Water nymph

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Version 0.14: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

For a list of merfolk monsters, see list of merfolk.

water nymph mWater nymph.png
HP 37-64
HD 10
XP 670
Speed 10
AC 4
EV 13
Will 93
Attack1 12 (touch: drown)

Resistances rDrown, rWater
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Amphibious
Intelligence Normal
Uses Starting equipment
Open doors
Holiness Natural
Size Medium
Type water nymph, water nymph
Flags Actual spells
A strikingly beautiful and capricious nature spirit, deeply bonded with the waters in which she lives. Wherever they flow, so may she, and ponds and rivers surge and leap at her whim. Beware, for many unwitting adventurers have found themselves drawn beneath her waters by a simple touch, only for it to become their final resting place.

“Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.”
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975.

Useful Info

Water nymphs are amphibious creatures which force their prey into water before drowning them. They can deal heavy smite-targeted asphyxiation damage with their magic to any creature standing in water, and have a passive one-tile aura of water which follows them around (though it takes it some time to catch up). They are found in the Shoals.


Spell set
Slot1 Waterstrike (3d17)
Slot2 Waterstrike (3d17)
Slot3 none
Slot4 Waterstrike (3d17)
Slot5 Waterstrike (3d17)
Slot6 none

Tips & Tricks

  • Like most of the inhabitants of the Shoals, they can't see invisible. Mephitic Cloud also disables their magic nicely. Flight will protect you from the risk of stumbling due to their water aura, but their Waterstrike spell can still affect you.
  • Water nymphs can only deal significant damage to you if you're in the water, and even a normal speed character can retreat from them, reaching dry land long enough to take an attack before the water catches up. So long as you have a safe, clear area to retreat to, feel free to backpedal until you've defeated the nymph. Don't attempt this into unexplored territory, however.


Water nymphs will be added in 0.14