fire Magic, but it regrows over time. Icemail also lets you walk through freezing clouds without losing potions or taking damage.

1. You are resistant to cold.
2. You are very good at protecting items from cold.
3a. A meltable icy envelope protects you from harm and freezing clouds.

Powered by Death

This mutation triggers whenever you kill anything that leaves a corpse. Increases your regeneration rate by 100 (same as the spell) for each corpse within (3 * rank) tiles of you. Duration is (8 * rank) + 2d8 turns (Max: 40). All corpses contributing to this effect will rot slightly faster.

1. You slowly steal the life force of defeated enemies.
2. You steal the life force of defeated enemies.
3. You quickly steal the life force of defeated enemies.

Demonic Guardian

Summons one or more friendly demons to aid you temporarily. Only occurs when tension is high, and dismisses them when tension drops. Higher mutation levels require higher tension to activate. This is a bad mutation to have when worshipping Okawaru, especially when you only have one level of it: weak allies will appear unbidden just when they are most likely to be killed, rapidly draining your piety.
Rank 1: Tier 5 (White imp, lemure, ufetubus, or iron imp. Rank 2: Tier 3 or 4 (Orange demon, hellwing, or smoke demon). Rank 3: Tier 1 or 2 (Executioner or balrug).

1. A weak demonic guardian rushes to your aid.
2. A demonic guardian rushes to your aid.
3. A powerful demonic guardian rushes to your aid.


Grants +40 Stealth per rank, while reciprocally reducing LOS by -1 per level, making both you and all monsters less likely to see each other.

1. You are slightly more attuned to the shadows.
2. You are significantly more attuned to the shadows.
3. You are completely attuned to the shadows.


Any monster that attacks you in melee is attacked for ((mutlevel)d6 - player EVP). Blocked attacks don't count, and the attack is subject to monster EV and AC.

1. You are partially covered in sharp spines.
2. You are mostly covered in sharp spines.
3. You are completely covered in sharp spines.

Powered by Pain

If d(Damage) > 2+3*Rank, or Damage > HP/2 ("Ouch! That really hurt!"), you either:

  • regain 3d(2+3*Rank) MP. (50% chance)
  • get a Might effect (25% chance)
  • get an Agility effect (25% chance)
1. You sometimes gain a little power by taking damage.
2. You sometimes gain power by taking damage.
3. You are powered by pain.

Foul Stench

The foul stench tier has three levels. In the first you gain Saprovore mutation. In the other two you obtain the first and second level of Foul Stench proper.

It has a 33% chance per level chance to cause sickness when attacking an adjacent square monster in melee. When you do a strong melee attack, there is also a 20% chance per level you may cause miasma to appear over the monster. It also provides rRot 1, which provides rot resistance similar to a ghoul or unsatiated vampire.

1. You emit a foul stench, and are resistant to rotting and decay.
2. You radiate miasma, and are resistant to rotting and decay.

Source: source/ and learndb..

Tier 3 Facets

All demonspawn gain one tier 3 facet.

Hurl Hellfire

Actually consists of three seperate mutations grouped together, the first two of which are indistinguishable from the tier 2 mutation:
Rank 1: Grants conservation for scrolls. Rank 2: Heat Resistance 1. Rank 3. Lets you hurl Hellfire as an ability, but it costs 25% of your max HP. Damage is far greater than monster hellfire: it depends on XL, but at XL27 it does 6d28 damage, as compared to 3d15 or 3d20 for monsters. Like monster hellfire, it ignores AC and rF+, but not hellfire resistance.

1. You are very good at protecting items from fire.
2. You are resistant to fire.
3. You can hurl blasts of hellfire.

Passive Freeze

Actually consists of three seperate mutations grouped together, the first two of which are indistinguishable from the tier 2 mutation:
Rank 1: Cold Resistance 1. Rank 2: Grants conservation for potions. Rank 3: You passively cast Freeze on any monster that attacks you in melee. Like the spell, this always hits.

1. You are resistant to cold.
2. You are very good at protecting items from cold.
3. A frigid envelope surrounds you and freezes all who hurt you.


Gives you +10% max HP per rank.

1. You are robust.
2. You are very robust.
3. You are extremely robust.

Negative Energy Resistance

The first two ranks grant increasing resistance to negative energy. The third rank grants Stochastic Torment Resistance (you have a 50% chance of negating damage from a torment).

1. You resist negative energy.
2. You are quite resistant to negative energy.
3. You are somewhat able to resist unholy torments (1 in 2 success).


Each level gives a spell enhancement and slaying bonus that kicks in at high HP. Bonuses are equal to max(0, ceiling(mutlevel*(2*hp - maxhp)/maxhp))*(0.4*spell power + 4 slaying), so you become more powerful at higher levels of HP.

1. Your magical and physical power is slightly enhanced as your life falls.
2. Your magical and physical power is enhanced as your life falls.
3. Your magical and physical power is greatly enhanced as your life falls.

Source: source code and Henzell's


In 0.13, a new tier 2 mutation called Mana Shield will be added. Level one gives guardian spirit, level two gives increased mana regeneration rate, level three lets mana regenerate in place of health at low mana.

0.12 makes Augmentation kick in at high HP instead of low HP.

Prior to 0.11, magic resistance was available as a Tier 2 facet.