Ball python

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Version 0.32: This article is up to date for the latest stable release of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

For a list of all snakes, see list of snakes.

ball python SBall python.png
HP 2-5
HD 1
XP 1
Speed 12 (swim: 60%)
AC 0
EV 11
Will 0
Attack1 3 (bite: plain)
Attack2 1 (constrict: crush)

Resistances rDrown
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat Amphibious
Intelligence Animal
Uses Uses nothing
Holiness Natural
Size Medium
Type snake, ball python
Flags Cold-blooded
A small snake that can augment its bite by constricting small creatures.

“The latter lived in the country, and before his house there was an oak, in which there was a lair of snakes. His servants killed the snakes, but Melampus gathered wood and burnt the reptiles, and reared the young ones. And when the young were full grown, they stood beside him at each of his shoulders as he slept, and they purged his ears with their tongues. He started up in a great fright, but understood the voices of the birds flying overhead, and from what he learned from them he foretold to men what should come to pass.”
-Pseudo-Apollodorus , _Library and Epitome_, 1.9.11. circa 150 BC.
trans. Sir James George Frazer, 1913.

“A snake, with mottles rare,
Surveyed my chamber floor,
In feature as the worm before,
But ringed with power.”
-Emily Dickinson, “In Winter In My Room”. circa 1860.

Useful Info

Ball pythons are fast snakes found in the early Dungeon. While weaker than a hobgoblin or quokka, ball pythons can constrict you with their attacks. Constriction has a chance to prevent you from moving, lowers evasion, and deals minor damage every turn.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ball pythons are weak and frail, but if they manage to constrict you, you'll start taking damage quickly. Try to kill them fast, and try not to fight them around other monsters.
    • Large species (Armataur, Naga, Oni, Troll) are too big to be constricted by a ball python, so these species have little to fear.


  • In 0.33, ball pythons will be nerfed. Their attacks will deal 3 damage instead of 2, and their EV will be lowered from 11 to 9.
  • Prior to 0.27, ball pythons dealt 1 less damage in melee.
  • Prior to 0.25 you could create your own ball pythons with the Sticks to Snakes spell.
  • Prior to 0.10, ball pythons were known as small snakes, and had a weak poisonous bite instead of a constriction attack. Also, they were tiny sized.