Starcursed mass

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Version 0.30: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
starcursed mass XStarcursed mass.png
HP 99-200
HD 12
XP 1337
Speed 10
AC 10
EV 0
Will 100
Attack1 16 (touch: plain)

Resistances rPois+++
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Land
Intelligence Animal
Uses Uses nothing
Holiness Non-living
Size Giant
Type starcursed mass, starcursed mass
Flags See invisible
A mass of stellar detritus that glows with the sickly putrescence of a dying star, forever shrieking soundlessly in a voice beyond mortal grasp. Its form quivers and undulates constantly, dividing spontaneously and then withdrawing when threatened. While the voice of even a single one is unsettling, in chorus, their screams can overwhelm the minds of even the bravest warriors, leaving them stunned and helpless.

“Did you see that star go out?
I seen it burn.

That little star went out,
your little eyes went out.

Our burnt little dreams are hid
up where the stars get lit.”
-Thee Silver Mt. Zion, “I Built Myself a Metal Bird”. 2010.

Useful Info

Starcursed masses are the Lovecraftian equivalents of slime creatures, with two unique mechanics. They can be found in the Abyss.

Starcursed masses can combine and divide randomly. A combined starcursed mass has more HP, but otherwise share the same stats. It displays no sign that it is combined (unless the XP boost happens to increase its threat level). On their own, these monsters tend to divide, but if struck they will regroup.

In addition, starcursed masses have a shriek ability. If you have line of sight to at least one, you can be hit for 2 + 1d5 + 1d(1.5 * #_masses) AC-ignoring damage.[1] If there are 5 or more masses in sight, you also have a 33% chance to be paralysed for 1 turn. If there are 7 or more masses in sight, you instead have a 50% chance to be paralysed for 2 turns. Combined masses are treated as one monster for the purposes of shrieking.

Tips & Tricks

  • Using area-of-effect attacks, like Fireball, will force starcursed masses to regroup. AOEs also deal high damage, since you get to hit multiple targets at a time.


  • Prior to 0.30, starcursed masses had fast regeneration.
  • Prior to 0.17, starcursed masses' shrieking did not affect monsters with mindless or insect intelligence.
  • Starcursed masses were added in 0.12
