Potion of attraction

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Version 0.26: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Potion
Name Potion of attraction
Icon Potion of attraction.png
An enchanted beverage that forced all monsters you see to become (fatally) attracted to you for several turns.

Quaffing a potion of attraction will pull all monsters towards you for several turns. Every turn, monsters will be pulled 3-ish tiles closer.


Being able to forcibly pull monsters towards you can serve a variety of different purposes:

  • Pull monsters into clouds or other areas of effect to maximize their impact.
  • Pull sleeping monsters towards your stealthy stabber: the forced movement from this potion does not wake them up.
  • Combines well with (vampiric) Axe Magic, Wereblood, and sources of haste and might. For the particularly bold, that means berserking.
  • Pull ranged enemies, e.g. centaurs, fauns, satyrs, and merfolk javelineers, next to you. This works especially well against deep elf archers, who like to blink around.
  • If you are stuck in Tree Form, the potion can help you fight monsters with polearms.
  • Attraction affects allies too, which can be useful if your character is faster than your summons. Necromancers can use the potion to drag a crowd of slow zombies into fights.

Do note that the attraction effect may last longer than you desire. If you are unable to kill off all the monsters you pull towards yourself, you can quickly end up surrounded with reinforcements constantly being pulled towards you. Reading a scroll of teleport will get you breathing room, and the effect can be cancelled by quaffing a potion of cancellation.
